Combine bed design according to colors

The combination of flowers in lively yellow and calming lavender blue creates a wonderful atmosphere in the garden. These shades are on the color of the color and offer exactly the right degree of contrast and balance. While you are preparing to plant your spring or summer flowers, try to use this classic color combination when designing.

Let your imagination run free and take a look at our ideas for a garden design in yellow, blue and violet. We have also put together a list of plants that have yellow and blue flowers or leaves. Get ideas for using the classic color combination in garden beds and planters!

Perennials and ornamental grasses create one herebeautiful and pollinated natural garden garden. The result is a garden that has a soothing effect as a watercolor image. For this purpose, the landscape architects have blossoming resinous cup plant (silhium Terebinthinaceum), combined with the violet-blue anise-shouldop (Agastache Rugosa 'Blue Fortune') and Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia 'filigree'). The gray saint herb (Santolina Chamaecyparissus) perfectly rounds off the overall picture.

Surround the garden path

In the picture above you can see an exemplary planting for a natural garden. Plants on the left side of the path: resin cabbage (Silphium Terebinthinaceum), autumn head grass (sesleria autumnalis) and 'filigree' Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia 'filigree'); Plants on the right: 'Blue Fortune' Yysop (Agastache 'Blue Fortune') and 'Karl Foerster' Feder-Schilfgras (Calamagrostis x Acutiflora 'Karl Foerster')

Did you notice how the landscape architect always has blooming plants and yellow flowering, yellow -green or bronze -colored deciduous plants? This arrangement helps to better show the contrast between the yellow and lavender -colored colors.

Spring bucket in yellow and violet

The color combination yellow-violet can be found here in a large planting bucket filled with mini-norcissions, a fragrant hyacinth and two-color yellow, purple and lavender-orange pansies. The hyacinth fascinates color with its dark purple and highlights the other flowers. Pastries give the arrangement height.

Natural garden design

This bed design consists of Schopf-Lavendel (Lavandula Stoechas), two types of Heiligenkraut (Santolina Chamaecparissus) and ornamental garlic (Allium).

The garden has aInteresting geometric pattern. The green and silver saint is planted on a grid. The purple flower balls float between the dense, evergreen bushes. If more plants bloom, the contrast between the yellow flowers and the silver blue leaves will be even more pronounced.

Garden design and care

Select the modern metal garden fence: steel or aluminum?

The decisive criteria for buying a fence include, among other things, material selection, durability, cost and installation effort. In contrast to the maintenance -intensive wooden fence, a metal garden fence is weatherproof, particularly durable and beautiful to look at without care for many years. It doesn't surprise

Here we see two of the same plant species from the previous picture, but here you create a completely different result. A natural effect is achieved in this London garden. TheReal lavender(Lavandula angustifolia) and the yellow flowering saint herb (Santolina Chamaecyparissus) accompany the stone slab path, which leads to the seating area with Spanish daisy (Erigeron Karvinskianus).

Plants for dry and sunny places

This Mediterranean style garden mainly relies on plants that tolerate dryness. A pleasant couple form the “pride of Madeira” (Echium Candicans) and the yellow, blooming shrubby fire herb (Phlomis fruticosa).

In a different recording of the same garden, the yellow of the fire herb with the silver blue of an agave and ground cover plant such as blue swing (Festuca Glauca) and the Dymondia (Dymondia Margaretae) harmonizes. Incidentally, this bed design is ideal for the warm climate of Mallorca.

Plants in interaction with vessels

For this summer trio, Schopf-Lavendel (Lavandula Stoechas) is combined with penny herb (Lysimachia Nummularia 'Aurea') and edible herbs, including mint, fennel, thyme and tarragon. The composition benefits from the yellow -green color of the penny herb, which complements the purple lavender and brightens the arrangement nicely.

Perennial for sunny locations

The Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) and the black -eyed Rudbeckie (Rudbeckia Hirta) form a classic summer duo. Both plants have a long flowering period (from summer to autumn) and tempting pollinator insects of all kinds into the garden.

Here you can see a successful combination of 'Goldsturm' Sonnenhut (Rudbeckia Fulgida var. Sullivantii 'Goldsturm') and red prairie clover (Dalea Purpurea). The ideal solution for a large meadow in full sun.

This colorful dry garden in California proves that almost any color palette can be achieved through the variety of succulents and other drought -resistant plants.

Here we see the colors yellow and blue in the form of Bright Star Yucca (Yucca Gloriosa var. Recurvifolia 'Walbristar') and old cabbage (Senecio Mandraliscae). A small splash of color in violet comes to the fore.

Flowers for the meadow

Yellow butterflowers and blue violet prairies (Camassia Quamash) form a perfect couple on this well -kept meadow in West Dean, England. Many types of cocks come from the meadows and wetlands of Great Britain, while the camas is a imported plant from North America.

Complementary colors often appear together in nature in the flowers of wildflowers or other local plants. If you want to design a natural garden, plant local shrubs and flowers instead of foreign species. Here are a few examples of suitable plant species:

Flowers with blue or purple flowers

Spring -flowering flowers

Ornamental garlic
Bell flow
Rittersporn (Delphinium spp.)
Nemesia elf level 'Capri'
Prärielilie, Sama (Camassia quamash)
Viola, pansies

Summer bloomer

Round -leaf bell flower (Campanula Rotundifolia)
Geranie Blue Wonder
Blaue Lupine
Skabios (Scabiosa spp.)
Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
Salbei (sage spp.)
Leastreu, elderistel (erngium spp.)
Stone herb, royal carpet (Lobularia, Alyssum Maritimum)
‘Walker’s Low’ Katzenminze (Nepeta drilled 'Walker's Low')
Saccum-bumps (CEANTHOTUS SPP.)

Yellow flowering flowers

Spring flowers

Rose von Lady Banks (Rosa Banksiae)
Viola, pansies
Winterjasmin (Jasminum nudiflorum)

Yellow flowering summer flowers

Black -eyed Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia Hirta)
Blanketblume (Gaillardia Aristata)
Kalifornischer Flanelbusch (Fremontodendron californicum)
Sonnenhut (Echinacea Spp.)
Girls eyes (coreopsis)
Gray saint herb (Santolina Chamaecyparissus)
SHARBON (Achillea Spp.)

Leaf plantsIn silver and blue

Senecio Greiskraut (Senecio mandraliscae und S. snake)
Blauschwingel (Festuca glauca)
Wild artichoke (Cynara Cardunculus)
Dichondra ‘Silver Falls’ ( Dichondra Argentea ‘Silver Falls’)
Weißfilziges Greiskraut ( Senecio cineraria )
Eselsohr (Stachys byzantina)
‘Silver Charm’ Großblütige Brunnera (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Silver Charm’)
Colorful thyme

Leaf plants with yellow and yellow -green leaves

Gold-Flattergras (Millet 'Orange')
Penny herb (Lysimachia nummularia 'aurea')
'Piedmont Gold' Hosta
Japan-Goldbandgras (Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’)
'Key Lime Pie' purple bells (Heuchera Hybrid)
'Bright Star' Yucca (glorious yucca var. Recommire 'Walbristar')