Regardless of whether it's Rose Monday or just like that, it's always good to have a few funny sayings about Mardi Gras and Carnival. The time of fools begins on February 8, 2018 and everyone who misbehaves will be targeted. Therefore, you should always have the right saying and the right words on your lips for every occasion. Here we have collected the best 40+ quotes, poems, funny rhymes and begging sayings for kids. You can not only learn the sayings by heart or write them down for yourself on Rose Monday, Ash Wednesday or during Carnival, but you can also print them out and send them as nice cards and give them away. In addition, the images with quotes we design can be easily sent online with just one click.
Carnival is a celebration of society and has a social function. Originally, various customs were devised to pass the time in winter. This is how many funny carnival customs came into being, which now play an important role in local patriotism, especially in the cities of Cologne, Mainz and Düsseldorf. In the Time of Fools, citizens can rebel against the prevailing order and norm. This year the carnival starts on February 8th and the highlight is celebrated on Rose Monday, February 12th. Starts on Ash WednesdayLentand order is restored.
Send sayings
At carnival people laugh, at carnival people joke. So humor shouldn't be missing. That's why carnival sayings are a great way to make friends and family laugh at regular intervals throughout the carnival season. Be it in the middle of a normal conversation or sent specifically via Whatsapp or other apps - carnival sayings will always be well received!
30 sayings about carnival and carnival
Carnival or Mardi Gras is the name given to the fifth season of happiness and exuberance. This includes laughter and humor, which you can quickly learn with the help of a fewnice words and sayingscan do magic on people's faces during carnival. In search of suitable short verses and one-liners, we have collected the best 30 quotes and carnival poems here. There are also funny begging sayings for the children, because in some German provinces children walk through the streets and beg for sweets at the front doors, similar to thisfor Halloween. (you can find it hereSayings for Halloween)
Quotes, songs and poems for carnival
It's not just carnival sayings that are well received. Get really creative and come up with a few rhymes. A funny poem is of course best suited to the topic. Don't you like writing? Then use a ready-made one, like the carnival poem in the picture above. It is guaranteed to bring joy and is a wonderful idea for carnival greetings.
Rose Monday
Formulating Rose Monday sayings in a funny way doesn't have to be difficult. Try to find your own words. After all, you know the person you want to greet best. Fans of this big festival will be happy to receive any greetings for Carnival. They are not only great for Rose Monday. You can also make them smile on any other day of the carnival week.
Anti Carnival
Anyone who loves carnival more than anything and can hardly wait for it to begin every year, there are actually people who don't think anything of this festival and simply find it too silly. Do you also know someone like that? You can still send carnival sayings, but in this case you simply choose anti-carnival sayings. In the end, such carnival greetings have the same effect as all the other carnival sayings: they lift your mood and sweeten the day.
Carnival means fun everywhere
Funny carnival poems
Carnival is coming soon!
Lots of fools at carnival
Dance, dance and dance again for carnival!
Drop the masks
Funny carnival saying about men and women
Funny costume idea for men
Anti carnival saying to send
Quote from Schiller about carnival
You can recognize us by our mask
Poem by Theodor Stor for the carnival
Carnival is an annual stress reliever
Carnival: The most important event in February!
In high spirits
A festival of the people - quote from Goethe
Poem for Ash Wednesday
Song lyrics about carnival
Carnival is... - Funny rhymes as a carnival greeting
At carnival the fool is a king
It's fun at carnival
Ash Wednesday and Rose Monday
Poem for Rose Monday
Best regards!
Greetings for Ash Wednesday
Greetings for carnival
Kölle Alaaf!
Greetings to Düsseldorfers
Wish you a fun carnival
Atmospheric Whatsapp greetings for the carnival season
Anti carnival
The only good thing about Carnival in Cologne
Greetings to everyone who doesn't like carnival
I only like “Helau” by Nirvana
Carnival greeting for northern Germans who don't like carnival
Carnival is almost over!
Northern Germany is closing the borders - funny anti-carnival saying
Begging sayings for carnival for children
I'm a little dwarf
I am a little lion
Begging phrase for a small donation
I am a poor king
I tell you “meow”
I am a little button
There's more here:Carnival sayings for Whatsapp and other messengers