Make your own lanterns for a garden party out of glasses

Are you planning a big event in the garden? Then you definitely need the right decorations for it, although lighting also plays a very important role and should not be neglected. Today we will give you a few ideas on how you can create beautiful lanterns for your garden party. All you need is a few jam or pickle jars, sand, pebbles, ribbon, flowers, tea lights or pillar candles and possibly some thin wire for hanging. This beautiful decoration idea is also very cost-effective, isn't it?

The jam jars can be redesigned very quickly and easily. Tie flowers and beautiful ribbons around the neck of the glasses or fill thatWaste glass with sandor pebbles. Just don't fill it too high because the candle has to stay inside the glass so that the wind can't blow it out. Use painter's tape to make precise lines between the different colors. Beautiful motifs can be conjured up on the glass surface using stickers and spray paint.

These variants can perfectly complete any table decoration, but they would create an even more beautiful ambience in the garden if hung on branches or on the fence. To do this, you simply have to knot a thin wire around the glasses and then hang them on ropes. Check out the great examples below and get inspired!