Admittedly: the north balcony does not offer the best conditions for plant growth. On the north side, the flowers, ornamental grasses and perennials get little sun. The strong wind causes problems even for the shade-loving species. For many hobby gardeners the question then arises: What actually grows well on the north side? We offer you several suggestions for flowers for the north-facing balcony that thrive in partial shade and shade.
Planting the north balcony: This is what you should keep in mind
Even if the balcony faces north, that doesn't mean it will be in the shade all day long. Observe the area on a weekend and note how the lighting conditions change throughout the day. It is also worth making a sketch of the balcony, because there may be spots that are in the sun longer and others that are hardlyget sunlight. Only then can you get an ideawhich plantswill thrive best there.
It is also important where exactly the north balcony is located. In cities, buildings provide protection from the wind. Even if the balcony is completely open, most shade-loving plants will feel comfortable there. The situation is different in the countryside, where the houses are far apart. Even true survivalists cannot survive there without protection from the wind.
Most flowers and flowering plants that thrive in partial shade will also thrive on the north-facing balcony. The location also has advantages: in midsummer it is pleasantly cool there, the water does not evaporate as quickly even in hot weather. The hobby gardener does not need to worry that the plants will die.
Purely visually you shouldChoose flowers, which bloom in strong or bright colors. This makes the outdoor area appear much brighter and more comfortable. And then it's twice as much fun to drink your coffee outside in the morning and end the day with a glass of wine in the evening.
Which flowers for the north balcony? These plants prefer a partially shaded or shady location
The north balcony is in the shade most of the day. Fortunately, there are a number of flowering plants that cope well with the deficiency. These are, for example:
The geraniumsare true classics. Choose a variety that thrives in partial shade. Most geranium varieties prefer morning sun and then prefer to be in the shade in the afternoon.
The tuberous begoniarequires a place protected from the wind on the north balcony. It also has a hard time withstanding rain.
Alsothe coleus varieties, which can be planted together with the verbena, are ideal for shady locations.
Grows in naturethe spring roseunder deciduous trees. There it gets little sunlight. Popular planting partners for the Lenten rose include violets and ivy.
Flowers and plants that defy wind
The fuchsiascan tolerate the summer wind without any problems. They prefer to be in the shade and are therefore a good choice for a north-facing balcony.
The new onesVerbena varietiesare very easy to care for and durable plants. They hold their own on the windy north-facing balcony.
The clivia (belt leaf)can thrive in the shade. It is easy to care for and can cope with rain and wind.
The astilbe (also known as the splendor):Small varieties that reach a maximum height of 30 cm are perfect for growing in containers. It's best to group the plants together so they can withstand windy conditions.
Flowering balcony plants for the north balcony in partial shade
The purple bellsThey cope with partial shade, mostly need morning sun and then thank you with a wonderful display of flowers.
The Azaleais the perfect shrub for the windy and shady north-facing balcony. The wintergreen dwarf rhododendron is hardy, small in stature and has a very compact growth.
The Balkan cranesbillprefers partial shade, but can also thrive in the shade.The flowering ground coveris therefore the perfect plant for the balcony box.
The Little Periwinkleis a blue-purple flowering ground cover that thrives best in full sun. However, it can also tolerate partial shade and shade well, although flower production decreases.
The pansiescope with a location in partial shade. They will thrive in the shade, but flowering will quickly fade and the flowers will wilt much more quickly.
The autumn anemonesare also good for shady locations. However, they require comparatively more sunlight than other shade-loving balcony plants. The perfect location is in the sun in the morning and in the shade in the afternoon.
The elf flowerscope well with a location in the shade. They can tolerate the summer wind to a limited extent. However, they cannot thrive on a balcony that is very exposed to wind.
The elf spurthrives well in partial shade, but is sensitive to wind and shade.