Plant a zinc tub and design it as a plant pot or mini pond

Old zinc tubs were previously used as washing tubs for weekly laundry or as bathtubs for small children. However, these days they serve a more decorative purpose, particularly in garden design. A zinc tub in the garden is therefore perfect as a beautiful planter for flowers, herbs or even lettuce. Alternatively, it can be designed as a mini pond and decorated with various aquatic plants. How you can plant a zinc tub, which plants are suitable for it and many pretty design ideas can be found in today's article. Get inspired and create rustic charm in your outdoor area for a romantic garden design.

The zinc tub is a popular decoration for the garden

Zinc tubs are very popular in modern garden design and are used as...elegant planters, as well as designed as small ponds. If you would like to use a zinc tub in your own garden, you should first decide whether you want to convert it into a planter or a mini pond. Both versions are suitable for outdoor use and the decision depends on your own preferences.

Use as a plant pot: Here's how

If you would like to transform the old zinc tub into a colorful flower box, you should first prepare the container and ensure sufficient drainage. Without drainage, waterlogging can cause plant roots to rot very quickly. It is therefore important to drill small drainage holes in the bottom and sides of the tub so that excess water can drain away.

Drain holesdrill

If you want to plant your zinc tub, you need a drill for the drainage holes. Depending on the size of the vessel, between two and six holes are usually sufficient. Don't want to puncture the tub? Alternatively, you can place individual flower pots in the zinc tray, for example on bricks. However, in this case the beautiful effect of the zinc tub is often lost.

Zinc tubscorrectfill

If you have already made the drainage holes, you should now fill the tub properly. As the first layer, use either expanded clay or gravel enriched with sand and clay. You can then fill the zinc tray with substrate and only then plant it. The clay ensures that moisture can be retained, while the gravel mixture guarantees good drainage and keeps the roots away from the clay.

Where theZinc tubsplace

If you want to plant a zinc tub, you should find a suitable place for it. The perfect location in the garden should not be covered so that the zinc tub is exposed to rainwater. It is also recommended to place the planted zinc tub on stones or wooden blocks so that they do not dig into the ground when there is a lot of moisture and rain. This way you get a solid base. It also allows you to use multiple tubs and highlight them all at the same time by using multiple heights.

Decorate the balcony

A decorative zinc tub is also perfect for the small space on the balcony or terrace. In hardware stores and garden centers you can find zinc pots in various sizes that you can plant and decorate according to your own taste. Whether you place them in direct sun, in partial shade or completely in the shade will of course depend on the type of plant or flower you have planted and its needs in the environment.

Which plants are suitable?

In a zinc tub you can plant plants that do not form roots that are too deep. For example, flowering plants such as petunias, geraniums and daisies look really beautiful in such a planter and are perfect for the garden. You can also put together pretty arrangements of different flowers. There is definitely enough space in this vessel.

Another popular idea for the planted zinc tub is onion plants. Tulips, daffodils and snowdrops, for example, are planted in autumn and provide beautiful colors and a pleasant scent in the garden in spring. Like here, you can also combine it with a layer of moss to make the surface greener. In general, you can plant the right flowers for every season and adapt the garden to the respective season by planting the zinc tub.

For long-term planting in the zinc tub, you should use hardy perennials and evergreen plants. Perennials such as heather and deadnettle are a good option in this case. Flowers that bloom almost all year round with pretty colors are the horned violets andthe pansies, which are also available in a wide variety of colors. If there is no more room for colorful flowers in your beds, the tubs are the perfect solution.

The pansies tolerate frost and are a popular planting idea for the zinc tub. As already mentioned, they bloom in many flowers in different colors, which can be beautifully combined with each other and also with other types of flowers. A zinc tub with delicate flowers gives the garden a nostalgic touch and immediately becomes an eye-catcher outdoors.

The zinc tub can also be designed as a small rock garden by adding a few natural stones and some pebbles. You can plant the rock garden with easy-care succulents such as houseleek and stonecrop and make a beautiful garden decoration yourself. As explained above, fill the container with clay, gravel and potting soil. Before planting the succulents, place some stones here and there. If you choose succulents in different colors, you can create a colorful arrangement.

You can plant zinc tubs with suitable flowers and perennials for every season. Colorful grasses such as heather and autumn anemones, as well as beautiful cyclamen, are perfect for autumn. You can even combine the different flowers and design the zinc tub in a really creative way. Again, use old benches, tables, or other taller items to raise the tubs. In front of it and slightly lower, place autumn flowers in a different color, for example, to create a contrast. If you create three or more rows, you can even create an ombre effect.

If you always want to have fresh herbs at home without having to go to the market every day, you can plant the zinc tub with herbs. The planted zinc tub not only looks beautiful, but is also practical. In principle, any herbs are suitable and can even be combined with each other in the large tub. Also think about appropriate signs to make it easier to distinguish between herbs if you are a beginner and don't yet know the plants visually.

