A-Z list of flower types with pictures and care tips – Part 2

We have already published the first part of our small overview of flower types from AZ with pictures and would now like to provide you with the second part. Once again we have a selection of popular flowers for both the garden and pot, as well as a few quick care tips for you. All types of flowers are provided with pictures so that you can get an idea of ​​the respective types and make your choice easier. So if you are ready to slowly but surely equip yourself for the coming spring or if you simply want a new beauty to decorate your apartment, you might find something suitable here.

Types of flowers from AZ with pictures – ideas with N

Let's start our list of flower types from A-Z with picture with two beautiful classics:

  • Narzisse(Narcissus)

Origin: Northwest Africa, Southwest Europe
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny or light partial shade
Soil: sandy soil is preferred
Watering: water regularly
Fertilize: in autumn with organic fertilizer
Flowers: yellow and white; trumpet shape
Flowering time: March and/or April

  • clove(Dianthus)

Origin: Europe and Asia
Plant type: potted and garden plant
Location: sunny
Soil: permeable, nutrient-rich and airy; calcareous
Watering: Allow the substrate to dry
Fertilize: fertilize sparingly
Flowers: pink, white, red, green; jagged petals
Flowering time: June to August

Favorites of flower lovers with O

Classic potted plants in our list of species from A-Z with picture:

  • Oleander(Nerium oleander) – poisonous!

Origin: Mediterranean region
Plant type: potted plant
Location: bright and sunny; outdoors from May
Soil: calcareous and clayey soil
Watering: water abundantly, especially in hot summer
Fertilize: from spring to the end of August no more than once a week
Flowers: White, shades of pink and red
Flowering time: June to August

  • Orchids(Orchidaceae)

Origin: tropical areas of Asia, Australia and South America
Plant Type: Potted Plants
Location: bright and partially shaded or shady; no direct sunlight
Soil: permeable substrate for orchids
Watering: every 7 to 14 days, preferably with rainwater; Moisten leaves
Fertilizing: Fertilization depends on the substrate; fertilize sparingly
Flowers: a variety of flower colors possible through breeding
Flowering time: possible at any time of the year depending on the species

What types of flowers are there with P?

The following types of flowers with a picture are also exceptionally beautiful:

  • Pantoffelblume(Calceolaria)

Origin: Peru and Chile
Plant type: garden plant; potted plant
Location: bright and as cool and moist as possible; avoid direct sun; protected from wind
Soil: sandy-humic, lime-free and loose
Watering: water abundantly, but avoid waterlogging
Fertilize: fertilize moderately
Flowers: reminiscent of a shoe; Yellow, red, orange and two-tone variants
Flowering period: January to May

  • Paper flower(Xeranthemum annual)

Origin: Southern Europe
Plant type: garden flower
Location: sunny for lots of flowers
Soil: nutritious, loose and permeable
Irrigation: only during long dry periods
Fertilize: only once in spring
Flowers: pink, white and light purple; are reminiscent of flowers made from tissue paper
Flowering time: July to October

  • Passionsblume(Passiflora caerulea)

Origin: Peru, Brazil
Plant type: potted plant; someSpecies are hardyand are suitable for the garden
Location: bright and sunny, without direct sun; lots of fresh air
Soil: humus and slightly sandy
Watering: water abundantly during the growing phase
Fertilize: weekly
Flowers: White with purple and violet or blue elements and variations
Flowering time: April to October

  • Peony(Pioneer)

Origin: Central and Southern Europe, East Asia
Plant type: garden flower
Location: sunny
Soil: loose soil, nutrient-rich and moist (rather dry in summer); loamy
Watering: water abundantly during bud formation
Fertilize: with compost in spring or after flowering
Flowers: shades of red, white, pink, purple, salmon
Flowering period: April to June

  • Phlox(Phlox paniculata)

Origin: eastern North America
Plant type: garden flower
Location: rather cool; shaded with partial shade
Soil: rich in nutrients and humus
Watering: abundant on hot days
Fertilize: with compost in spring
Flowers: fragrant in white and various shades of pink and purple
Flowering time: June to September

  • Purslane frogs(Portulaca grandiflora)

Origin: South America
Plant type: Garden and container plant
Location: sunny and hot; protected from rain and wind
Soil: sandy garden soil or sandy standard soil
Watering: water sparingly
Fertilize: once a month
Flowers: Orange, Salmon, Pink, Yellow, White, Red
Flowering time: June to August

Flower Types Names with R

Please also consider the following examples of flower types from AZ with pictures:

  • Rittersporn(Delphinium)

Origin: Europe, Asia, America and Africa
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny and protected from wind
Soil: loamy, sandy and humus
Watering: water abundantly in a sunny location
Fertilize: at the beginning of the growth phase
Flowers: violet-blue
Flowering time: June to August or September

  • Knightstar(Hippeastrum) – poisonous!

