Fighting ants in your lawn may seem easy, but make sure you don't destroy your green grass at the same time. Many chemical insect control products can destroy your garden, which just creates another problem for you. This is why home remedies for insects are very helpful and effective without damaging your lawn. How ants live, what damage they can do to your garden and how to deal with them without the use of chemicals are the topics we will cover in this article.
How ants live
Ants are social insects that form large, organized colonies. They build elaborate nests, often containing thousands of individuals. Ant nests contain one, or sometimes several, fertile females, the so-called queen ants. They lay their eggs in specific parts of the nest called brood chambers. Most of the other insects in the colony are smaller females called workers, whose job it is to protect, maintain and enlarge the nest.
There are other ants called soldiers and drones whose job is to find and bring food. Ant nests are very complex structures. They contain nurseries where the larvae are fed and cared for, as well as pantries and breeding rooms. They even build tunnels to help circulate air.
How these insects can harm your garden
Many ants build their nests in or under lawns. They prefer well-drained soil in lawns that do not suffer from compaction. This means that even the best-maintained lawn can fall victim to an ant infestation. But not all of them are bad. They hunt other insects in the lawn, and their nests can help aerate the lawn. However, when the insects dig up the soil, they leave it on the surface of the lawn. These ants can...Affect lawns in various ways:
- They can make your lawn uneven.
- Making it difficult to mow the lawn because the mower blades get stuck in the clods of soil.
- Destroy the grass beneath the clods of soil, especially if the grass is short.
- They also feed on the root zone of the grass as they form their colonies. This can lead to dead grass areas.
- Ants indirectly affect the entire garden:Ants like to feed on honeydew, which comes fromAphids (sucking insects)is separated. To ensure a constant supply of honeydew, the insects protect the aphids from predators such as ladybugs and tend to their ongoing needs. This protection often results in an increase in aphid activity in your garden. This in turn causes plants to be damaged as they are used as a food source.
- Rake out the anthills:It sounds too simple to work, but it is the first and best step to getting rid of ants in lawns. Most ants prefer dry, sandy soils. If an anthill is left lying around long enough, the pile (and the nest underneath) can begin to harden. This protects the nest but also makes it difficult to remove.
- Distribute soap and water:Choose an eco-friendly soap (to protect the rest of the environment, including your lawn) and spray in and around the mounds. Don't make the water too hot (another lawn killer), but room temperature water is fine. By diluting the soap, you reduce the chances of it mixing with your lawn and making life difficult for the insects.
- Sprinkle diatomaceous earth:This gardening staple is made from algae fossils and is a natural insecticide. Ants eat diatomaceous earth, which dries them out from the inside and slowly kills any ant that ingests it. This is a good way to kill the anthill from the inside out, as the insects survive long enough to carry the diatomaceous earth back to the nest. Buy only food grade – Diatomaceous earth used in swimming pools or other chemical systems has a completely different chemical content.
- Use bait:This works in a situation where you don't have small children or pets in the yard. Baits are an obvious choice, and there are even some that are made specifically for use outdoors and in inclement weather. You don't have to spray your garden with chemicals to get theFight insects outdoorsto be able to. The only downside to this method is that if you don't put out enough bait, the swarms of ants can migrate to the other side of the lawn.
Effectively combat ants in the lawn without damaging the grass
If possible, tryChemicals to avoid. Insecticides are not the most effective means of destroying entire anthills unless they are professional quality and used correctly. Chemicals also kill your grass in a short period of time.
- Do not use boiling water:Another popular option that definitely helps reduce weeds.
- Do not use vinegar:Acetic acid can dry out the top layer of grass.
- Do not put soap or water during the day:If you water your lawn with any type of liquid during the day, you will increase the sun's effect on the lawn, causing burns and damage. When the sun is out, the water should stay away!