One of the maybemost beautiful tropical flowersis dipladenia. The flowering plant is now enjoying increasing popularity in Europe thanks to its beautiful funnel flowers. In Germany it can also be found under the names Dipladenia, funnel flower or Chilean jasmine. We explain how to keep, care for and overwinter Dipladenia on the balcony.
Dipladenia (popularly better known by its old botanical name “Dipladenia”) comes from South America, where the wild plant can be found in tropical forests. It was brought to Europe more than 100 years ago and has since found its way into the hearts of gardeners. Today there are more than 100 varieties to choose from that bloom in pink, hot pink or white. Most varieties are not hardy and are grown as annual plants. However, it is possible to overwinter the Dipladenia. An exception is the Chilean jasmine (bot. “Mandevilla Laxa”), which defies low temperatures.
Dipladenia profile
- annual orperennial balcony plant
- Maximum growth height (varies depending on the variety): 3-4 meters
- Planting time: mid-May – mid-June
- Flowering time: mid-May – mid-September
- Location: sunny, shady, in light shade
- Soil: Potting soil, slightly acidic, permeable
- Water requirements: moderate to large
- Winter hardiness: not hardy
Dipladenia on the balcony: planting tips for flower boxes, pots and trellises
The Dipladenias feel at home in pots and flower boxes as well as on trellises and trellises. While playingchoosing the right varietya crucial role. In the garden center you can find both upright shrubs and climbing plants. To avoid any surprises, there are a few things you should take into account when purchasing. Below we answer the most important questions about planting.
- Is the Dipladenia suitable for balcony boxes?Yes, the Dipladenia can be planted in balcony boxes. However, since it can grow very tall, you should specifically ask for a variety for the balcony when purchasing. They are treated with a growth inhibitor and remain low for the first year. In the second year, the effect of the growth inhibitor weakens significantly and the plant can quickly reach a height of several meters. To plant balcony boxes, you should therefore cultivate the Dipladenia as an annual flower or repot it the next year.
Dipladenia in pots, for hanging baskets and pyramids
- Place Dipladenia hanging or standing on the balcony?In the garden center you can also find hanging varieties that are ideal for planting in hanging baskets. By the way, you can also grow these upright in a bucket, but they will then need a climbing aid. They grow very quickly, so you should guide the new shoots through the climbing aid every two to three weeks.
- Dipladenia pyramid on the balcony:The funnel flower is also suitable for planting pyramids. The plant pyramid consists of several levels that you can plant with Dipladenia in different colors. But you can also combine them with other summer flowers.
- What can I combine with Dipladenia?Suitable plant partners for Dipladenia include magic snow, some geranium varieties and ornamental sage.
Balcony flowers: Dipladenia varieties
1. Climbing plant:The “Alice Dupont” variety produces bright pink flowers in spring. It reaches a maximum height of over 6 meters. The flowering perennial needs a climbing aid. The “Sun parasol” variety produces funnel-shaped red flowers. It also requires climbing aid and can reach a maximum height of 4 meters.
Dipladenia as a container plant
2. Potted plant and summer flower for the balcony box:The “Red Riding Hood” variety blooms pink first. The flowers then turn berry red over time. It grows to a height of around 6 meters, has an upright habit and can also survive without climbing aid. The “Chilean Jasmine” variety is partially frost hardy and can remain outdoors at temperatures down to -5° Celsius. The flowers are white and exude a gentle scent.
When can you put the Dipladenia on the balcony?
You can put the Dipladenia on the balcony as early as mid-May after the Ice Saints. However, it is much better to wait a month and put the exotic animal outside around mid-June. Because it can't tolerate cold, wind and rain well.
The right location for the Dipladenialies in full sun or light shade. The summer flower needs at least six hoursdirect sunlightdaily. The Mandevilla should only be protected from the strong rays of the sun around midday. The south and west balconies therefore prove to be ideal. The funnel flower can also survive with less sunlight, but then it is less likely to bloom. Like all tropical plants, it thrives best in places with high humidity and has medium to high water requirements.
Dipladenia cannot tolerate wind
A windbreak is an absolute must because it is very sensitive to cold. It cannot tolerate strong drafts at temperatures below 20° Celsius, which means it quickly collapses.
Dipladenia on the balcony: care
The plant is quite undemanding. You need to water them regularly and generously with lukewarm water. It's best to do this in the evening because then the water doesn't evaporate as quickly. You should definitely avoid waterlogging as it can lead to rot. During the flowering period you need to fertilize the Dipladenia every week.
Cut Dipladenia
During the summer season, you can cut off spent flowers. Pruning is usually not necessary. Only if the flowering slows down after a few years can you cut back the Dipladenia heavily at the end of winter or the beginning of spring.
Can you overwinter the Dipladenia on the balcony?
The Mandevilla is very sensitive to frost and therefore cannot be overwintered on the balcony. If you want to cultivate the Dipladenia as a perennial plant, you should bring it into its winter quarters in September. A winter garden or an unheated room is perfect. Place the plant in a shady spot during the dormant period. Temperatures must not rise above 15° Celsius and fall below 5° Celsius. The Dipladenia can easily tolerate high humidity. So it's enough if you ventilate the room once a week.