Origin: Peruvian Andes
Plant type: potted plant
Location: partially shaded; outdoors in summer
Soil: permeable
Watering: water after flowering; Do not water or only water moderately during winter rest
Fertilize: every one to two weeks after flowering; Do not fertilize during winter dormancy
Flowers: various colors such as red, white, salmon, orange, green and multicolored; large flowers
Flowering time: usually in winter

  • Rizinus(Rizinus) – poisonous!

Origin: tropical Africa
Plant type: garden plant; container plant
Location: sunny and protected from wind
Soil: nutritious
Watering: water abundantly
Fertilize: fertilize twice a week
Flowers: Dark red
Flowering time: August to October

  • Rose(Rosa)

Origin: China and Persia
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny or at least very bright
Soil: clayey and sandy; permeable
Watering: water moderately
Fertilize: once every week from May to July
Flowers: numerous colors and color combinations
Flowering time: June to October

Flower types overview

These ideas from our flower types from AZ with pictures are true classics:

  • Schachbrettblume(Fritillaria meleagris)

Origin: Europe, Caucasus
Plant type: garden plant, potted plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Boden: locker, smoke
Watering: slightly moist soil; Does not tolerate dry periods and waterlogging
Fertilize: once in March with compost
Flowers: white, purple, pinkwith checkerboard pattern
Flowering time: April to May

  • snowdrop(Galanthus)

Origin: Western, Central and Southern Europe
Plant type: garden plant; also suitable as a balcony plant
Location: bright and full sun
Soil: loose and rich in humus
Watering: only if there is drought during the growing phase
Fertilize: do not fertilize
Flowers: bell-shaped and white
Flowering period: January to March

  • Pansies(Viola tricolor)

Origin: Europe
Plant type: garden and potted plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Soil: nutrient-rich, humus, loose and permeable
Watering: Allow the soil to dry out
Fertilize: every 4 weeks until the end of the flowering period
Flowers: various colors, including yellow, purple
Flowering time: March to November

  • Studentenblume(Tagetes)

Origin: Mexico, Guatemala
Plant type: garden plant, container plant
Location: sunny or partially shaded
Soil: loamy and humus; sandy to gravelly; in the pot of potting soil
Watering: water moderately
Fertilize: weekly
Flowers: fragrant or odorless; Yellow, orange, red
Flowering time: June to October

Different types of flowers with pictures and the initial letter T

The flower types from AZ with picture are perfect for a beautiful garden:

  • Very beautiful(Perpetual wars)

Origin: Europe, Asia Minor
Plant type: garden flower, pot flower
Location: sunny to full sun
Soil: loamy garden soil or balcony potting soil
Watering: water frequently on hot days
Fertilize: weekly with liquid fertilizer
Flowers: white, pink, fireplace red, scarlet
Flowering time: March to May

  • Bleeding heart(Spectacular dicentra)

Origin: Northeast Asia, North America
Plant type: garden plant
Location: semi-shady to slightly shady
Soil: rich in nutrients and humus; low in lime; sandy-humic
Watering: water sparingly on hot days
Fertilize: in spring; Add compost every two years in the fall
Flowers: heart-shaped and pendulous in pink and white
Flowering time: May to August

  • Trompetenblume(Campsis radicans)

Origin: USA
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny and sheltered from the wind with climbing aid
Soil: loamy-humic
Watering: water abundantly
Fertilize: weekly from May to August
Flowers: trumpet and tubular; Orange, fire red
Flowering time: July to September

  • Tulips(Fire)

Origin: Persia
Plant type: garden plant, potted plant
Location: sunny
Soil: loamy-humic
Watering: water moderately
Fertilize: once before flowering
Flowers: yellow, white, pink, purple and multicolored
Flowering time: April to May

