6 Mediterranean plants that are hardy and easy to care for and will permanently decorate the garden!

Do you always want lush flowers in your garden, robust plants and an elegant and exotic look for your outdoor area? There are Mediterranean plants that are hardy and easy to grow. Let these beautiful perennials brighten up your garden for a long time.

Many gardeners love growing hardy perennials outdoors because they add interest and vibrancy to the garden all year round. Mediterranean perennials are an excellent addition to any garden. Check out our favorites and decide to enrich your garden with some of them!

Bitterroot for the garden or balcony

Bitterroot is from the genus Lewisia, which consists of about 20 species of evergreen perennials that are hardy. The plant reaches a height of up to 30 cm and blooms with pretty, colorful flowers in spring and summer. Bitterroot does not like direct sunlight and is well suited for both the garden and the balcony.

The plants are cold hardy enough to grow outdoors as long as they are in a very well-drained substrate. If you are growing them in a pot, choose a ceramic pot. The surface of the soil should consist of clean, coarse sand or fine gravel. Wintering should take place with little water.

Rolling spurge is good for rock gardens

If youMediterranean plantsFor the garden, try roller spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites). This is an interesting perennial native to rocky and grassy areas of southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. It can be a good addition to any garden as it is robust and easy to care for.

The plant reaches a height of only a few centimeters. In milder areas it is evergreen, but in severe winters the leaves can die down to the crown. The flowers are formed on second year stems. Cut old stems down to the base when flowers begin to fade to prevent re-seeding and to keep plants tidy.

Palm lily for Mediterranean flair outdoors

The palm lily (Yucca) is an evergreen, hardy shrub. The height is 2 to 3 m. in height and width and the leaves can reach a length of about 55-60 cm. Its flowers are spectacular, white, on long stems and collected in a complex panicle. The palm lilies bloom in late summer and early autumn. The plant loves the sun and grows in any garden soil, preferring moderately dry to moist, nutrient-rich soil. Very easy to care for and robust.

Mediterranean plants: Pearl basket is bee-friendly

The pearl basket(Anaphalis) ista charming perennial plant native to North America and Asia. It is prized for its beautiful silvery foliage, as well as its white and yellow flowers, which are extremely popular with pollinating insects. These flowers are ideal for cut flowers and look great both fresh and dried. The plant makes a beautiful addition to a rock garden or prairie garden. For best results, grow them in full sun in moist, well-drained soil.

Lavender for exotic elegance in the garden

Lavender (Lavandula) is a popular plant that adds fragrance and gentle beauty to the garden with its bright flowers. The name lavender comes from the Latin word lavare, meaning “to wash,” because it has long been used in baths to cleanse the body and mind. Nowadays it is commonly used in cosmetic products such as soaps and shampoos. The extraordinary plant is also used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

This is a bushy, perennial plant that grows to 1 m tall and bears small blue-purple flowers on spikes with blue-green, needle-like foliage. The oils in the flowers give the herb its characteristic balm-like scent. It is very easy to care for, grows in all types of soil, does not require a lot of water and attracts bees, butterflies and pollinators to the garden. So what better way than to bring this enchanting plant into your garden! Very suitable for planting along a walkway or near a seating area.

The colorful sedum is drought tolerant

Stonecrop (Sedum) is a low-growing plant that blooms with large pink flowers in spring and summer. Onevery easy to care for plant. Plant her in a bright, sunny spot and she will thank you. The flower benefits from moderate irrigation and is easily cultivated in acidic, dry to moderately moist, well-drained soil. The sedum reaches a maximum height of 10 to 15 cm and width of up to 50 cm. Note that good soil drainage is required for good growth. This is an extremely drought tolerant plant. Avoid overwatering!

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