Fighting ants in the lawn without poison: we'll show you which home remedies really help against the pests!

Ants can be a nuisance and as many have already discovered, fighting them is not always easy! Their small size, large numbers and complicated social structure make controlling the pests a constant battle. However, it is possible to get any infestation under control, although it sometimes requires a little patience and perseverance! Wondering how to get rid of ants in your lawn? Read on to learn the helpful tips and strategies!

Coffee grounds against ants in the lawn

Who knew your morning brew could be the secret toget rid of ants? Ground coffee is known to keep the pests away. Researchers tested three different types of coffee against three species of ants – ghost ants, big-headed ants and pharaoh ants. They found that Arabian coffee had the highest mortality rate against all three species. So be sure to purchase and sprinkle a bag of it for best results.

Mint as a natural remedy against pests

Peppermint is a natural insect repellent. You can plant mint around your home or use peppermint essential oil as a natural way to repel the pests because they hate the smell! You canPests on the lawnCombat by mixing 10 to 20 drops of peppermint essential oil with 0.5 L of water in a clean plastic spray bottle and spraying the mixture on the suspected areas. Allow the mixture to dry and repeat if necessary.

Cayenne pepper helps against pests

Both cayenne pepper and black pepper repel the pests. You hate cayenne pepper, but black pepper works just as well. Find the source of the infestation and sprinkle some pepper around that area. Another solution is to mix some pepper with water and spray the resulting solution on the bugs. The pepper doesn't kill the pests, but it does keep them from coming back.

Try boiling water

Did you know that spilling boiling water on an ant hill can help eliminate the colony? While it's not as effective as bait, it can still help solve the problem. First you need to determine where the hill is. Boil water in your teapot and very carefully bring it to the anthill. Pour it over it until any pests that are inside are killed. Be sure to wear protective clothing when dealing with aggressive ants! Check back a few days later and repeat the process if there are still insects in the mound.

Fight ants in the lawn: lavender

Lavender oil is an excellent repellent to drive pests away from your property. The oil can be used in various ways, such as: B. by rubbing, spraying or sprinkling surfaces with high ant activity. You can also soak cotton balls with the oil and place them on the active areas. The use of lavender oil forDefense against ant infestationis not only effective, but also environmentally friendly.

Lavender oil contains natural, strongly scented elements that repel bugs without endangering other living creatures. The oil does not harm insects and is completely natural. You can use it by mixing one part lavender oil with 10 parts olive oil. Place the mixture in a small spray bottle and apply to the ant trails. Dried lavender leaves repel pests in the same way as oil. Dried lavender can be sprinkled in places that insects frequently visit.

Vinegar as a simple repellent

White vinegar, available in all grocery stores, is a cheap and effective remedyFighting ants. Mix a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it directly on the pests. White vinegar is able to drive them away. It can stop them and other insects from infesting certain areas. The household ingredient blocks ant pheromones so well that the insects can lose control of their walking paths and communication systems. When using vinegar, however, it is important to note that acetic acid can dry out the top layer of the grass.

Diatomaceous earth is environmentally friendly and effective

Diatomaceous earth breaks down the exoskeleton of insects. In food grade it is well suited as a protective agent against pests. This powder consists of the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. Diatomaceous earth's microscopic, razor-sharp edges can cut through the insects' exoskeleton, causing their bodies to gradually dry out. You can control ants in the lawn by carefully sprinkling a thin layer around any areas where you see the pests. Repeat this once a day until all insects are gone.

Fight ants in the garden with home remedies: powdered sugar

Powdered sugar attracts all ants that like sweets, including many types of household and garden ants. Mixed with a little water, sugar is easier for pests to eat. To make a powdered sugar repellent, mix 1 part borax with up to 10 parts powdered sugar in a container with a lid. A small amount of borax is enoughinfluencing ants.

Clearly label the lid “Ant Killer” and keep it away from children and pets. You may be wondering if the borax is harmful to you since you will be eating the vegetables from your garden. The answer is that the amount returned to the soil is so small that it is not toxic. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral also known as sodium borate or sodium tetraborate. It is an important boron compound, a mineral and a salt of boric acid.