Feng Shui in the garden – living in harmony with nature

Feng Shui in the garden is the ancient Chinese science that teaches us how to live in harmony with the surrounding world. The term “harmony” should be used here as oneBalance of energy exchangeunderstand between humans and nature. In the past, when this state was natural to people, they were an integral part of the overall natural energy and as part of it they were healthy, happy and prosperous. But gradually, step by step over centuries, people left their natural environment - nature - and as a result of this we now live behind the walls of modern life. Most of the people on earth have violated the balance described above, that is why today a large part of the population cannot achieve real happiness, 100% health is just a dream, and high productivity is also an impossible goal for most of us.

Feng Shui in the garden – water as a fundamental element

The name "Feng Shui” comes from a distant past, from a time when the main forces affecting people were water and wind. In the term “Feng Shui im Garten” complex and ambiguous philosophical beliefs are intertwined, but we try to make it as simple as possible and explain them. “Feng” can be compared to a flow of energy that is carried over our heads by the wind, and “Shui” means water that gives new strength to the ground. According to ancient Chinese teachings, the energy flow that flows through our home and garden can have both negative and positive effects on its inhabitants. Nowadays, modern representatives of Feng Shui teachings assure us that family happiness, professional success and even fame and honor can be achieved thanks to the correct furnishings and design of the house and garden.

Feng Shui in the garden – basic principles

As a rule, people follow the principles of Feng Shui when designing their home interior, but if their house is surrounded by a garden, it may contradict the principles of Feng Shui. There is a high probability of imbalance and a strong influx of negative energy into your home.

One of the fundamental principles of this philosophy is proper use of Qi energyFeng Shui im Garten.Qi energy is a universal life force that can be found in all living things. Qi creates the beauty and tranquility of nature. It is even said that the slowly flowing water creates Qi. Maybe that's what we can assume, so we can explain the fact why so many people feel good near the calm water, where they gain strength and peace. The reduced flow of Qi energy negatively affects our success and health. Qi energy is all around us because nature's life energy is eternal. To feel the presence of this energy in our garden, one must combine vegetation and water in garden design. Water should be a part of the decoration of every garden.

The balance – a key driver

All elements of teaching forFeng Shui im Gartenshould be properly aligned with each other, according to Feng Shui teachings. If you want to live according to ancient Chinese wisdom, you must not allow one element to dominate over the others. In addition, it is advisable to try to always leave the central part of the garden free. Do not plant tall trees and bushes there. Try to arrange everything as if it has existed for many years. When creating groups of trees, shrubs, and flowers, it's better to avoid any symmetry. Do not use objects with sharp edges when creating paths and paths, or in places where you spend more time. Use more rounded and smooth shapes when drawing your garden paths and plant groups.

A flat garden does not comply with Feng Shui recommendations

Creating a “flat” garden is one of the most common mistakes when creating a garden according to the principles of Feng Shui teachings. Rather, try to lay out the garden on different levels with interesting and varied topography. This will definitely help in retaining and storing more life energy.

When planning and designing your garden, you must take into account that, according to this Chinese philosophy, different garden zones influence different aspects of our lives. So, stand with your back to the house and survey your garden. The farthest left corner represents wealth and prosperity. Considering that bright colors attract Qi energy, try to plant plants with bright red or blue colors or variegated leaves in this part of the garden.

The central part of the garden symbolizes honor and reputation. Leave this area free or place an arch where climbing plants grow. This way the positive energy is directed home. The bottom right corner of your garden symbolizes love and family, so it is desirable to have plants there with pink, light blue or white flowers and light leaves.

World directions and their symbolism according to Feng Shui teachings

If you want to apply the principles of Feng Shui very precisely, you need to take a compass, stand in the middle of your garden and determine the eight world directions.

North – a symbol of creativity, new ideas, inspiration, plans for the future, career, music, art. Place your workshop there, but it is also a perfect place for a water feature. Do not place groups of stones here and do not leave large empty areas unoccupied by vegetation.

Create a rock garden in the northeast

Northeast – a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, meditation, inner spiritual peace. In this part of the yard it is desirable to leave some free space. A rock garden is in the right place here, a statue and a bench are also very appropriate. It is advisable to preserve the natural landscape. Avoid planting trees and other plants in the area.

Grasses, herbs and trees in the east and southeast

East – a symbol of new beginnings, rebirth, recovery, health, family life, medical treatment. Use water elements here. The place is suitable for fruit trees, different types of grasses and herbs, an outdoor bath or sauna would be a great idea. Do not use metal accessories or metal furniture in this area. White flowers are not welcome here.

Southeast – a symbol of health, abundance, wealth, material prosperity, relationships with other people. Use wooden decorative items. The place is suitable for growing plants.

South and southwest – you can set up a cozy seating area here

South – a symbol of opportunities, dreams, desires, awards, fame, achievement, longevity, joy. Fire is a very important element in this part of the garden. It is desirable to place the barbecue area here. Grow plants with large leaves or fruits around it. But water systems have no place here.

Southwest – a symbol of romance, motherhood, love. Take advantage of the terrain. This is a well-suited place for family recreation and sports games. Place wooden garden furniture, arches and fences here.

West and northwest – playground for the children

Vests – symbolizes children's entertainment. Good place for a playground and outdoor activity area. Use the rainbow circle when designing the outdoor area. Do not place your barbecue grill here. And don't plant red flowers in this area.

Northwest – symbolizes work, personal interests, travel, fatherhood, charity. You can use metal decorative items here. Suitable place for elements driven by wind. You are not allowed to light a fire in this area, so the grill is not allowed here. Don't use bright colors!

I hope when you design your garden you will consider this information too! It's definitely worth it!

Tall flowers and plants in the garden

Waterfall in the garden - design according to Feng Shui principles

Summer in the Feng Shui garden

Proper use of Qi energy