Do you have that one dry spot in your garden that is constantly exposed to sunlight and therefore needs robust, drought-resistant plants? How good that the biodiversity of the Mediterranean region, among other things, has a lot to offer for this purpose. Would you like to have a selection of Mediterranean plants for lots of sun summarized and available at any time?
Both for rock gardens and for the normal garden bed or pot. Mediterranean plants are suitable for pretty much any sunny area in the garden. The only disadvantage: Many of them (but by no means all!) are not hardy or, at best, require winter protection. If that doesn't bother you, you can start planting the garden straight away.
You could raise some of the non-hardy species in particular in pots or boxes on the balcony and terrace and continue to care for them in their winter quarters after overwintering. We introduce you to both garden plants and potted plants.
What you could put in the garden
First of all, you have to equip the garden itself. Before youDecorate the terrace and garden, the beds etc. should be made pretty. To make it Mediterranean, some specimens that have already become standard are suitable - shrub roses, for example.
If you want it to bloom magnificently, daylilies, which thrive in both sun and partial shade, as well as lavender and others are also suitableMediterranean herbal plantssuch as thyme, rosemary, oregano, basil and co.
A perfect tree, thatconveys a Mediterranean flair, is the real cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), which you can shape as desired, although the cylindrical shape is probably the best, so that enough light can reach the lower areas and the plants do not become bare.
Or how about these perennials as Mediterranean plants for lots of sun:
- Below (Inula helenium)
- artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)
- Blauregen (Wisteria sinensis)
- Thorny spurge (Euphorbia acanthothamnos)
- In previous (Entlibuch)
- torch lily (Kniphofia cook)
- golden shower (Laburnum)
- Hibiscus/marshmallow
- Kaiserkrone (Fritillaria imperialis) – darker varieties prefer shade, otherwise flowers will develop a paler color
- Mullein (Spanish)
- snapdragons (Antirhinus greater)
- Natternkopf (Echius vulgare)
- sage (Salvia)
- Sedum
- Forever living
- Coneflower (Echinacea)
- Steppenkerze (A robust desert)
- Wollziest (Stachys byzantina)
- Yucca (Yucca)
Potted plants for balconies and terraces
Things also get really interesting with those plant species that preferkept in potsbecome. They are without a doubt one of the favorites when it comes to Mediterranean plants for lots of sun, because they can be cultivated for years if they are overwintered properly and may also decorate the indoor areas.
Also interesting:Easy-care flowers for the balcony that everyone can keep alive
Mediterranean potted plants that tolerate a lot of sun:
- Agave
- Calla (Zantedeschia)
- Dipladena (Mandeville)
- Drillingsblume (Bougainvillea glabra)
- angel trumpet (Brugmansia)
- gentian bush (Lycianthes rantonnetii); can also be used in the garden as it is hardy
- fig tree (fig tree)
- pomegranate (Pink garnet)
- jasmine bushes (Jasminum)
- laurel (Laurus Nobilis)
- Oleander (Nerium oleander)
- olive tree (European oils)
- Orange (Citrus sinensis)
- Palm trees
- lemon (Citrus×limon) and other citrus plants
- cylinder cleaner (Callistemon)
More compact plants for boxes etc.:
You don't always have enough space on the balcony for lots of sun for the examples of Mediterranean plants mentioned above, because it is often quite small. How about the following plants for oneBalcony with lots of sun?
- Aloe
- fan flowers (Scaevola)
- geraniums (Pelargonium)
- petunias (Petunia)
- African lily (Agapanthus)
- Sedum
- Forever living
- silver rain (Dichondra argentea)
- Lantana (Lantana)
- magic bells (Calibrachoa)
Also read:Fast-growing, easy-care perennials: These species will transform your garden into a work of art!