More flowers for cemetery that need little water
Not enough choice yet? Then take a look at the following list of other examples that are both uncomplicated and beautifulSingle grave, as well as a double grave or urn gravecan decorate.
Which flowers to choose for grave planting with low watering:
- Cyclamen(Cyclamen purpurascens)
- Bergen (Bergen)
- Fat man(Pachysandra terminalis)
- Eisbegonia (Begonia semperflorens)
- Erika(Erica)
- Fetthenne (Sedum)
- Flammenblume(Phlox Paniculata)
- Flaming Käthchen (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)
- goose cress (Arabs)
- St. John's wort (Hypericum chalice)
- Houseleek(Forever)
- Hussar heads(Sanvitalia bowing down)
- Evergreen honeysuckle(shiny blonde)
- Small periwinkle (Vinca minor)
- Lavender (Lavendula)
- Line (Nanum)
- Midday gold(Gazanie)
- cloves (Dianthus)
- Sand-Thymian (Thymus serpyllum)
- snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
- Steinkraut(Alyssum)
- Storchenschnabel(Geranium)
- Student flowers(Tagetes)
- Carpet chamomile (A noble chameleon)
- Woll-Ziest (Stachys byzantina)
- Magic snow(Euphorbia hypericifolia)
- Dwarf dahlia (Dahlia)
- cotoneasters (Cotoneaster)
Anne Seidel was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1987, which also explains her passion for big cities. Nevertheless, she loves nature and activities such as mountaineering and camping, which is why she attaches great importance to environmental friendliness - also when it comes to household chores. Due to her great interest in a wide range of topics such as gardening, cooking, beauty, health and fitness, she has acquired a lot of knowledge, which she has been able to share with her readers since 2014 thanks to her work at Deavita.