Tree as a shade provider for the terrace: Fast-growing tree species and beautiful espalier trees

In summer, all garden owners shift their life to the terrace. The outdoor area fulfills several functions and is ideal for both lounging and barbecuing. If the terrace is in full sun all day long, then there is only one thing that can help: sun protection. In addition to sails, parasols, etc., the tree is also suitableShade for the terrace. In today's post we list several tree species with an umbrella-shaped crown.

1. Which trees are suitable for providing shade?

During hot periods in summer, they provide shade for the terrace and garden: the house trees with an umbrella-shaped treetop are essential for sunny seating areas. At theChoice of treeHowever, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Tree choice:evergreen or deciduous. The tree should fit harmoniously into the garden and complete the overall picture.
  • Growth height and width of the tree:This is very important for garden planning because it allows you to assess whether the available space is sufficient.
  • Propagation of roots:If tree roots spread too much, they can cause a variety of damage, such as lifting paving stones.
  • Shape of the tree crown:Tall trees offer enough space for the dining table and garden chairs. However, they are not the best shade providers as they usually have a compact crown. Trees with hanging branches are also not very suitable. Single-trunk trees that have large leaves are the best choice.
  • Growth rate:Trees that grow too slowly will only provide shade for 10 – 20 years. Trees that grow too quickly and cannot tolerate topiary can develop in such a way that they cast no shade at all on the terrace.

2. Which tree provides shade for the terrace?

Are you wondering which tree is suitable for providing shade for your terrace? The following four groups are well suited: fast-growing deciduous trees, fast-growing conifers, tree species with an umbrella-like tree crown and espalier trees. Each group has its advantages and disadvantages.

The deciduous trees are very suitable for a terrace that is close to the house. The tree provides cooling shade for the house and garden in summer. In autumn it sheds its leaves and the terrace and the house get more sunlight. This allows the house facade to dry quickly after rain. The disadvantage of deciduous trees is that they require more maintenance: you have to dispose of the autumn leaves.

The conifers are easier to care for and offer year-round benefitsSun and privacy protection. However, they do not tolerate underplanting and also grow quite tall. Therefore, they are more suitable for seating in the garden.

Trees with an umbrella-shaped crown require regular topiary. But the greater maintenance effort is worth it because they only cast shadows on the terrace.

Espalier trees can completely replace a pergola. Choosing the right variety plays a crucial role in success.

Choosing a tree is not an easy task. Mainly because it will develop over many years. Once planted, it is a permanent garden element. It is therefore worth thinking future-oriented and getting advice from experts.

2.1. Fast-growing deciduous trees provide shade for terraces

The bluebell tree (Paulownia tomentosa)has a loose crown and large leaves with a heart shape. In spring it produces very beautiful purple flowers. Since he is a deep-rooted person,it is suitable for underplanting. It grows about 50 cm per year. Its only disadvantage: its size. It is around 10 meters wide and around 15 meters high.

Der Essigbaum (Rhus)has a dense, but not completely opaque tree crown. Depending on the variety, it reaches a maximum height of 6 meters. Nevertheless, it can provide cooling shade and allows sufficient light for potted plants. The vinegar tree has no special soil requirements and tolerates both heat and frost. Even the city climate and air pollution don't bother him. The vinegar tree has shallow roots and sprouts heavily. Therefore a root barrier is necessary.

The trumpet treehas a compact, spherical and very dense tree crown. It tolerates topiary, making it perfect for planting around the terrace. It grows up to 12 meters wide and high. The trumpet tree impresses with its rapid growth and, with good care, gains 40 cm in height per year. Its expansive umbrella-shaped crown makes it the perfect shade for the terrace.

The Eberescheis an excellent shade provider for the terrace. The deciduous tree increases in height by up to 70 cm per year and reaches its maximum height of 12 meters in less than 20 years. The mountain ash sheds its leaves in late autumn so that the house and terrace receive sufficient sunlight in winter.

In contrast to other domestic shade providers, it growsFeldahorn (Acer campestre)rather compact. This tree species increases in height by 45 cm every year and reaches a maximum height of around 15 meters. Its rounded, dense crown grows to 10 meters wide. In the garden, next to the terrace, it not only offers sun protection but also wind protection. The field maple has great ecological value because it attracts bees and bumblebees and provides nesting space for birds.

