What to plant around a tree? Garden design with ground cover plants, flowers and foliage perennials

A tree provides shade and beckonsBirds in the gardenand offers privacy. However, the area around the tree poses a major challenge for the hobby gardener. Shallow-rooted plants and shade plants in particular are not easy to plant under. In the article we will tell you which plants thrive around a tree and how you can showcase them correctly.

Garden design around a tree: Basics about planting under trees

DieGarden design around a treeis not an easy task. Because the flowers, ground cover and foliage shrubs that grow under trees have to withstand a lot. Only very few plants can withstand dry, nutrient-poor soil, a shady location and strong root competition. However, if you follow several basic rules, you can transform even this dreary area into a blooming and green paradise.

Which plants to plant around the tree: Underplant deep-rooted trees

The deep-rooted species include oak, yew, ash, linden, black locust, certain types of sycamore maple and most coniferssome fruit treeslike the chestnut and the pear. They go deep and get water and nutrients from the lower layers of the soil. Therefore, these trees are no competition for flowers and ground cover. Accordingly, there are many more plants that are well suited to gardening around a tree.

Planting plants around a tree: Shallow-rooted

Shallow-rooted plants are trees that spread their roots not only deep but also wide. Typical representatives are spruce, Douglas fir, willow and most fruit trees (cherries, apples). These trees are very difficult to underplant because, depending on the tree species, there is great competition for water and nutrients 2 to 5 meters around the tree. The roots, which are located in the upper layers of the soil, can also prevent other plants from spreading. In this case, a trick offers a way out:A raised bedto create the tree.

Leafy perennials and ground coveroffer a simple solution for the challenging area around a tall tree. Depending on the light, different plants can be used for the area under trees with a sprawling crown. If there is little direct sunlight, the following ground cover and foliage perennials are suitable:

  • Hostas are the classic perennials for partial shade and shade. They thrive best right next to the tree trunk; the edge area proves to be unfavorable.
  • The loquat spreads quickly. With its white flowers, red berries and evergreen leaves, it is an eye-catcher all year round.
  • The blue periwinkle is a flowering, carpet-forming plant for shady locations.
  • The knotty cranesbill is a shade-tolerant ground cover that is well suited for planting under trees.
  • The colorful Japanese sedge thrives in both partial shade and shade.
  • Lady's mantle is the perfect plant for borders under trees.
  • Some elf flower varieties are also suitable for planting under trees.

These plants grow well in partial shade:

  • The cranesbill “Rozanne” is a purple-flowering ground cover with a special charm.
  • Snake knotweed thrives best in partial shade, but requires fresh to moderately moist soil. It is therefore suitable as a border plant.
  • The stoloniferous Waldsteinia produces beautiful yellow flowers in spring. In summer, thanks to its large green leaves, it is the perfect gap filler in the bed.
  • Ferns, like hostas, are a popular choice for underplanting woody plants. The Japanese decorative fern not only looks good, but is also an easy plant to care for.

If you plant trees underneath, you should plant shade-loving and drought-tolerant ground cover directly around the tree trunk. Decorative foliage perennials and ornamental grasses, which thrive in partial shade and prefer moderately fresh soil, are suitable as borders.

Create a bed under a tree

Even if the tree is old and large, it has a weak spot. Its roots are very sensitive. Therefore, the hobby gardener should proceed very carefully if he wants to create a bed under a tree. Deep roots are not a big challenge; you can also use a spade to dig up the bed. It is entirely possible to transplant large flowers, flowering ground covers and foliage shrubs from other areas of the garden.

If these are shallow-rooted trees, you should be very careful. The tree roots are usually in the upper basal layer and can be easily injured. It is therefore best to avoid digging completely and dig out the holes for the plants with a trowel. Be sure to avoid damaging the roots and tree bark. As far as plants are concerned, it is better to avoid large plants and plant young plants instead. During the growth phase, these will adapt to the tree.

