Even though there are still a few sunny and mild days, you still find yourself drawn indoors and you somehow see the balcony less and less? Then it might just be due to the inappropriate decoration. Instead of looking at the summer decorations and feeling sad that summer is already over, use something autumnal to emphasize the beautiful autumn mood. How could you decorate the balcony in autumn?
Beautify the flower boxes
Let's start with what is probably the most obvious: the faded summer flowers in the flower boxes can (and should) be replaced with beautiful autumn flowers, plants and grasses. Of course, it's best to choose varieties that are particularly frost-hardy and will delight you with their pretty colors until winter. Heather is one of the most popular autumn plants for balconies and terraces, but pansies are also not uncommonBalcony flowers for autumn. Or how about:
- Diamantgras
- Fuchsrote Ass
- Common cotoneasters
- Musk mallow
- Small barberries
- Round-leaved bellflower
- Bush ivy
- White lemon balm
- Meadow sheep gift
- Zimtrose
- Quaking grass
- Dwarf rock pears
Choosing autumn colors, you can further emphasize the autumn mood if you decorate the balcony with flowers and plants in autumn.
Decorating your balcony in autumn – other plant-based decoration ideas
Don't you really feel like caring for your plants for a few more months? Then you can make the boxes winter-proof and instead decorate the balcony with something easier to care for in the fall. How about a nice, colorful oneBouquet of dried flowersthat you display in a vase on the balcony table? Pumpkins are also wonderful and can decorate the outside of the table, side table or window sill in small format (decorative pumpkins). You can place larger models on the floor in groups. And the cool weather means they stay fresh for a long time.
Arrangements can also be made and used for balcony decoration that is weatherproof. There are great and simple craft ideas, but you can of course also buy a finished model. You can also decorate the balcony wall with wreaths ordecorated metal rings/embroidery hoop for example.
Make yourself cozy and cozy
In the late, cold evening hours, you probably won't want to sit on the balcony anymore. However, there are still enough sunny days with mild temperatures that make it quite possible. To ensure that you don't freeze, all you need is a cozy blanket with pillows and any other textiles or upholstery that will not only be useful, but also have a decorative effect on the balcony furniture. They will almost tempt you to go outside.
Decorate your balcony in autumn with candles, lanterns and fairy lights
You've probably already decorated your outdoor area with romantic lights this summer. But if not, now, as the days are getting shorter and shorter, is exactly the right time. Lanterns on the table, lanterns on the floor, fairy lights along the railing - you have plenty of scope to create a romantic atmosphere for the evening hours.
Don't forget Halloween!
Just because you live in an apartment and can't decorate the entryway outside in a spooky way, doesn't mean you can't still set the mood. Not only the interior area can be designed, but also the balcony area. And if the scary decorations are a little higher, passers-by also get something out of it and can marvel at the creativity from outside.
Balcony decoration ideas – make something beautiful!
Homemade is somehow always the best. So how about you come up with something for the balcony area too? We have collected a few DIY ideas for you. They are perfect when decorating the balcony in autumn.
Decorate your balcony in autumn – use a wreath as a frame for a fruit bowl
Get a straw wreath blank and use hot glue to glue corn cobs in a circle shape. You can also add a few ears of wheat here and there. Then place a bowl of fruit in the middle. Or how about filling a bowl with potpourri? You can do thismix materials yourself.
Make a garland out of acorns as a decoration for the balcony
Collect acorns, poke holes through them and paint them any color you like. Glue the “hats” on and use an upholstery needle to thread yarn through the prepared holes. As soon as you have the desired length, you can use it to decorate the balcony for autumn. Hang the garland along the railing or simply place it casually on the table. If you make several, you can also hang them like a curtain from the window or wall. Or hang a single copy from the ceiling. As you can see, the options for decorating the balcony in autumn are numerous.