40 coffee sayings & facts about the hot drink to make you laugh and as a greeting for friends

It is considered a miracle drink and stimulant that most people cannot do without. Its taste is good, it cheers you up and is the ideal “journeyman” in the office, at a meeting with your best friend or freshly prepared early in the morning with a relaxed breakfast. So it's no wonder it's so popular. And how about greeting someone with an appropriate thought about it? Everyone knows that one person who absolutely cannot live without it and for whom the drink is the be-all and end-all. Maybe there are also some sayings about coffee that suit you? Whatever purpose you are looking for coffee sayings for, whether as a greeting, as a joke or because you just want to smile, you are sure to find the right one in our gallery.

Funny coffee sayings and interesting facts

We also have some interesting facts related to the topicabout the delicious drinkfor you. Even if you're not keen on it and would ratherrely on substitute drinks, the information will be interesting. Read them through and feel free to share them with others.

More than just 2 types of coffee

Although most consumers are only aware of the two types of coffee: Robusta (from West Africa and Southeast Asia) and Arabica (from Colombia, Brazil, Kenya and Ethiopia), as these are commonly used to make coffee, it is interesting to know that There are actually more than 50 different varieties.

Coffee sayings – coffee equals cherry?

Yes, that's really true. The coffee bean is actually the seed of the red cherry that grows on the coffee tree. What's also interesting is that this cherry actually tastes very delicious. There the seed, sothe coffee bean, but is much more sought after, the fruits themselves fade into the background and are not offered in stores like other exotic fruits are today.

Who discovered coffee?

It is believed that the coffee beans were discovered by a goatherd from Ethiopia. He noticed that his goats always became very lively after eating the coffee tree. So he decided to try them out as well. And this is said to have happened in the 9th century. However, whether the story is really true cannot be confirmed 100% percent. Coffee then reached the rest of the world thanks to the Dutch, who spread it.

Soluble coffee as a modern invention?

Not at all! A scientist from Chicago of Japanese descent is considered to be the inventor of instant coffee. He even patented his invention in 1901. But it stopped there because his instant coffee didn't make a breakthrough. However, in 1908, George Constant Louis Washington developed a manufacturing process on an industrial scale and instant coffee quickly became a popular product. During World War I, the US Army even supplied its soldiers with this type of coffee.

Popular, popular, coffee!

The fact that coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide is proven by the fact that half a trillion cups of coffee are drunk worldwide every year, or in other words: 71 cups per person. Incidentally, the Finns consume the most coffee. The Germans' most popular drink is drunk there on average 3.6 times per day, while in Germany it is around 2 cups per person per day or 150 liters per year. Would you like more numbers to illustrate this? Germans consume 261,650 tons of ground filter coffee, 63,450 tons of whole coffee beans and 48,650 tons of coffee pods every year.

Coffee sayings – coffee ban

Hard to believe, but true: coffee was even banned. In the 16th and 17th centuries, coffee was banned three times in different cultures, sometimes because coffee was seen as something immoral, sometimes for economic reasons. For example, Frederick the Great feared that coffee would be too competitive with local products. Charles II even sparked a rebellion among his people with his attempt to ban coffee.

The most expensive coffee in the world

This is the so-called Kopi Luwak. In principle, these are the same beans that are used to make coffee, except that they go through a slightly different manufacturing process. The coffee cherries are fed to an Indonesian civet and then excreted by her. Since the beans then have to be laboriously collected from the feces and only 230 kilograms are produced per year, the price is also very high at 1200 euros per kilo of coffee or 5 euros per cup.

Coffee is harmful or not?

Coffee has more than 2000 ingredients and they are said to be more positive than previously thought. In addition to the fact that coffee has a detoxifying effect, studies have shown that some substances strengthen the heart and protect against colon and prostate cancer. That will beCoffee loversure to be happy. However, many other habits that coffee consumers combine with the hot drink are harmful, such as smoking, increased consumption of sugar-rich pastries and, above all, stress, which people often try to combat with coffee.

Pictures of interesting sayings

Now that you have learned some new facts about the beloved hot drink, you can move on to our gallery where you will find funny coffee sayings about friendship in German and English. Make someone happy and put a smile on their face by surprising them with a funny saying or using morning thoughts to start the day pleasantly.