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Cut the boxwood
You should consider that.
The hedge has grown faster again than you would like? Find out here when the perfect time for the hedge cut is.
Hedges and ornamental wood can be found in many gardens. Here they are mainly used as natural privacy protection. Quite practical, after all, you can save yourself the purchase of a high fence with a hedge.
However, a hedge is also associated with some work. Because as a flowering privacy screen has, the hedge grows higher over time and begins to proliferate. A hedge that grows in all directions not only looks unsightly, you usually also lose the property area. Only one thing helps: a regular cut.
But when is the best time for the hedge cut and how often should I cut the hedge in general?
Also read:
Cutting the hedge: You should definitely consider that
Autumn, especially October, is well suited for a hedge cut. It is important that the cut is carried out before the first frost. In summer, a radical hedge cut is also not allowed to protect birds that breed in hedges and shrubs in spring and summer.
In general, the following applies:Between March 1 and September 30this neither allowed due to the breeding season of the birds to remove the hedge nor a radical pruning. Only gentle form and care cuts are possible. This is what the Federal Nature Conservation Act provides for. There are offsetting up to 25,000 euros, such as theCatalog of fines 2024open.
Reading tip:
From October, a hedge cut is then possible again and, depending on the type of hedge, even quite cheap.If you cut ornamental trees and hedges in early October, the plants still have enough time to recover until winter. A cloudy and dry day is best suited.
By the way, the hedge cut is particularly easy with oneElectrical hedge trimmer, like this from Bosch.*
Alternatively, the hedge cut can also take place in early spring, i.e. around mid to the end of February. A second form cut in June is also possible. In this case you can then let the hedge grow until the next February.
Attention: Even before the form cut, you should always check whether birds or other animals are in the hedge that could be endangered with the cut.
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