A beautifully decorated balcony with colorful flowers is a true paradise - not only for the residents themselves, but also for everyone else who has the pleasure of looking at it as they pass by. In addition to petunias, geraniums are probably the most popular flowers. But if you don't just want to display the geranium in the box, you can also put together versatile compositions to transform any flower box into a work of art. But what goes with geraniums? Can only flowering plants be chosen or are green ones also suitable? We have a few ideas!
Similar location and care requirements
To ensure that all plants feel comfortable, you should of course combine the geraniums with similar plants. By this we don't mean similar colors, flowers or leaf types, but what conditions they require in terms of location and care. After all, it makes little senseshade-loving plantto choose where the box with the geraniums will be in the sun. Of course, the same applies to water requirements and nutrient supply. So, which plants do you combine best with?
Some flowers that are particularly pretty and suitable are the following:
- Bidens/Goldmarie (Bidens ferulifolia)
- Blue daisies (Brachyscome iberidifolia)
- Hussar buttons (Sanvitalia reclining)
- Cap Margin Rites (Osteospermum)
- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- faithful to men (Lobelia erinus)
- petunias (Petunia)
- Purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)
- Vanilleblumen (Heliotropium arborescens)
- Verbena (Vervain;Verbenaceae)
- Lantana (Lanthanen)
- magic bells (Calibrachoa)
- magic snow (Euphorbia hypericifolia)
- Zinnia (Zinnia)
But not only flowering plants are suitable. There are also some green varieties that are perfect for filling gaps and adding texture through height differences and interesting leaf shapes and colors. We would therefore like to show you some interesting container plants.
What goes with geraniums? Should it be similar in color or contrasting?
You can either put together the arrangement in the same or very similar colors or create a color contrast. The combination of three shades of one color is also very popular and looks harmonious, while the colorful mix has a cheerful and dynamic look. We already have a few nice arrangements for youin this articleshown. Below we have a few more impressive ideas.
Dipladenia, geranium, jasmine nightshade in a plant bowl
The focal point in this combination is the dipladenia (Mandeville). A few pink geraniums were planted around it, taking up the middle height. Added to this is the jasmine-flowered nightshade (Solanus laxus), diesnowflake flower (Chaenostoma cordatum)with their white, delicate flowers and the magic bell (Calibrachoa) in pink and pink and a few hanging succulents to fill. You should also plan a climbing aid for dipladenia.
Red blossom as a contrast to the pennywort
Of course, you can combine not only red geraniums with pennywort, but also other varieties. However, it is advisable to use standing specimens, as the herb already has a hanging quality and you should compensate for this with the help of the height of other flowers. This simple combination of just two plant species creates an interesting look, which you can also complement with a few medium-high, but also standing, specimens. Or alternate the coin herb with other hanging flowers! Instead of pelargoniums, or as in the example in addition to them, begonias can also be used.
Which plants to combine geraniums with – pink and white as a color duo
Pink geraniums and the white snowflake flower (Chaenostoma cordatum), no matter whether you can combine standing or hanging geraniums. The duo also looks perfect in a hanging basket from which the flowering shoots in the two contrasting colors hang out. Others toohanging plantswith the same site conditions and care needs, you can choose instead of or in addition to the snowflake flower.
You can also see the variant with the two specimens (precious geranium and snowflake flower) in this example of a balcony box, which can also decorate the window. So if you decide to plant geraniums with other flowers, you can create a pretty and dynamic arrangement even from two specimens. For more color, you can simply combine different geranium colors.
Noble color contrast with silvery gray plants
plants withsilvery leavesare without question a real eye-catcher, but are often underestimated or simply forgotten as potted plants. That's why we want to remind you to consider these when planning and putting together your Pelargonium arrangement. But what goes with geraniums? How about the one in the picture above? This is the so-called lattice herb (barbed wire plant), which you can also combine with other flower and leaf colors.
What goes with geraniums – green coleus and ornamental grasses
Because ornamental grasses grow tall, they make wonderful medium-sized plants in a container. In a flower box you can take the middle row. Then plant any standing geraniums around it and then coleus, with colored or green leaves as desired. Another variation for this plant combination would be to use coleus as a second row and hanging geraniums for the outside areas of the container so that the shoots can hang downwards.
Would you like to combine standing and hanging geraniums? How about this: For the middle and highest areas, any standing variety, then coleus or other medium-high specimens and hanging plants outside?
Also read:Cutting and overwintering geraniums: How to do it right