In the middle of summer, staying in the middle of the sun becomes unbearable. Everyone knows that only too well. But luckily there are usually enough shaded areas under trees and canopies where you can find the necessary freshness and coolness. The plants do not have this option, which is why it is so important to always plan carefully which specimens prefer shade or partial shade and which types of flowers are suitable for the sun.
We would like to introduce you to some pretty flowers for the sun with which youthe perfect floral displayeven on the hottest days. So if you still have some free spaces in your sunny garden that you would like to fill with plants, you can choose from our list and create a pretty bed.
Purslane frogs
The purslane frog (Purslane). It can have a variety of flower colors, including yellow, red, purple, white and orange, but is best used in a colorful mix. These flowers for the sun have fleshy leaves that can store water very well and make the plants resistant to drought.
The pretty flower only needs to be watered once every two or three days. The flowers for the sun are annual plants that are sown using seeds. They bloom all summer long. Finally, form themsmall Samentaschen. You can quickly collect the tiny seeds and then sow them again next year.
A perennial plant is the stone herb (Alyssum), which blooms in yellow, white or different shades of purple and again throughout the summer. These flower varieties cope well with the heat and survive the winter, so you can enjoy the plant for several years. The plant is also very suitable in a pot for a sunny balcony or terrace.
The plants grow to a height of around 10 cm and can be used wonderfully as slightly taller ground cover. Compositions of several colors are particularly pretty in this example, for a dreamy floral carpet in romantic colors.
Plant gold coins
The gold thaler (Asperiscus) is one of the rather rare types of flowers in the garden, as many people don't know it. These flowers have beautiful yellow flowers for the sun that decorate the garden all summer long. They are also perennial and grow to a height of between 10 and 12 cm. The flower grows rather broadly and, in addition to the flowers, also has pretty, densely growing leaves.
Although the plant loves sun so much, it does not tolerate drought as well as the previous two species. As soon as the soil becomes dry, it needs to be watered. And that usually means every day on hot days. Then with these flowers for the sun you will also get an attractive accent in the garden.
If you want to enjoy flowers for as long as possible, you can also use the Brandschop (Celosia) consider. The flowers also have strong colors such as red, yellow or pink. Since these are annual flowers, they must be sown every year. But this simply works with seeds.
The Strawflowers (Helichrysum) look like dried flowers and are often used for bouquets or dried bouquets because they last forever. This is an advantage when the flowering season in the garden is over, because even in winter you will still be able to enjoy the flowers, which can also be very colorful. ThisFlowers for the sunare also very easy to maintain.
Again, these are annual plants that you don't actually have to worry about. The fewer rainy days in summer are enough for them. The possible flower colors are endless and can be combined wonderfully and create a great display of flowers in the sunny garden.
Flame flowers
There are many different types of phloxes. But two of them are particularly suitable as flowers for the sun and these arePhlox subalataandPhlox douglasi. The flowers grow very low again and can be used perfectly as ground cover. Their easy care and attractive, long-lasting blooms make these sun-loving specimens a popular perennial plant.
The pretty Gazanias (Gazania) are known by different names. They are also called Mittagsgold, Mittagsgoldbumen or Sonnentaler. What is interesting about this genus is that they close their flowers in the evening after sunset and then impress again in full color the next morning.
Marigold in the garden
Marigolds are very popular and widespread (Calendula). For this reason, it is often overlooked and viewed as banal. The pretty flowers provide a lush display of color and don't take much time to care for. Even if you forget to water for a long time and the plants hang their heads, they will quickly recover as soon as you water them.
Maybe you don't like the typical flower shape and color. Then you can choose different types and provide variety. You can also play with the height. Not all species are the same height. Create pretty tiered beds with just one type of flower for the sun.
Like all the flower varieties mentioned so far, the marigold blooms for a very long time. The first flowers appear towards the end of May and decorate the garden until the first frost. Although it is an annual plant, you will enjoy it every year without having to do anything for it. The seeds are very winter-hardy, which means the flower reseeds itself. For this reason, it is often incorrectly thought that marigold is a perennial plant.
Also with the student flower (Tagetes), new varieties with attractive flowers are constantly being bred. Feel free to combine different heights and flower sizes of the flowers for the sun to get an interesting mix. The Tagetes erecta, for example, impresses with huge flowers that can reach a diameter of up to 12.5 cm.
Great flowers for the sun are also the different varieties of sage (Salvia). You can choose between annual and perennial varieties, the latter being spices that are also used in medicine. The sage has strong colors, which are particularly present in the varieties for full sun. The partial shade species have paler flower colors.
Without the sun, the pretty candytufts also come (Iberis) not out. Combine the annual specimen (Iberis is evergreen), which blooms from April to June with the perennial species (Iberia umbrellas), which bloom from June to September, to have flowers in the garden all summer long.
California poppy
The Californian poppy also adds warm colors (Eschscholzia californica) to your garden. This pretty flower should not be forgotten and should definitely be considered if you are looking for flowers for the sun. They bloom from June until the first frosts. It is again an annual plant, but can easily be replanted every year using seeds.