20 patio plants for direct sun that can tolerate a lot of heat and drought

Beautiful weather and blooming flowersSouth side of the house: Summer can be so beautiful in your own garden. For the hobby gardener, the question then arises as to which terrace plants are best suited to direct sun and drought. Luckily, there is a large selection of flowers, perennials and ornamental grasses that like it hot and feel comfortable even in the blazing sun of the southern terrace. We have already created a list of 10 patio plants that can tolerate a lot of sun. Now we add another 15 suggestions for patio plants that can tolerate heat and drought.

Terrace plants for direct sun: The steppe candle tolerates drought

The steppe candle (Latin name Eremurus robustus) is a plant that comes from Asia. It reaches a maximum height of one meter and is an eye-catcher in the middleFlower bed around the terracea good figure. The plant can be combined particularly effectively with other ornamental grasses. The plant produces yellow flower buds that attract butterflies and bees to the garden. Good drainage is an absolute must, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

Boden:dry, permeable, but nutrient-rich. You can mix potting soil with sand in a 3 to 1 ratio.

Location: in the blazing sun

Terrace plants for lots of sun: The Wollziest

If you want her sunnyFrame the terrace with plantsthen you not only need flowers and perennials, but also ground cover. For example, the Wollziest is perfect as a border on a raised terrace and creates a seamless transition between the flower bed and a lawn. The plant is popular for its gray-blue leaves. They not only look very effective, but also fulfill an important function and can store water. Remove any yellow leaves before they begin to rot.

Boden: water permeable. Lay a drainage layer and loosen the soil before planting.

Location: direct sun

Plants for the south side of the garden: The iris gets by with little water

You want your southern terrace with youBorder flowers? Then the iris or an iris hybrid is ideal. It stores moisture and nutrients in its roots and grows best in sunny locations with dry soil. Therefore it is a perfect addition to the rock garden. The flower can tolerate heat and direct sun very well.

Boden: rich in clay, dry to moderately moist (depending on the variety, permeable

Location:sunny, warm

Terrace plants for the rock garden: The sedum can tolerate a lot of heat

Hardly any other plant is as versatile as the sedum. It is undemanding, easy to care for and thrives in heat and drought. Therefore, the numerous Sedum species are perfect for the rock garden. The sedum is a ground cover that produces small purple flowers. If you are planting on a southern terrace, it is the perfect gap filler. The sedum is also an option if you want to surround the terrace with plants. In the Mediterranean garden it is planted between the stone slabs andgives the terraceand the garden path a natural look.

Boden: loamy, mixed with sand, definitely dry and loosened.

Location: the sedum needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. A location protected from the wind is best (for example next to the wall of the house)

Plants for terraces in full sun: The cardoon in the vegetable garden

Not only come for the sunny south-facing terraceFlowers and perennials as plantingin question. Certain types of vegetables can also thrive in the blazing midday sun. One such vegetable is the cardoon, which is related to the artichokes. It produces beautiful purple flowers and is popular for its refreshing and slightly bitter taste. If you don't cut off the flowers in the fall, they will stay all winter.

Boden: loosened up, rich in nutrients

Location: full sun, sheltered from the wind

Terrace plants for direct sun: the scabious attracts bees to the garden

The scabious flower comes from Eastern Europe. Its country of origin is Macedonia, but it is also widespread as a meadow flower in neighboring countries. The flower attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. Plant the flowers among ornamental grasses so the blooms can move gently in the wind. The perfect time to plant the flower is spring, just after the Ice Saints. Since it grows quickly and magnificently, you should leave a distance of at least 60 cm between each plant when planting.

Boden: With at least 20% sand content, permeable, dry to moderately moist.

Location: full sun

Terrace plants for direct sun: The honey bush is a sun worshiper for the south side of the house

The honey bush originally comes from Africa and is considered a truly exotic plant in the home garden. It can tolerate heat without any problems and thrives well in the blazing sun during the day as well as in frost in the evening. An important prerequisite for its longevity is to cover the root system with straw in winter. Thanks to such overwintering, the perennial can survive the cold season in Germany.

The honey bush is a beautiful addition to the exotic garden. But it is much more than just an eye-catcher. The leaves of the plant are used to make poultices and creams to treat rheumatism and wounds.

Boden: emaciated soil,

Location: sunny

Terrace plants that tolerate full sun and dry soil: The palisade spurge

The palisade spurge is an undemanding plant and is therefore suitable for hard-to-reach areas. If you want to plant a raised terrace, you can combine flower beds and raised beds. Cut off spent flowers of palisade spurge to extend the blooming period.