Create a raised bed under a tree

Do you want to plant the area around a shallow-rooted tree and have decided to create a raised bed under the tree? Then you should above all make sure that the roots can get enough oxygen. Every tree is supplied with oxygen by its fibrous roots. A raised bed only proves to be problematic if the soil is very compacted. Then no oxygen can reach the roots below. Therefore, when planting, you should make sure that the soil is airy and loose. A bed border made of stones or wood is often built around the raised bed. If it is low (around 40 cm - 50 cm high), this is not a problem. When creating a raised bed:

  • Avoid root barriers.
  • keep the soil loose and airy.
  • Do not build the raised bed higher than 60 cm.
  • A stone wall or wooden bed border should not be higher than 40 - 50 cm.
  • A maximum diameter of 3 meters should be chosen.

Create a blooming flower bed under a tree

Alternatively, you can plant the area under the tree. There are some flowers that thrive in semi-shady and shady locations and tolerate drought. When planting, leave enough space between each flower. Combine a maximum of 2-3 varieties with similar location and soil requirements. The flowering ground cover plants or the lowest flowers are suitable as border plants. Tall flowers go in the middle of the flower bed and directly around the tree trunk you can choose drought-tolerant low varieties.

Plant annual or perennial flowers around the tree?

There are numerous types of flowers that are suitable for planting under trees. However, hobby gardeners often ask themselves whether they should choose annual or perennial plants. The two variants have advantages and disadvantages.

Choose annual flowers and bulbous flowers for shallow-rooted trees because they form shallow roots and there is not as much competition with the tree.

For deep-rooted flowers, you can use perennial flowers, so you don't have to replant the flower bed every year.

Which flowers to plant under tree

  • The wood anemone tolerates fresh to moderately moist soil and thrives best in partial shade. Therefore it is suitable as a border for the flower bed.
  • The Canadian bloodroot can survive with little sunlight and prefers loose soil. It is suitable for underplanting deciduous trees.
  • The small evergreen is one of the robust plants that thrives under trees. It adapts to the lighting conditions of the location, but prefers sunny and partially shaded locations.

Hydrangeas under tree

The hydrangeas feel comfortable in the shade of a tall tree. The perennials spice up the area with their flowers and ensure blooms even in shady corners. Depending on the variety, the hydrangea can be combined with other shade-loving plants such as ferns. If you choose hydrangeas, plant them directly around the trunk of the tree.

Plant lavender around a tree

Lavender thrives in dry and full sun areas. In individual cases it is possible to plant the Mediterranean plant in shady locations. However, the area under a deciduous tree is rarely suitable for this. Instead, we offer an idea with a potted tree. The olive tree has similar soil and location requirements and grows quite tall in the pot. It has a sprawling crown, but it does not cast a dense shadow on the plants. Simply display the container plant in a sunny spot in the garden and plant lavender around it. The duo is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention.

Plants around the tree: A few unusual design ideas

Finally, there are several unusual ideas for what you can plant around a tree:

1. You can use your treeswith flowering climbing plantsgreen. The morning glory is the absolute classic. But some clematis varieties are also suitable for this. First, to be on the safe side, you should seek advice from a garden center, as climbing plants should generally only be grown onhealthy and tall treesbe set.

2. Have you planted a young tree? Then avoid underplanting and just plant the area around the tree in the first few yearsa layer of mulchout of.

3. Certain tree species are suitable for usein the rock garden.You should then green the area around the tree sparingly. Ornamental grasses and ground covers can fill in the gaps between the stones.

The area around a tree presents a major challenge to the hobby gardener. But with good planning, even a bare, shady corner can be transformed into a flower paradise. What is most important is that the tree remains healthy after planting. When planting, be careful not to damage the roots and bark. Interfaces make young trees in particular susceptible to fungi and other diseases. It is best to leave the tree unplanted for 2-3 years so that it can get used to the location. Only then can you plant young plants with similar soil and moisture requirements. When it comes to care, most plants are fairly undemanding for shaded areas. You don't need to fertilize or water them.