Celebrate a funny circus party for your birthday

What is better suited as a topic for a funny party than the circus? Whether children's birthday or simple party for adults - the fun atmosphere and colorful decoration that are typical of a circus party is suitable for every occasion, for every age group and gender and is therefore so popular. And even though you already have some ideas of decoration and possibly also of costumes at the first thought of this party topic, it is an advantage to get a few additional tips and suggestions that are considered and with which you can add your own ideas can. Are you ready to plan to plan? Then take a look at our inspirations below, which will help your party to have a huge success.

Incidentally, not only children have fun on this topic. You are welcome to organize a circus party for adults and feel like a child for a day. Of course, the decor, the games and the costumes can also be matched to your age group if you don't want it too childish. Just think about whichthe following ideasYou are happy to take over and which you would rather change. Certainly you will feel inspired after reading and will only be bursting with sheer ideas.

Invitations for the circus party for children

After you have made the first thoughts about the celebration and set the topic, you can start with the invitations. After all, the future guests first have to learn about the upcoming birthday party. And since you have chosen a specific topic, theInvitation cards designed according to the mottobecome. It is up to you whether you are lending your own hand or prefer to use ready -made motifs and designs from the Internet. You can also have invitation cards made for your birthday.

A great idea is to make the invitation like a ticket. Above all, a retro ticket is meant. It should have a rectangular shape and, if possible, the colors of the later decoration so that the guests can adjust to it. On the ticket you then note the reason, the name of the birthday child and also the party motto in a sophisticated way. Of course, don't forget to note the date, time and possibly place.

Another idea for invitations that you can make yourself are such circus tents. They also make a wonderful time to announce the topic of “circus party”. It can be selected between different variants. Perhaps the easiest is to design the front and label the back. Alternatively, a folded card can also be made. The classic variant is just as pretty as a model that can be opened like the two wings of a window. Suitable motifs for the card density are primarily typical circus animals, for which there are numerous templates to print on the Internet.

The right decoration

The choice of decoration for the circus party depends, among other things, on whether it takes place inside or outdoors. Of course, the weather also plays a crucial role if you choose the second variant. Something that should never be missing are of course the stripes that typically adorn the circus tent. Whether you choose the classic in red and white or combine a different color such as blue or green with white depends on the one hand on the taste, but also on the party guests. If the festival is intended for boys, blue or green may be most suitable whileFor a girl partycan also be chosen. Red and also yellow are more neutral colors, which is also suitable for a mixed theme party. If you want it more colorful, just choose three colors.

Inside, the easiest way to get the strips is with the help of curtains. Choose thin and light models and hang them on the ceiling. Stripes from which you make a canopy are also super suitable. The atmosphere in the garden can be really authentic. There you can set up a circus party tent in suitable colors or decorate the frame with suitable curtains. And such a party tent brings with it the advantage that it protects guests even in sudden rain or in strong sun.

If there is not enough space for a lavish party decoration inside, you can also choose a certain wall and set accents there. Use a pennant chain, aircats or other hanging decorations. Subjects are also suitable. And please don't forget the balloons! This wall can then also be used for photos. Alternatively, the dessert table or table with the snacks and drinks can also be set up there and the wall behind it can be decorated as already described to match the theme party “Circus Party”.

Don't forget to decorate the dining table for the circus party! Of course, this also has to reflect the circus topic. Get paper plates and cups in suitable colors (which is the simpler variant) or get in search of such beautiful motifs. Use a suitable tablecloth or such space cakes. Self-made circus animals made of paper, but also small tents, scattered confetti, air tapes or any filled popcorn boxes are suitable as a table decoration.

What are suitable costumes?

The outfit is another element that you should think about. To be more precise, we mean whether you want to demand a costume from the guests or not. You should also mention this in the invitation cards, because if only one person appears to be disguised in the end, it is guaranteed to feel uncomfortable. If you choose costumes, you can also give the guests a list of ideas, but you don't have to. You are welcome to be surprised. All in all, the selection is quite large, starting with the typical circus animals such as the elephant, the lion, the tiger, the camel, zebra or the pony.

The juggler, a circus director, the rope dancer and of course the classic clown, are just as suitable. The magician is also a great idea. Also combine the costume with the right accessories. For example, a lion volume can use a whip or a tire through which the circus animal would jump. With the clown, the red nose should not be missing and a wig can also give the cladding the finishing touch. With the magician, the cylinder and cloak are typical accessories that can be supplemented by a wand or white gloves. All of these figures look even more likeable in the vintage style. And if all variants are represented at the celebration, the atmosphere will be even better.

Instead of entire costumes, a simple outfit for the circus party can also be chosen as in the picture above. A dress for girls or a shirt for boys with suitable circus motifs is completely sufficient to underline the theme party and at the same time to be elegantly dressed accordingly. But even if the children come in simple everyday clothing, it will certainly not bother anyone and the birthday party will still be a real success. If you have designed a wall to match the topic, you can also use it specifically for photos and set up a few elements for cladding there so that everyone can choose something to take pictures. Hats, wigs, huge flies or ties and clown noses are just a few examples of suitable accessories.

Snacks and desserts

A snack that should not be missing at all is the popcorn. Just as it is part of the cinema. Other delicious snacks are the peanuts that used to be given to the elephants, but are now eaten by the guests. Other nuts or breasts are also well suited. Serve tiny sandwiches, documented donuts or hot dogs. These will not only be very well received by the little guests.

A popular dessert is the ice cream, which is often nibbled when visiting a circus, just like the cotton candy. Cupcakes offer the possibility to choose a colorful color for topping in order to pick up the color scheme of the party decoration. And they are also great for quick consumption between the party games and as a replacement for the birthday cake. If you want, you can make it even easier and bake simple muffins instead of cupcakes, for which you simply use pretty paper shapes and in this way replace the colored topping cream.

With all of these less healthy snacks, the children should be able to grab something healthy when eating. Therefore, fruit and vegetables are a must on the table. Now you may think that none of the children will eat, but don't be so sure. On the one hand, there are a lot of children who like fruit and vegetables and on the other hand it also fully depends on how they are served. On the one hand, you can take vegetables as an ingredient for the sandwiches. A few slices of cucumbers and tomatoes are certainly well received here. Fruit can in turn be part of the dessert. Decorate the cake or muffins with grapes, blueberries, raspberries or what else has its season. Furthermore, fruit and vegetables bring the advantage that funny pictures can be put together with small bumps in order to make the healthy food attractive to the little ones. A clown face, for example, is perfectly suitable. Maybe you will also get a few animal faces? Experiment them and do themFunny party dinner with fruit and vegetableshimself


Perhaps the best part for the children during the circus party are the games. And here too there are sufficient that match the topic of the birthday party. Throwing rings is just one of them. You also prepared this game quickly and easily. You only need a few glass bottles, rings that fit around the bottle necks and can be made of plastic as well as cardboard and a box in which you place the bottles. Of course, the game can also be manufactured in other ways. Fantasy is required here.

Other suitable games are can throwing, sack hopping or balancing plates on a wooden stick. Whoever lasts the longest wins. From a cardboard box you can make a goal wall in the form of a circus animal and older children can also burst on a wall with darts. Classic potting is also great and is usually also very popular with the big children. If you want, you can also ensure a small show and inspire the little ones. Get a clown, a magician or an acrobat who shows a few small tricks. Just inquire about what is offered near you.