2.2. Which tree provides shade in the garden? Fast growing conifers

The Blue Atlas Cedaris a fast-growing conifer that is ideal for large gardens. It is the perfect shade provider for terraces that are not directly adjacent to the house. The Atlas cedar grows to around 25 meters high and 12 meters wide.

The sickle fircomes from China, where it reaches a height of 40 meters. However, cultivars are particularly interesting for the home garden. The “Compacta” variety, for example, grows up to 4 meters high. Don't be fooled by the young plants in the garden center: the young trees are very slender, but after several years they form their typical pyramidal tree crown.

The Scots pine(Pinus Sylvestris) grows around 50 cm in height depending on the variety. It has an umbrella-shaped, loose and translucent crown. So if you prefer a spot in partial shade, then the conifer is the right one for you.

The primeval mammoth tree(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is fast-growing. It reaches a maximum height of 35 m and grows up to 10 m wide. It is a good choice for sunny corners in the garden where you want to create a seating area. If the terrace is not directly adjacent to the house, then the primeval sequoia tree is an option. However, since it is a shallow-rooted plant, you should keep the necessary distance from the terrace and garden paths.

2.3. Tree for patio shading: species with an umbrella-shaped crown

The maple (Acer palmatum)grows really strong and reaches a maximum height of 7 meters. It is partially hardy and cannot tolerate strong winds.

Der Judasbaum (Cercis siliqaustrum)grows slowly. The young tree initially has a compact crown with large kidney-shaped leaves. Multi-stemmed varieties then develop their typical umbrella-shaped crown after several years.

The black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)has an upright but fairly loose habit and an umbrella-shaped crown. The black elderberry grows really quickly and reaches its maximum height of 7 meters in 6 years.

The copper rock pear (Amelanchier lamarckii)is a multi-stemmed tree with an umbrella-shaped crown. The rock pear tolerates a topiary, although this is not necessary in most cases. It reaches a maximum height of 6 meters and is just as wide. The wood provides food for birds and insects.

3. Plant an espalier tree to provide shade

An espalier tree may be the perfect shade for the patio. There are many varieties that have a roof-shaped crown, but the plane tree is the favorite. What speaks in favor of the roof plane tree is its rapid growth and large leaves. But there are also other tree species that are in no way inferior to it when it comes to sun protection. And they all have similar care requirements. Your tree canopy should be managed in the first few years. So you need a trellis. All espalier trees require topiary pruning, which should only be done in spring when they have no leaves.

If you have no experience with espaliered trees, you should seek advice from a tree nursery. Be sure to discuss the following factors with a professional:

  • The climate,
  • The nature of the soil,
  • Possibly existing experience with pests and pathogens in your own garden
  • The maximum tree height, the growth rate, the maximum width of the tree crown.
  • The available space including nearby garden paths and water pipes.
  • The distance to the terrace, the house, the garden house and the property line. Possibly the distance to other trees (root competition)
  • Some tree species require a root barrier.
  • The regulations of the neighborhood law and the federal state regarding house trees.

Popular species:

The hornbeam as an espalier tree (Carpinus betulus).The hornbeam is available in garden centers as a standard tree and as a hedge plant. Depending on the variety, the standard tree reaches a maximum height of 14 meters and is 8 meters wide. Its crown is slightly arched downwards, very dense and has horizontal branches.

Die Dachplatane (Spanish plane tree)is the classic among espalier trees. It reaches a maximum width of 20 meters and scores with a spherical crown. The tree increases in height by up to 60 cm per year and grows to a height of up to 35 meters.

Evergreen espalier tree:The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus Caucasica) retains its green foliage all year round and in this way fulfills two important functions by acting as a shade provider and privacy screen. Depending on the variety, it reaches a height of 3 to 6 meters. The tree has a dense crown with elongated and narrow leaves. It is a deep rooter and can be planted under easily. The cherry laurel is a beautiful addition to the Mediterranean-style terrace and looks good together with olive trees, lavender and flowers from the Mediterranean region.

Certain fruit trees such as pears and some types of linden trees are also suitable as espalier trees.