Balcony plants and flowers: blooms and privacy

Those of you who have to live in apartments know how important the balcony could be. Even if it is very small, the outdoor space can become an oasis of well-being with the right balcony furniture and plants. Flowers and perennials not only serve a decorative purpose, but can also shield your balcony from prying eyes. In this article you will find out which balcony plants are both visually appealing and practical.

Hanging and climbing plants add a touch of beauty and opulence to any outdoor space. They can be planted in planters and hanging baskets and thrive best in fresh air and full sun. Morning glories, hanging petunias, lantanias, hanging geraniums, verbena, lobelia, nasturtiums and fuchsias are beautiful varieties that are suitable for this. In order for these flowers to continue to bloom and remain beautiful, the spent buds must be removed regularly. Climbing trumpets and wisteria are perfect for larger balconies where larger pots can be placed.

Green plants with a climbing or hanging growth habit look beautiful on the balcony and can shade the railing from view. Ipomea batatas or sweet potato climbing plants are characterized by lush growth with large, heart-shaped leaves in light green or purple-black.

Many types of vegetables can grow well in a pot on the balcony. Cucumbers twine up or down depending on where the planter is located - on the ground with a trellis for vertical growthor on the wallmounted at a height of 1.2 - 1.5 meters to hang from the container. Tomatoes will also grow downward if their container is angled slightly. Cherry tomatoes are particularly easy to care for in this way. Runner beans will loop along and around the railing and even hang down.