Build a small table raised bed – perfect for balconies and terraces

The raised bed is very popular among hobby gardeners, not only because it looks beautiful, but because it offers many advantages. It is much easier to work than a flat bed. You can work on the bed while standing. In addition, raised beds are not attacked by pests such as slugs. And the best thing about it is that if you don't have a garden but don't want to miss out on fresh herbs and vegetables in your kitchen, you can create a practical little raised bed on the balcony. In addition to the classic variants, there are also so-called table beds, which expand the concept in an unusual way. The raised bed table is an elevated plant box without contact with the ground and is ideal for anyone who has little space in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony.

Advantages of table beds compared to classic raised beds

Table beds are particularly comfortable to transport and are perfect for balconies and paved terraces. They are also much more economical in terms of material consumption because you don't need as much soil to fill them. This type of bed is suitable for anyone who wants to quickly build a raised bed. Read on to discover some great upcycling ideas. You can also build your table bed from an old table or simply repurpose a used table frame.

When creating a raised bed, the load-bearing capacity of the balcony should be taken into account. It is important that it is not too heavy so that the balcony slab is not put under too much strain. Both the material of the frame construction and the filling play an important role. For this reason, a raised bed on feet is the best option for the balcony. It can be as high as the classic raised bed, but is lighter in weight because it holds significantly less plant substrate.

Accessible table bed - alternative in the barrier-free garden

People with limited mobility do not have to give up gardening. Raised beds on legs are very suitable for wheelchair users because they can go under the planting area and work on the bed comfortably. The width of the bed should not exceed an arm's length. The plants behind can also be cared for in this way. To ensure that there is enough space for the wheelchair and legs under the raised bed, the base of the bed should be at least 65 cm high and the planting area should be at a height of 85 to a maximum of 95 cm. Instead of four table legs, it can stand on a middle base.

What depth for a table raised bed?

A depth of around 30 – 50 cm is optimal for a raised bed on the balcony. HoweverIt depends on the root depth of the selected plants. The roots of some vegetable plants are less than 20 centimeters deep into the soil. The shallow-rooted varieties include, for example, most types of lettuce, spinach, onions, radishes, radishes, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, etc. Since the roots remain in the upper layer of soil, they need to be watered more frequently.

If you want to grow kohlrabi, beans, carrots, cucumbers, peas and peppers, you need a deeper raised bed. These vegetable plants reach a root depth of up to 50 centimeters and are middle roots.


Since the table raised bed has no contact with the ground and therefore does not have optimal water drainage, drainage is an important aspect that should be taken into account. Otherwise, the plant roots may suffer from stagnant moisture.

Garden fleece made of geotextile (filter fleece) can help here. This drainage fleece serves both drainage and water storage. The optimized fiber structure is so dense that the water does not drip off when watering, but rather slowly evaporates through the bottom of the raised bed.

Make your own from an old table

As mentioned earlier, lettuces have shallow roots. That's why this flat table raised bed is ideal for growing different types of lettuce in a small space! Whether chocolate, endemic lettuce, lamb's lettuce, frisée lettuce, lettuce - discover the wide variety of lettuce types and find your favorites! But first you have to convert this old table into a raised bed. That's how it works!


  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Wire cutters
  • Tape measure
  • Hand saw or jigsaw (to cut cedar slats)
  • an old table, desk or other upcycle-worthy piece of furniture that is also suitable for planting
  • short nails and a hammer or stapler
  • close-meshed wire or mesh screen
  • Drainagevlies
  • Work gloves
  • Thin cedar slats - approx. 4 cm wide and 1 cm thick

First, the base of the table bed should be created. Turn the table over and place it on a workbench. To avoid injuries, it is best to wear work gloves.

Cut the wire mesh to size and attach it to the bottom of the box with small nails or staples. Depending on how large the table is, you may need help here.

Measure your wooden slats and cut them to size. Mount these to the underside of the table by covering the edges of the wire mesh. Fix the slats with screws. Depending on the size of the table, you may also need a support beam diagonally across the middle. Make sure there are no sharp wire ends visible.

Turn the table over again. Now cut a piece of drainage fleece to the size of the planter box with a few extra centimeters around the edge. The fleece fulfills several functions: it holds the garden soil, protects the wood from rotting and enables drainage. This means you don't have to worry about a dirty balcony.

Mount the plant box on the table frame

Before we get into filling the table bed, we would like to show you two great options for building it. The first variant is a successful combination of a 30 cm deep cedar wood planter and the LERBERG trestle table from IKEA. This makes the plant box approx. 95 centimeters high – the perfect height for a raised bed.

Cedar wood was chosen for the planter, not only because it is visually appealing, but because it has very good properties. The cedar oil contained in it makes the wood naturally resistant to rot, mold and insects, making it perfect for outdoor use. Cedar wood is light, sustainable and has a fine fiber structure.

Mobile table bed on wheels

Another great idea is to bring your table bed on sturdy wheels. The advantage of the mobile raised bed is of course that it is easy to transport. The wheels can be easily installed at the bottom of the foot. Very practical if you want to move it often.

Fill the table bed

In the classic raised vegetable bed, the layering system is the most important step for a successful harvest. Filling a table bed is far less complicated. If the floor is covered with a drainage fleece, potting or garden soil is filled in. Optionally, expanded clay or gravel can be mixed with plant soil as drainage.


When planting, the first question that arises is of course whether it should be an ornamental or a useful bed. If you can't decide between one or the other, you could also combine vegetables and flowers. Table beds are only suitable for low-rooted plants. All those plants that thrive in flower boxes feel at home there. These are herbs, lettuce, mini carrots or even types of peppers and hot peppers.

Make sure the location meets your plants' sunlight needs. Most vegetables require at least six hours of sunlight per day, while some flowers also thrive in shade. Regular watering is very important so that the roots in the upper soil layer do not dry out.

If a very sunny, dry location is chosen, then you can follow the example of flat roof greening and plant houseleeks or low-growing sedum. Thick-leaved plants tolerate drought and heat very well.

If you are interested in oneMixed culture for your small gardenIf you decide, then pay attention to the height and growth time of the plants. The general rule is: place tall plants at the back and small plants at the front. One reason for this arrangement is the incidence of light, as larger plants in the front would provide shade for the smaller plants.

Place climbing plants on the edge, because then the tendrils can grow outwards easily and do not disturb the other plants. Tomatoes, cucumbers and beans, for example, can easily climb up the trellis. Climbing plants could also act as a privacy screen on a terrace. Fast-growing varieties such as lettuce and radishes are also planted at the edge, while plants with a longer growing time are always planted in the middle of the bed. Small herbs and flowers serve very well as gap fillers in the raised vegetable bed.

Some examples of beautiful planting for the table bed:

  • Tomatoes in the back, cabbage in the middle, lettuce in the front
  • Beans, dill and kohlrabi
  • Tomatoes, basil, parsley and lettuce
  • Beans, cauliflower, red and white cabbage
  • Chicory, fennel, lettuce and carrots
  • Strawberries, garlic, lettuce, radishes

We wish you a lot of fun gardening on the balcony or terrace and a good harvest!