Cleaning the balcony floor: This is how you can get it clean again quickly without chemicals!

Cleaning your balcony is essential if you want to keep your outdoor space as clean as possible. Although it should not be cleaned as frequently as the interior, it is still advisable to do it once a month to maintain order. You can find out how you can clean your balcony floor in this article. We propose solutions and natural remedies for every floor covering.

Cleaning the balcony floor – what you should avoid

These tips are helpful:

  • Sweep the dirt into the center of the balcony, scoop it up with a dustpan, and then throw it away when you're finished.
  • To clean the floor of your balcony, you will need a bucket and a mop.
  • A portable wet/dry vacuum designed specifically for outdoor use is a handy tool.

What you should avoid:

  • Stay away from the edges! Under no circumstances should the dirt be swept over the edge of the balcony. This results in the dust being spread all over the lower balcony.
  • Be careful not to use too much water or it may spill over the sides of the balcony. Don't try to pour the muddy water over the edge.
  • A helpful tip: Roll up a few towels and place them around the balcony if you're worried about water spilling over the edge.

Clean the balcony floor without a water connection

Here's how you can get your balcony floor sparkling clean again without a water connection: To clean the surface of the balcony, fill a bucket with water and a little dishwashing liquid and then use either a sponge or a mop. Rinse the sponge or mop in the bucket every now and then to prevent the spread of dirt and other debris.

If you have the device, you can also clean your balcony with a wet/dry vacuum, but that depends on the type of flooring you have. First spray water on the surface of the balcony using the wet function and then switch to the dry function to absorb any dirty water that may have accumulated.

Clean the floor with home remedies

The first thing you should do is clear the area: remove everything from your balcony, including carpets, chairs or plants. This way you have more space to work and can use every part of the balconyclean thoroughly. Afterward, use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove any loose dirt, dust, cobwebs, or debris from the surface of the floor, depending on what type of floor you have. Pay particular attention to the nooks and crannies, as this is where most rubbish accumulates.

To clean the balcony railing, which can become covered with dirt, dust and grime over time, you should use a different sponge or towel. Depending on what material the railing is made of, you can use some dishwashing detergent and water to clean it.

Clean balcony floor – metal or tiles

Metal or tile floors are the easiest to clean because they require the least amount of maintenance. Use a bucket to mix mild dish soap with water. Then start mopping the floor in the farthest corner and work your way closer to the exit. If the grout lines in your tiles are very unclean, consider cleaning them with a natural, homemade grout cleaner - mix baking soda or baking soda with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste and leave it on for 30 – 60 minutes. Afterwards, you should wipe your floor and remove the dirt. Wait for it to dry completely. Once the floor is dry, put everything back in its place.

Clean wooden floors

When caring for a wooden balcony floor, you should pay a little more attention to the cleaning process. Harsh chemicals can destroy the varnish or finish of the wood and speed up the drying process of untreated wood. Instead of buying store-bought floor cleaners, you can make an effective version yourself using common household supplies. Mix the following home remedies into a bucket of water:

  • 60 ml dishwashing liquid
  • 250 ml vinegar
  • a few drops of baby oil (baby oil can be used to care for the wood and also gives it a very subtle shine)

First the floor should be mopped and then you should wait until it dries. You can use baking soda to get rid of stains on the hardwood floor of your balcony. Although it is a natural remedy, it is very effective, meaning it is much better for the environment (and your soil too) than harsh chemicals. To avoid spraying dirty water on your neighbor's balcony, use a mop and clean water for the final rinse.

Clean balcony floor - concrete

Concrete floors are easy to createclean with another agent, which you can make yourself at home. Mix one part bleach with two parts baking soda in a bowl. Use a brush to apply this mixture, but be sure to protect your face with a mask. After about half an hour, wipe the concrete floor with water from a hose or mop.

Remove mold, mildew and green growth with diluted bleach

Bleach is an excellent cleaning agent that should be used for cleaning balconies, especially in areasin which mold, mildew or green growth are present. Dilute the solution with a little warm water, spray it on, and then leave it on for about an hour. Always use extreme caution and wear protective clothing, such as gloves, to avoid skin injuries and burns. After an hour, wash off the solution with warm water to remove any residue.