The Elfie flower for balconies and terraces: Everything about the magnificent plant of the year 2023

Maybe you've already seen our list of flowers of 2023 and came across the elf mirror there. This incredibly pretty flower often adorns the flower boxes on the balconies or the pots on the terraces and if you have previously stuck with the classics such as geraniums and petunias, we strongly recommend that you give this beauty a try. Have you already decided? Perfect, because then today's post will be very useful for you. We summarize everything you need to know about the Elfie flower, the flower of the year 2023 in the north.

Attractive flowers for dreamlike flower arrangements

The flowers of the elf mirror (Nemesia) seem somehow delicate and fairy-like, which is also how it got its name, and they come in different colors and now even two colors. The Elfie flower is a special new breed with lilac-colored ordark purple flowers, which also smell pleasant. A special feature of this variety is the hanging shoots up to 50 cm long, which make the plant of the year 2023 simply perfect for hanging baskets. All in all, a flower that is hard to resist.

The plant starts flowering very early and continues to do so until autumn. What more could you want from a flower?

Find out here, which other plants were named flowers of the year 2023.

Care for the Elfie flower properly

In order for the plant to shine in all its blooms, it must of course be properly cared for. Above all, the supply of nutrients should not be underestimated, because flowering requires enormous strength. What needs to be taken into account for lush, beautiful growth? You should consider the following things regarding location, watering and fertilizing. And do you actually have to cut the plant back?

What is the optimal location?

The plant likes it really sunny and can do more than thatthrive very well in the pot, but also in the bed in your garden. One advantage it has over some others is that snails don't find it particularly appetizing, so you don't have to worry about that. In the bed you can then combine them with other Elfie mirror varieties or conjure up an entire Elfie bed.

Water enough!

Since the Elfie flower, like its relatives, likes to be in the sun, the soil dries out quite quickly, especially if it is planted in a pot. For this reason, it is important to ensure adequate watering because, despite its love of the sun, the plant likes it slightly moist. So if the weather is particularly warm, this definitely means daily or, on hot summer days, twice a day. But avoid waterlogging! You can also protect the beautiful flower variety from this with drainage and loose soil.

Fertilizer for long-lasting flowers

In order for the Elfie flower, the plant of the year 2023, to impress with its blooms throughout the season, as promised, you must provide it with sufficient nutrients. In this case that means once every week. Liquid fertilizer is best suited as it is conveniently added together with the irrigation water.

Do you have to cut the Elfie flower?

In itself, pruning or cleaning is not part of the mandatory program. In this way you can promote new flower formation and also extend the flowering period. To do this, simply pluck off the dead flowers straight away or wait until the majority of the flowers have faded and cut back all the shoots. The difference is that with the first variant you guarantee long-term blooms, whereas with pruning you have to wait for the new flowering phase. Pruning takes place at the end of July, so that the second flowering phase will take place in September. But then the flowers are no longer as lush. Otherwise, cut the specimen back before winter.

Also read:Cutting and overwintering geraniums: How to do it right

What can you combine the Nemesia with?

Since the plant itself is very lush and impressive, it is not absolutely necessary to combine it with other flowers. Nonetheless, their relatives, the common fairy mirrors, are perfect planting partners, as are other flowers with similar location and care requirements, including:

  • Fuchsien (Fuchsia)
  • geraniums (Pelargonium)
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • Levkoye (Matthiola)
  • Lobelien (Lobelia)
  • petunias (Petunia), also the so-called super petunias Surfinia
  • snowflake flowers (Sutera cordata)
  • Snow Princess (Lobularia maritima ‘Snow Princess’)
  • Vanilleblumen (Heliotropium arborescens)
  • Verbena (verbena,Verbena)
  • magic bells (Calibrachoa)
  • magic snow (Euphorbia hypericifolia/Chamaesyce hypericifolia)

You can combine all of the types of flowers mentioned in any way you like to create beautiful flower arrangements in bright colors.

If you are interested in beautiful combination ideas for geraniums, you cantake a look here.