New Year's Eve Ideas with children: 10 party tips for a celebration with children

After the Christmas days that were definitely stressful for some, the next celebration is on the program. Perhaps the most common question at this time of the year is certainly: What do you do on New Year's Eve? For many families with children, especially if they are still small, it is a challenge to fill the time until midnight and a few hours afterwards with varied content for the little ones. Most of the time you celebrate with the children at home or with friends who also have children. So it is comfortable for everyone, not expensive and everyone has company. If you want a very special New Year's Eve, where everyone has fun, find a few creative New Year's ideas with children and helpful tips.

New Year's Eve ideas with children: The atmospheric decoration

Waiting for children with children can sometimes take a really long time. The little ones are often impatient and quickly lose motivation to wait. You can't just sit quietly and quietly at the table either. You should have prepared spending jobs. However, it is also part of every real partyA cool decoration. In the afternoon, start preparing your apartment together with the children for the upcoming New Year's Eve party. It is easy for them to inspire the little helpers, fill balloons with confetti, inflate them and hang them up afterwards.

Party hats for the little guests

Depending on how old the children are, they can let off steam and part of theCrafts the party decoration yourself, for example party hut. We offer a hat template here and the tinkering can start. The following materials are needed: cardboard, wrapping paper or another beautiful decorative paper, scissors, adhesive tape and elastic sewing rubber. For the girls you can also get a few simple hair tires, tinker small party hats and attach them to the hair tires. Party hats can also be made from cardboard cups by beautifully decorating the paper cups and attaching an elastic thread or a band to the two sides.

Photo boooth for little ones

With a little more creativity, great photo boot accessories can be tinkered and thus record beautiful funny group photos. Creaming beards, party hats and a more colorful background are part of the basic equipment. Depending on how big your and the invited children are, you can make the accessories yourself. There are numerous templates on the Internet that can be used as a template. In addition, the variant always exists to buy it in the party business.

Motto party for children

Children also like to celebrate and like parties, especially when they are exciting. And they definitely think they are exciting and it is really fun. Think about yourselfA nice mottoAnd use your children to make the party accessories with the help of your children. If it is part of the topic, get facial colors and templates, with the help of which the children can design their make-up themselves. Instead of getting individual costumes, you can simply prepare white T-shirts for everyone and maybe a few templates and leave the opportunity to make the cladding yourself.

New Year's Eve ideas with children-balloon countdown

As the parents certainly know, the little ones never have patience and questions such as: "Mamaa, Pappaa, how long does it take until the new year?" can be annoying. A brilliant New Year's idea for children is a balloon countdown and you will no longer hear this question. To do this, they get enough heliumBalloonsAnd label them with your children with the times from the start of the party to midnight. It can be both hours and half. Around the time that stands on a balloon, the children are allowed to burst it. It gets even more exciting when you fill the balloons with confetti.

Surprise bags

In order to make the “long” time exciting for the children until 00:00, you should come up with more than just a surprise. A wonderful New Year's idea with children are five or six surprise bags, which they fill up with small New Year's Eve surprises. On each bag, write a freely chosen time when the respective bag should be opened. The last one is at 11:55 p.m. In each case, put a small activity and the nownestright materials for it. This can be coloring pages with New Year's and Christmas motifs, an exciting cartoon for the evening, a card game or a quiz. In the last bag and perfect for the beginning of the new year, sparklers, bangs, air trusses and confetti belong. The last can even tinker the children themselves.

Make confetti yourself

Confetti are part of New Year's Eve, but they are not something that the children can play with. However, you can make great confetti Popper yourself. For this you need: Push-up Cake Pop containers, colorful paper snippets, Washi Tape and Lametta. Now fill the push-up cake pop container with the small particles. When pushing up, the container bursts through the pressure and it rains confetti. Instead of buying push-up cake pop containers, you can also make a confetti cannon from simple means. A paper cup, confetti and a balloon are sufficient to make reusable confetti anenons.

Party cocktails for children

Of course, the youngest party guests want to celebrate and experience everything like the big ones. On New Year's Eve, it is mainly drunk sparkling wine and fireworks enjoyed. Of course, alcohol and pyrotechnics are not for children, but there are child -friendly variants, for example non -alcoholic cocktails and homemade confetti. You can add the non -alcoholic sparkling wine to beautiful glasses and add colorful gummy bears without much effort.

In addition, the conventional lemonade or mineral water with bubbles can be colored with food colors exotically and if you also give a little syrup for a special taste, something very special results. Here is a quick recipe for colorful lemonade: dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar in 3 tablespoons of water, add 1 teaspoon coconut extract, 1 l lemonade and a few drops of food coloring, mix everything very well and enter them in glasses. It is also important for the children whether a drink or a food looks appealing.

New Year's Eve ideas with children - decorate cupcakes

Even without hot glaze, cupcakes can be beautifully decorated. Simply bake several small muffins in advance and provide schachlik skewers, maybe a few disposable spoons and any edible decoration, such as: various toppings, frosting, sugar sprinkles in different colors, white and brown chocolate hearts, sugar beads. They leave the decorating to the children and their imagination. Before that, you would only have to cover the environment with foil or paper and have an apron for every child.