Boden: loose, permeable, sandy

Location: The plant thrives best in the sun, but it can also grow in shady locations.

Plants for the southern terrace that defy heat and drought: the wild teasel

The wild teasel gives the garden a natural touch. It is popular for its inflorescences, which visually resemble the flowers of the thistle. Florists dry them and use them as green decorations for flower arrangements and bouquets. But the wild teasel can do much more because it attracts birds, bees and butterflies. It is a real eye-catcher at the edge of a flower bed or in the desert garden. The perennial is characterized by rapid and vigorous growth. The hobby gardener should therefore ensure a plant spacing of at least 110 cm.

Boden: fresh to dry and nutrient-rich. Good drainage is an absolute must.

Location: Locations in the sun or partial shade prove to be optimal. However, the plant needs at least 5 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Terrace plants for sunny locations: The passion flower

This tropical flower thrives best in full sun and is ideal for patios with a pergola or trellis. Passionflower exudes a pleasant scent and attracts bumblebees and bees. Unlike the other plants we have already listed, this flower prefers moderately moist to moist soil. However, the hobby gardener should still be careful not to water the plant too often. Because too much water leads to root rot.

Boden: moderately nutrient-rich, fresh to moderately moist, permeable to water.

Location: A location directly in front of the house wall is best. It protects the exotics from strong winds and offers refreshing coolness in summer and warmth in winter.

Terrace plants for direct sun: switchgrass

Switchgrass is an ornamental grass that thrives particularly well in dry and hot conditions. The “Heavy Metal” variety is particularly popular because the grass turns gold and wine red in autumn. The special thing about this grass is its high adaptability to weather conditions. It can survive dry periods in the warm season as well as rainy weather in autumn and spring. To ensure that the grass grows vigorously in summer, it is cut back heavily in spring.

Boden: moderately dry to fresh. The plant cannot tolerate too much moisture. Their roots do not rot if the substrate is too moist. However, the plant will not bloom at all if the moisture level is too high.

Location: The switchgrass feels particularly comfortable in the blazing sun. She definitely needs protection from rain and snow

Flowers for direct sun: You can border your patio with these sun worshipers

Do you want a display of flowers in the garden and on the terrace, but are struggling with heat and dry soil? Below we list several flowers that are well suited to locations in full sun. Perfect for the flower bed for the raised terrace. When designing, you should ensure that the flowers receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. A terrace on the south side of the house is best suited for this, as the plants can enjoy the midday and afternoon sun.

The iris: The flower is very heat-resistant, is rarely attacked by pests and is fairly easy to care for. The iris blooms for the first time in spring and then again - in autumn.

The Gladiolifeels particularly comfortable in full sun and blooms from spring to the end of summer.

The Tulips: the best time to plant tulips is in autumn. The perfect location for sun worshipers is directly in the sun.

The dahliais a Mexican beauty that also feels at home in the German garden. It tolerates heat and longer dry periods without any problems.

Direct sun annual plants to border your patio

One of the biggest advantages of sun-loving annuals is that the majority of them tolerate dry soils well.

The midday gold, also called Gazanie, gives the garden an additional splash of color and can easily withstand not only heat but also strong winds.

The cape basketfeels particularly comfortable in full sun and blooms all summer long.

The poppyis a summer flower that provides blooms in the flower bed.

The snapdragonblooms in all colors of the rainbow. The “Madame Butterfly” variety is particularly suitable for sunny locations.

The Petuniais another choice for flower bed edge that we recommend. The “Night Sky” variety in particular received a prize.

Perennial plants for dry soils and locations in the sun

Perennial plants have a decisive advantage over annual flowers: you don't have to replant the flower bed every year. These plants are suitable for your flower bed:

The yarrowprefers loamy soil with a high sand content and good drainage. It can withstand dryness and heat, but like all sun worshipers it is sensitive to moisture.

The Kokardenblumetolerates dry soils. Regularly remove the wilted flowers as this will encourage the formation of new flowers. The flower is cut back heavily in autumn and only produces new shoots and new foliage in spring.

The torch lily, also known as rocket flower, feels particularly comfortable in full sun. A fresh to moderately dry soil offers the optimal conditions for their rapid growth. The exotic is hardy and can tolerate damp soil well in winter if you lay a drainage layer made of expanded clay. Only waterlogging can damage the roots of the flower.