Everyone wants a certain level of privacy in their garden. And anyone who attaches great importance to naturalness will immediately choose living plants. But which plants can you actually use to protect your neighbors from privacy? The space, your patience, the amount of care you are willing to accept and of course the legal regulations determine, among other things, the right choice. We have put together some tips and types of plants that you can plant as a privacy screen for your neighbors to help you with planning and preparation.
Which plants can be used as privacy screens for neighbors – what are the guidelines?
“The garden is mine and I should be able to do whatever I want there,” you might be thinking. But it's not like that at all. In order to maintain peace between neighbors and accommodate everyone, almost every federal state has established certain regulations that apply to theChoice of privacy screenshould be taken into account and adhered to. After all, your neighbor shouldn't be lacking sun just because your privacy screen plants are growing too tall, for example. You wouldn't like that either! It's also best to talk to your neighbor about your plans before planting privacy hedges or the like.
At the end of the article you will find a link to a list of all federal states and their guidelines. Now let’s come to the question “Which plants are suitable as privacy screens?”
The selectionis of course very large in itself: trees, shrubs, bushes, grasses, climbing plants in existing fences and, above all, hedge plants are all wonderfully suitable. Exactly which type it should be depends primarily on how much time you want and can invest in care, whether you prefer it to be evergreen or would like to enjoy flowers from time to time, whether you want to create a dense privacy screen from plants or not there can also be lights. You can find a selection of suitable and particularly popular variants below.