Suitable herbs that you can plant in the zinc tub include basil, thyme and parsley. Mediterranean herbs such as oregano, rosemary and lavender are just as suitable for this. To make your own herb garden, you should ensure good drainage, as some herbs prefer relatively dry soil. In addition, only combine herbs that have the same requirements for watering and location in one container so that they can harmonize with each other. If you put sun-lovers together with those who need partial shade, you will have difficulty finding a location for the tub that meets both needs. The same applies to irrigation.

Decoration for the entrance door

Once you have planted the zinc tub with the plants you want, you can use it to decorate any spot in the garden. Zinc containers with plants are also suitable as decoration for the entrance area of ​​the house or for the terrace and give your guests and of course you and your family a particularly nice welcome. Combine with other planters and flowers in the entrance area as desired.

Design a fairy garden as a garden decoration

If you would like to plant the zinc tub and use it as a decoration in the garden, you can design it as a fairy garden. Fairy gardens are decorative mini gardens that are usually designed with small succulents, pebbles and miniature furniture. They are particularly popular with children and give the garden a romantic touch. When planting the zinc tub for a fairy garden, it is best to use plants that do not require as much care and are demanding. Even small fairy lights are great and transform the decoration into a particularly romantic eye-catcher.

Stack zinc tubs

With several zinc tubs you can make a creative garden decoration yourself and design the garden completely individually. To do this, you can plant each zinc tub and finally build a structure from the individual tubs. It is best to use zinc tubs in different sizes and shapes. You can hang the individual tubs together using any wooden or metal rods. Concrete rods, for example, are wonderfully suitable and also robust and can also hold heavy, filled zinc tubs well.

Grow vegetables

A zinc tray can also be easily planted with small vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, spring onions and lettuce. You can either use a large zinc tub or plant several small containers with various vegetables. This depends entirely on the space you have available. The idea is a wonderful alternative if you don't have a large garden or would like to grow vegetables on the balcony.

Create a mini pond in the zinc tub

Almost everyone dreams of having a pond in their own garden, but there is often not enough space available. The zinc tub is an inexpensive and popular alternative. It can be transformed into a beautiful mini pond and planted as desired. Such a small pond is also perfect for smaller areas such as terraces and balconies. Check with a pet store to find out which aquatic plants are best suited to this depth.

You cannot convert a zinc tub that has already been planted into a mini pond because of the drilled drainage holes for drainage. Rather, you should use a zinc tub without holes so that the water does not drain away from the pond. Furthermore, the tub should be lined with pond liner before planting. The location also plays a big role. Mini ponds that have plants and are placed in direct sun heat up, which is fatal for the plants. Ensure a shady or semi-shady location (depending on the plants' needs).

Suitable plants

If you would like to plant a mini pond in the zinc tub, then you should opt for small biotopes. Limit yourself to a few plant species so as not to overload the pond. Since the water heats up quickly in such a small vessel, you can also cultivate exotic aquatic plants in it. Water lilies are a popular idea for mini pond plants because they have both beautiful leaves and pretty flowers. Other suitable plants that you can use for a pond if you want to plant the zinc tub include:

  • Water hyacinths
  • Love bell
  • Juggler's flower
  • Cyprus grass
  • Water Iris
  • Arrowhead
  • Dwarf cattails
  • lotus flower etc.

Design and plant a mini pond – instructions

If you would like to plant the zinc tub with aquatic plants and design it as a pretty mini pond, you will find instructions and helpful tips here. The best months for this project are April, May and June. First you should prepare the necessary materials. For this you need:

  • a zinc tub
  • waterproof sealing material, e.g. B. Bricks
  • 3 plant baskets
  • Pond soil
  • Aquatic plants of your choice
  • washed gravel
  • a big stone.

First clean the zinc tray and distribute the bricks in it. With the bricks you can plant different planting heights for the aquatic plants and thus create a certain structure. Now you should fill the plant baskets with a layer of pond soil, remove the aquatic plants from their containers and place them in the baskets.

Now continue to fill the plant baskets with pond soil so that the roots of the plants are well covered. Then comes the washed gravel, which prevents the pond soil from being washed out in the water. Plant all plants using this method, placing no more than three plants in a basket.

Now fill two thirds of the zinc tub with water. Rainwater or water from another pond is best suited for this, i.e. not tap water. Then carefully place the plants in the zinc tray depending on the planting area. Place the taller water plants either in the background or in the middle and the smaller ones in the front.

If you are satisfied with the design of the plants, you should now fill the zinc tray with water to about 3-4 centimeters below the edge. To give the mini pond a special touch, you can insert a large stone that breaks the surface of the water so that small birds can land on it.

The perfect location

The planted zinc tub as a pond should not be placed in a shady or full sun place in the garden. Six hours of sun per day is the optimal amount to prevent algae growth. A partially shaded place is therefore best suited for the mini pond in the zinc tub. Additional stones can support the plants.

Create a mini pond with water features

With fountains, light displays, floating candles and various garden figures you can make the mini pond very individual and even more attractive. However, fountains cannot be combined with some aquatic plants such as water lilies because they require still water. So in this case you should choose between flowers and water features for the zinc tub pond. Find out from retailers which plants are suitable and then consider whether you would like to forego certain plants in order to create a water feature. Of course, you can also easily create two ponds.

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