Autumn flowers for balcony boxes: beautiful multi -year balcony plants that bloom from August to October

Summer is slowly coming to an end. Soon we will welcome autumn. This season has a lot to offer the hobby gardener: the autumn flowers fascinate with different shapes and colors, spray a gentle aroma and offer food for pollecting insects. We list 10 nice several years of autumn flowers for balcony boxes, which delight the eye with their blooms from August to October.

Autumn flowers for balcony box: What you should consider when choosing the varieties

Admittedly: there are countless beautiful autumn flowers, many of them not only make it in the flower bed, but also inBalcony box a good figure. However, when choosing the right balcony flower, you should also pay attention to the respective variety. The following questions are important:

  1. Would you like one -year or multi -year flowers? You can combine both for a stylish arrangement.
  2. Set accents with one or more autumn flowers and then plant grasses and leaf gaps as a gap filler.
  3. Choose small varieties with a compact growth.
  4. If you want to multiply the flowers yourself, you should get detailed advice in the garden center in this regard.
  5. There are many hardy varieties, many of them need additional frost protection such as mulching or laying a layer of leaves.

What are the beautiful varieties of Chrysanthemums for several years and hardy?

Chrysanthemums are probably the best known and most popular autumn flowers. Depending on the variety, the flowering period can extend from August to the end of October. TheAutumn chrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum indicum) are perfect for the balcony box. The winter hardness varies depending on the variety. As a rule, varieties that are planted in the balcony box in autumn need winter protection.

Autumn chrysanthemums “Swifty”:Can stay outside at up to -16 ° C. Achieve a maximum growth height of 70 cm.

Suitable planting partners:Japanese shammyrt, real spherical marant, magic snow and shrub veronics.

Autumn flowers for the balcony: Which varieties violets come into question?

The autumn alpine violet“Cyclamen Hederifolium” is a very compact autumn flower. It can become a maximum of 15 cm. The hardy and winter green has attractive heart -shaped leaves and, as a leaf jewelry plant, cuts a good figure even after the end of the heyday in November.

The horny variety "Funny Face"Not only with a very long flowering period - from May to October (second flower starts from August), but are also with attractive dark green leaves. Thanks to their compact growth shape (they become around 15 cm high and 20 cm wide), the horn violets are the perfect gap fillers in the balcony box.

Suitable planting partners:Knottenheide, ferns, autumn crocuses, autumn timeless

The autumn anemone (Anemone Huphensis) as an eye-catcher in the balcony box: new bee-friendly variety

The autumn anemoneCan reach a maximum growth height of 140 cm. But there are also small varieties such as “Little Princess” that are up to 50 cm high. This beautiful flower has flat flowers and offers food for pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and bumblebees in the cold season. The autumn anemons are usually planted in spring, but planting in September is also possible. When planting in autumn, you should protect them from frost by a layer.

Matching planting partners in the balcony box: Astilben, Fetthennen, Funkien.

Plant sunbrood and enjoy a blossom in autumn

The autumn sun bride is a frost-hard flower that becomes a maximum of 40 cm in the balcony box. Similar to the autumn anemone, it offers plenty of nectar and pollen for bee, bumblebees and butterflies.

On Sorte "Pumilum magnificent"An average of 70 cm high and has yellow flowers. In the balcony box, it can take on the role of the gap filler and set accents. It is the perfect addition to natural flower arrangements.

Suitable planting partners:Veil kisses, grasses

Bee-friendly autumn flowers for balcony box: a compact beard flower variety

The beard flower is a beekeeping trunk that feels comfortable both in the home garden and on the balcony. The height of the growth varies greatly from variety to variety.

Sort “Blue Cloud”Is up to 60 cm high. The flowers exude a sweet aroma.

The beard flower cannot survive the winter on the balcony without frost protection. Cover the potting soil with a layer of leaves so that you can protect it from freezing.

Suitable planting partners:Finger herb, different small varieties of rose

Autumn flowers for balcony box: the dwarf dahlias

If the roses are the queen of summer flowers, then dahlias are the queen of autumn flowers. With their filled flowers, they are also a real eye -catcher in the balcony box. Most varieties are between 100 and 130 cm high, but the dwarf dahlias are possible for kissing. They score with a low and well branched growth. The flowering period extendsUntil Octoberin.

The varieties “Gallerie Singer”And “Arabian Mistery” are around 40 cm high and fascinated with wine -red flowers. The flowers of the “Espee” variety are light yellow and very filigree, the flower is around 35 cm high.

Suitable planting partners:Different varieties, sun hat, sunflowers