Appearances can sometimes be deceiving, with a wilted plant often appearing dead, but this does not mean it is actually dead. To see yourself asHobby gardener for your plantsTo care for or revive houseplants, you can try these tested hacks. This way you can save your favorite plants from the compost heap. So here are some practical tips and tricks that might help you.
Choosing the right care for a dying or wilting plant
Some of the most common reasons for a plant to decline include overwatering or underwatering. The right amount of sun, changes in their environment, bugs and pests or nutrient deficiencies are more secondary factors. From identifying even the subtlest signs of life to correcting the mistakes you've made, you can take simple steps to restore your plant to its former glory. You may want to first choose the best place for your garden or house plants.
First, look for signs of life
If your plant has turned brown and lost some leaves, you don't have to give up on them just yet. There is hope that you can revive a dead or wilted plant if it still has a few green leaves and pliable stems. Buds are also a sure sign of life. However, according to experts, reviving a plant requires a lot of patience, which could sometimes even take years.
Furthermore, when it comes to plants, the word “dead” is a relative term. It may look like your plant has died, but if you look closer, that may not be the case. If there's still some green left on it, you might still be in business. Any sign of green on the stem means you may be able to bring the plant back to life. However, you should also check the roots. As the plant's support system, they provide a lot of information about general health.
Even if the visible parts of the plant are a mess, the roots may still receive enough nutrients and water to keep them going. Healthy roots should appear plump and be white to brown in color with white tips. The roots should still be alive and given a chance to recover for any of these tips to work to save the wilted plant. So if you find any signs of life, the next step is to figure out what went wrong and how to revive your plant.
Check the wilted plant for overwatering
Plants need water to survive and thrive, but it is possible to give a plant too much water. Overwatered plants have brown or yellow wilted leaves with moist soil. This affects the roots, which can begin to rot. If you overwater your plant, you need to make some changes as quickly as possible. First, move the plant out of direct sunlight and stop watering until the soil dries out. If the potting soil is moist, you may want to change it along with the flower pot. From there, you can do research to become more informed about irrigation. Look up your plant variety as well as its watering preferences and make sure you follow this information carefully in the future.
Prevent drying out and provide the plant with sufficient water
Just like overwatering, it is also possible that your plant is not getting enough water. For many people, this is a likely scenario. What are the signs of a thirsty plant? In most cases this begins to wilt. Their leaves begin to dry out and turn brown at the tips. They then turn brown, die and fall off. The soil will also become cracked and pull away from the edges of the pot.
Logically, water is the right solution here, but you also need to water a dying or wilting plant properly. If it has been heavily watered, you can quickly revive the plant by soaking it in water for a few hours. Using this method, many plants transform from limp and sad to beautiful, lush and lively in just one day. From then on, it's all about loving plant care. Water more frequently and give the plant the same amount of water each time. However, also give the water time to seep down to the roots. A moisture meter can help you monitor soil moisture. This will ensure you are on the right track for your specific plant species.
Cut back stems and remove yellow leaves
To do this, you should cut the stems back to the green tissue. Also cut back the dead leaves and then remove dead stems too. Ideally, bring it back to the healthiest parts of the plant, but if the stems are dead, leave at least 2 inches of them above the ground. This is also a good time to change the soil and even the pot. It is advisable to repot the plant into a larger container or pot at this time. You probably won't see a change for the better right away. Depending on the plant, it may take a few weeks or longer to get into better health.
Plants that are in declining health likely have dead leaves that you need to get rid of. Be ruthless when doing this. If the leaves are completely brown, they won't come back. You should instead focus on new growth. To do this, cut off the dead leaves with plant scissors or ordinary scissors or carefully pinch them with your fingertips. Typically, yellow leaves separate easily from the stem, but if you need to pull, using a cutting tool is recommended.
Provide good lighting conditions
Lighting, including sunlight, is an important factor in the health of your houseplants. Therefore, you need to ensure that your plant variety receives the optimal amount of it. Once you know whether your houseplant prefers full sun, partial sun, direct sunlight, or indirect sunlight, you can move it to a more suitable location in your home. If your plant isn't getting enough light, moving it to a place where it will thrive may help. Depending on its condition, a seemingly dead or wilted plant could perk up sooner rather than later with just this simple tweak.
Provide additional nutrients for the wilted plant
Fertilizing your plant is especially important during the spring and summer growing seasons. A malnourished plant will therefore have weak stems or discolored leaves. So, to revive a dying plant, you need compost or fertilizer. Two good options would be a liquid feed that contains only organic ingredients and no synthetic chemicals, and an all-purpose organic fertilizer.
Simply repotting the dying plant can also help. The soil can become depleted of nutrients over time. Therefore, it is always a good idea to repot every few years. However, if your plant is in poor condition, you should start slowly. You don't want to make several sudden changes at once, as the crop is likely already in a state of shock and more susceptible to problems. Maintain good habits over time. Most plants do best with some fertilizer, usually once or twice a month during the growing season.
Compost the plant
If you've tried everything and your plant still can't be revived, maybe it's time to let go. By composting your plants, the remains can be recycled as nutrient-rich dirt. This can help your next houseplant thrive. This means your dead plant can have new life. This allows you to contribute to the health of your future plants while helping the environment.