When you travel abroad, Google Maps can speak destination names that have already been translated. The inability to speak the local language is perhaps the most frustrating experience, especially on language trips. It often happens that you get into a taxi and find it difficult to tell the driver your destination, or you have to ask several people for directions before you get an answer that you understand. But with a new feature in Google Maps, you no longer have to get lost in translation.
Using the Translate feature in Google Maps
Mapping and translation are probably the two most commonly usedGoogle travel apps. The online platform now also integrates translatable maps with a new function that pronounces place names and addresses. Listings in Google Maps will soon have a blue speaker icon directly below the location. When you tap on it, lists open in the window where you can say the name or address of a place you want to visit. There is also a link at the bottom of this window titled “Get more translations”. This will open the full Google Translate app. This can be useful for thanking someone who just helped you.
Foreign language for automatic selection
You can take your device's default settings and location into account. The online giant brings the power of Google Translate to Maps. With the new translator function, the new feature can now pronounce names and addresses of places even in local jargon. You can enable automatic translator in Maps by clicking the button next to the place name. Google claims that its text-to-speech technology automatically detects language to determine locations in your phone that you need help translating.
For example, if your phone's language is set to English and you search for a location in Japan, Maps will automatically display a speaker button next to the destination's name. If you need more translations beyond the name and address of your destination, you can click the “Get more translations” button in Google Maps. This will open Google Translate and you can continue translating your conversation there. The Translator feature in Maps is rolling out to Android this month with support for an initial 50 languages.
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