Scented plants for the balcony: Be inspired by our best ideas for a fragrant oasis

One of the best things about the flowers is enjoying the heavenly scents wafting through the balcony. To get the most out of your fragrant balcony, consider using a variety of plants that bloom for a long time or almost continuously, or those that bloom consecutively throughout the season so that there is always something fragrant in the air. Take it a step further by adding a few plants that are particularly fragrant at dusk and at night. We give you the best ideas about which scented plants for your balcony you can buy.

Scented plants for the balcony: where do you start?

Choose the scented plants for the balcony carefully, because some smell during the day, others only in the evening or at night. Combine them by choosing species and location wisely. Plants with strong scents should not be planted in close proximity to each other as this could unify their scent. Also consider planting low-growing scented plants in hanging baskets or planters, closer to your nose. Determine the type of scent you want outside - for example, light and delicate notes or fruity, spicy or overwhelming scents.

Plants that only smell in the evening

Beautiful angel trumpet

Brugmansia, commonly known as angel's trumpet, is a stunning perennial with vibrant blooms that live up to its name. The angel trumpet is available in a variety of colors and instantly adds a tropical flair to any balcony. It has a scent that is particularly noticeable in the evening. To properly care for your angel trumpet flowers, you should water them regularly, but make sure the soil is well-drained. In addition to plenty of water, proper exposure to sunlight is also important. ThisFlowers like sun, but not too much. Don't leave them on your balcony all day when the sun is shining directly and it's hot.

Night-blooming jasmine

Every spring, jasmine makes the stars shine a little brighter because its scent is strongest at night and the pure white flowers seem to glow in the moonlight. The jasmine blooms and fills the night air with a mysterious scent that is floral and fruity at the same time. This fast-growing plant is easy to grow in a pot, and you can hang it high and let the vines dangle in the wind. It requires partial to full sun.

These scented plants for balconies like sun

Phenomenal lavender

Lavender is one of the most popular scented plants for balconies and grows well in pots. There are many different varieties of lavender, but the two most strongly scented varieties are common lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lavender (Lavandula x intermedia). These two varieties are grown commercially for their highly perfumed lavender oil. Lavender grows well in full sun and blooms from late spring to late summer. This intensely fragrant perennial plant is suitable for humid climates. It does not die in winter and can also tolerate the humidity of summer. Caress the lavender on a warm summer day when youon your balconyrest to fill the air with rich fragrance.

Soothing gardenia

There is nothing like the intoxicating scent of gardenia in the late afternoon. Gardenias have beautifully fragrant, white flowers, and the dwarf varieties of this flower are ideal for growing in pots. They grow best in warm, humid climates, in a sunny or partially shaded location. Gardenias are also drought tolerant but require weekly watering. They bloom from late spring to late fall.

Elegant rose as one of the fragrant plants for the balcony

Enjoy the intoxicating scent of roses on your balcony, which grows stronger as the day progresses. Most rose varieties can be grown in containers as long as the container is deep enough for the roots. The scent of roses changes throughout the day, and the best temperature to smell the rose aroma is between 18°C ​​and 20°C. Light and dark colored varieties tend to have the strongest scent. Roses thrive in a sunny, wind-protected spot.

Stemless cowslip

Primroses have fragrant flowers that appear in various colors such as red, pink, purple, white, blue, yellow and orange. They usually bloom in spring, but in areas with mild winter temperatures they can also bloom in mid to late winter. Primroses tolerate light frosts, but not freezing temperatures. Most primrose species prefer a nutrient-rich substrate in the sun or partial shade, but do not like blazing summer sun. Always keep the substrate moist, but not wet.

Strongly scented geraniums

Geraniums are strongly scented flowering plants that look good in pots, hanging baskets and flower boxes. They grow best in a sunny location but need to be shaded in the hot afternoon sun. Pruning geraniums can help compact the plant andto promote new growth. When watering these flowers, you should avoid getting the foliage wet to reduce the chance of fungal diseases. In areas at risk of frost, geranium pots must be brought indoors in winter.

Hyacinth as one of the scented plants for the balcony

Hyacinth flowers have a wonderful scent and come in many colors, including purple, pink, blue, cream and white. Hyacinths have robust foliage so they can be planted flat in pots and containers. The heralds of spring appreciate a sunny location and need to be watered regularly.