More and more people are relying on naturalness and environmentally conscious action in the time of rethinking. The careful handling of energy resources is becoming increasingly important and elementary. Starting with nutrition to the design of house, apartment and garden. It is even generated by means of solar energy to take electricity -saving measures in the household, and care is also taken to ensure that drinking water is wasted as little as possible. Electric cars are on the rise and you think more and more about what you can do good for the environment and not controlled them with bad.
Find when choosing the floor coveringsnatural materialsMore and more well and lovers. First and foremost, owners rely on wooden floors, but the trend is towards sustainability. Hardly any other natural product is as clear and 100 percent attributed as bamboo floor. Bamboo grows extremely quickly and can be harvested very often without being damaged. The material is extremely resistant and robust and can be used in the house, apartment and garden in a very diverse way.
Wooden floor is naturalbutnon -sustainable
Certainly, the first choice for natural floor coverings is still very common on wooden floors. In different coloring, properties and grain, parquet floors from the different types of wood are offered and laid. Of course, the material is wood in itself, but it hides a very significant disadvantage. Whether spruce, beech, oak or larch, all of them need countless years in order to be able to reach a stately size before they are finally felled for processing. The reforestation using plantings of offspring can be behind in order to enable new tree cultures to grow back. But the trees don't grow as quickly as wood is needed and processed. The consensus is that more and more forest areas fall victim to a number of clearing so that wood production can run in full swing and deliver. Even special breeds of Nordic spruces, for example, that only need growing up for a few years, are not enough to be able to cover the need for wood worldwide.
To see particularly frightening, the permanent clearing of ancient trees in rainforests around the Amazon is, for example. Thousands of trees are felled there every day to finally be sent worldwide. Not only the tree population there is very endangered, but the entire animal kingdom in this region and also all low plants that enable the ecological balance of the rainforest at all. Because they are completely destroyed in the clearing. The choice of wood from wood is not sustainable and environmentally conscious from an ecological point of view.
The bamboo floor isedeland extremely sustainable
No plant that can be processed as a material for floor coverings and more grows as quickly as bamboo. This natural product shoots up several centimeters a day and is at the top of the list of sustainable products with this property. Bamboo prefers to grow in tropical realms in the Asian region. Sometimes huge bamboo forests grow there, which are so dense that you don't see your hand when you go through, let alone the sky. The bamboo doughs grow a few meters towards the daylight and even after several cuts, the bamboo doughs cannot be impaired and growing on.
As a natural and above all sustainable product, it is the ideal partner for a beautiful and soft -like bamboo floor. There is now a big oneOffer in terms of bamboo parquetOn the market and demand is increasing steadily. Bamboo is also suitable as the basic material for various pieces of furniture. Seating comfort and lying properties can be highlighted on bamboo basic frames. The naturalness and flexibility of this product is not comparable to any other and that is exactly what makes bamboo the absolute leader of natural materials, which can be used with the best clear of ecological principles. The Asians have been appreciating this natural product for thousands of years and still building entire houses from pure bamboo and designing their entire interior with furniture made of bamboo. Tables, beds, chairs, chests of drawers, cupboards, floors and Co. can also be ordered from pure bamboo in this country.
With easy -carePlantembellish
If you want to set it up at home, of course, you can set up every room with suitable plants into a truly green oasis. Plants ensure a good indoor climate and are the absolute eye -catchers in every apartment. They can be very durable and selected and every plant lover can enjoy them every day. Even people with a not too green thumb can green their rooms with suitable plants. Any plant does not even have to be very maintenance -intensive.
So you can, for exampleembellish with a yucca palmwithout having to maintain a lot. The Yucca is one of the most popular plants for living rooms and it is not very often in office complexes. For this one reason: it needs very little care and attention. You have to water them relatively little and can also forget it. The Yucca forgives this and consumes for a very long time from water reserves. Incidentally, she also doesn't care about the location. It tolerates a lot of sun to partial shade and shadow. It comes with little daylight, but logically she doesn't like it without it, after all, every plant needs daylight to grow.
However, the Yucca Palm is very frugal and flexible. In many apartments and offices, Ficus Benjamini trees are very often relatively undemanding. But it once gets drafts vigorously or if you put it into a different room and do not water it regularly, he takes it very badly. His leaves turn yellow, he wilts and finally goes in. Even if it is used again at his old location, it usually recovers difficult or not at all. The Yucca Palme can tolerate more ignorance and lack of interest.