6 pretty flowers that keep mosquitoes away from the balcony and attract bees

There are different types of lavender in Germany, the best known of which are

  • Crested Lavender – Lavandula stoechas;
  • Echter Lavendel – Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula officinalis;
  • Lavandula angustifolia ‘Early Hidcote’;
  • Lavandula angustifolia 'Imperial Gem';
  • 'Nana Alba' - white flowering and
  • Provence lavender 'Edelweiss' - Lavandula x intermedia 'Edelweiss' are.

Lavender can also be combined with other Mediterranean herbs in a pot. For example, you can make a composition of lavender and thyme, rosemary, sage or mint.

When and how far do you cut lavender? The first pruning takes place in spring between March and April to remove woody or winter-damaged shoots. The shrub is cut back heavily so that it can then grow faster and thicker. After flowering, around the end of August or beginning of September, is the best time for the second pruning. This time you should only cut off the withered inflorescences and not the woody stems.