Good neighbors for cucumbers in the greenhouse: choose the right planting partners!

If you want to snack on crunchy cucumbers from your own garden this summer, you should get to work now. Pre-breeding for the popular vegetable has already begun and the young plants will soon be allowed into the ground. If you are planning a mixed culture, the right planting partners are very important for optimal growth. Read on to learn which plants make good neighbors for cucumbers in the greenhouse.

Shutterstock / Inga Gedrovicha

Finding suitable plants for a mixed culture with cucumbers is not exactly difficult, because cucumbers get along with many types of vegetables and herbs. What you should keep in mind from the outset is that the vegetable is a heavy feeder, which means that it draws a lot of nutrients from the soil and therefore has a high nutrient requirement. A mixed culturewith other heavy eaterswould not be advisable because the plants will compete for nutrients. Instead, choose medium- or low-feeding plants that will support the cucumbers' growth.

You can plant the following crops in the greenhouse together with cucumbers.

Salad and leafy vegetables

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Various types of lettuce such as lettuce or endive are among the best companion plants for cucumbers. Especially if you have theGrowing cucumbers verticallyand the ground remains clear, the available space can be optimally used with lettuce plants. These plants do not grow tall or compete for nutrients, making them the best choice for intercropping. Another advantage: the lettuce plants at the base of the cucumbers keep the moisture in the soil, which is sure to be good for the thirsty cucumbers.

Grow onion plants together with cucumbers

Other good planting partners are onion plants such as garlic, leek and onion. Their smell can keep away annoying pests like whiteflies and protect cucumber plants from infestation.

Beans and peas

These two crops have a special root system, which consists of many lateral roots in the upper layer of the soil. This will add extra nitrogen to the soil, which will benefit the cucumber plants. The two representatives of the butterflies also remain low and do not get in the way of the cucumber.

Good neighborhood with beetroot

Medium feeders such as beetroot are ideal as a mixed crop because they get along with both heavy feeders and weak feeders. If you grow your cucumbers, you can plant beetroot in the free soil at the base of the plants. The large leaves keep the soil moist and protect it from drying out. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the beetroot is not completely in the shade and that it gets enough sun so that the beets thrive.

Some herbs make good neighbors for cucumbers

Shutterstock / Andrey Volgodon

Pest infestations are not uncommon in cucumbers.Lots of bugslike the plant. Fragrant umbelliferous plants such as parsley, fennel, celery, coriander and caraway can deter uninvited guests from the cucumber plants in the greenhouse. Dill is also an excellent choice as it is touted for its ability to improve the germination of cucumbers.

However, not all herbs are suitable as companion plants. Caution is advised with basil, sage, lovage and mint, among others. These species can stunt the growth of cucumbers and should not be in close proximity in the greenhouse.

Also read:Bad neighbors for cucumbers: Never put these plants together in the bed!