With U there are only a few types:

  • Usambaraveilchen(Saintpaulia)

Origin: East Africa, Tanzania
Plant type: potted plant
Location: partially shaded and bright; without direct sunlight
Soil: rich in humus; moderately moist; lime-free
Watering: water moderately with water at room temperature
Fertilize: March to September weekly; October to February monthly
Flowers: blue, purple, pink, red
Flowering time: several flowering phases throughout the year alternating with short rest phases

Beautiful species with V

Delicate and romantic examples of flower types from AZ with picture:

  • violet(Viola)

Origin: North America, Peru, Australia, Tasmania, Japan
Plant type: potted plant, garden plant
Location: partially shaded
Soil: moderately moist, rich in humus
Watering: water regularly
Fertilize: fertilize regularly
Flowers: heart-shaped, violet-blue, yellow
Flowering period: April to June

  • Forget-me-nots(Myosotis)

Origin: Europe, Northwest Africa
Plant type: garden plant
Location: semi-shady, shady, bright
Soil: moist, loamy, humus
Watering: water regularly
Fertilizing: not necessary
Flowers: light blue
Flowering time: March to June

Ideas with W

Flower types from AZ with picture – Numerous variants with W:

  • Wachsblume(Hoya)

Origin: Southeast Asia
Plant type: potted plant
Location: bright and airy; without direct sunlight
Soil: loose compost-based potting soil
Watering: keep evenly moist and only allow the top layer to dry; no waterlogging
Fertilize: two to three times a month during the growth phase
Flowers: White and star-shaped, reminiscent of wax; some species are fragrant
Flowering time: May to October

  • Lantana(lantana camara)

Origin: tropical Africa
Plant type: container plant
Location: full sun and protected from rain
Soil: boreal potting soil
Watering: never let it dry out completely; Water regularly in a sunny location; Keep soil moist
Fertilize: every two weeks from May to August
Flowers: fire red, purple
Flowering time: June to October

  • Poinsettia(The most beautiful Euphorbia)

Origin: tropical dry forests of Mexico
Plant type: potted plant
Location: warm and bright, without direct sunlight; Avoid drafts and dry heating air
Soil: Compost-based potting soil
Watering: water sparingly; Allow the soil to dry
Fertilize: fertilize liquidly every 2 weeks during the flowering period; weekly in summer
Flowers: red, white, red-white, pink
Flowering time: October to March

  • Vetch(Vetch)

Origin: Andes, northern temperate areas
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded without midday sun; protected from wind
Soil: sandy to loamy; rich in humus; calcareous; permeable
Watering: water regularly; Keep soil moist
Fertilize: fertilize several times a year
Flowers: red, white, pink, purple, blue, orange, multicolored
Flowering time: June to September

Finally flowers with Z

Exotic flower speciesfrom AZ with picture:

  • Ornamental garlic(Garlic)

Origin: Türkiye, Iran
Plant type: garden plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Soil: dry soil; normal and loose; calcareous
Watering: water sparingly
Fertilize: in spring during budding
Flowers: shades of purple, blue, red, white, yellow, pink
Flowering time: between April and September depending on the species

  • Cigarette flowers(A cup of fire)

Origin: Mexico
Plant type: garden plant, container plant
Location: sunny to partially shaded
Soil: ordinary balcony potting soil
Watering: water moderately
Fertilize: every two weeks from May to August
Flowers: Red and tubular; reminiscent of cigarettes
Flowering time: May to September

  • Zinnie(Zinnia)

Origin: southern USA and Central America
Plant type: garden and potted plants
Location: warm and full sun
Soil: low in humus, permeable and loamy; moderately dry
Watering: water moderately; no waterlogging; Minor dry spells do no harm
Fertilize: after planting with compost or organic fertilizer
Flowers: diverse shades; monochrome and multicolor
Flowering time: July to September

  • citrus plant(Citrus)

Origin: Mediterranean, Asia
Plant type: container plant
Location: sunny and warm; outdoors from May
Soil: Mix of loamy-humous garden soil and balcony potting soil
Watering: water regularly, moderately with rainwater
Fertilize: weekly from May to August
Flowers: fragrant and white
Flowering period: January to December