What could be more beautiful in the summer garden than the colorful and fragrant flowers? If your flower beds, pots and flower boxes are not enough for you, you could also have a nice oneCreate a flower meadow! A flowering meadow is not just a feast for the eyes, it is also good for bees and other insects. Perfect for a bee-friendly garden design! We have some tips and instructions on the topic of “flower meadows in the garden” – regardless of whether you want to create the flower meadow instead of a lawn or create one in the bed.
In principle you go the same wayin ornamental lawnsif you want to sow a flower meadow in the garden. You need around 5 to 10 grams of seeds per square meter, which you can mix with vermiculite or sand and shavings.
- Remove any sod with a spade.
- Dig up the ground.
- Loosen him up. This is easier with a motor hoe.
- Break up large clods of soil with a hoe.
- Rake the soil finely with a rake.
- Roll the floor.
- Sow the seeds evenly. For this purpose, calmness is important. Then you can possibly roll the seeds.
- Water if necessary if rain is not expected soon. Be careful not to wash away the seeds.
When you sow the seeds, do not scatter them too densely, otherwise the quantity will not be enough. Sprinkle more sparingly at first, then add more if there are any seeds left over. Based on the material added, you can easily see where there are already seeds and where you can sprinkle them again.
You proceed in the same way if you want to create a flower meadow in the bed.
Is it possible to have a flower meadow without digging?
Can a flowering meadow do that?Replace lawn? The flower meadow in the garden is not as long-lasting as the lawn. But with the right care, it can decorate your garden for several years. It is therefore quite conceivable that you can convert the lawn into a flower meadow. Since the lawn removes nutrients from the soil over time, this area is particularly beneficial for your flowering meadow because it is much easier to care for. It's also practical that you don't even have to dig for an annual version if you sow the flower meadow on lawn. However, if you would like to create a flower meadow on lawn, you have the following options:
- Drastically reduce lawn maintenance. Fertilizer is no longer necessary becauseMeadow flowers growin nutrient-poor soils. You can also reduce mowing to once or twice a year. You should also leave off mulching. Meadow flowers will establish themselves through seed flight (in cities this can take a long time).
- You can initially cover the desired area with black foil for about a month (stones will hold it in place). The lawn will die during this time and can then be raked off. The soil is automatically roughened a little and you can sow the flower meadow (mix the seeds with chips and sand). Roll over the area to bring the seeds into contact with the soil. This also prevents the seeds from being covered by soil, because it is particularly important for them to germinate that they receive sufficient light. Pour.
When to sow flower meadows?
Spring, and more specifically the period between mid-March and May, is considered optimal for sowing. However, keep in mind that if you choose May, you should ensure good watering because the weather is warmer and longer dry periods occur. Summer is not ideal for sowing, but it is a possible option if you cover the area where you are sowing with shade fleece to prevent it from drying out.
Maintain flower meadows
In contrast to the lawn, a flower meadow should not be walked on too often, as meadow flowers are sensitive to being stepped on. But if you are replacing the lawn, this is quite inconvenient, because how are you supposed to get from the terrace to the beds? Quite simply, you can plan paths in advance - just like on a real meadow!
Do you have to mow the flower meadow in the garden?
Can or should you mow after you create a flowering meadow? Yes, you can, but how often should you do it? Once or twice per season is sufficient. Rake up the clippings. It is wonderfully suitable for the compost heap.
When to mow flower meadows?
You can do this just ten weeks after sowingmowing for the first time. The purpose of this is to remove all the weeds that have grown. You don't have to worry about shortening your meadow flowers. They sprout again quickly. Then repeat the whole thing once or twice more to suppress the weeds again. Starting next year, you will only have to mow your natural flower meadow in your garden once in September - when the flowers fade.
Designing a flower meadow in the garden – which flowers?
Seeds are available in a wide variety of mixtures for your own flower meadow. The flowers included are indicated on the packaging. Seeds of the following flowers are particularly popular and suitable for the flower meadow, as they also produce wonderful seedsFlower meadow for beescreate:
- bee friend (Phacelia)
- Borretsch (Borago officinalis)
- Ordinary Dost (Oregano vulgaris)
- Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas)
- Klee (Trifolium)
- Kornblume (Centaurea cyanus)
- Corn row (Agrostemma githago)
- Dandelion (Taraxacum)
- Lupine (Lupinus)
- Malven (Mauve)
- Natternkopf (Echius vulgare)
- marigold (Calendula officinalis)
- sunflower (Helianthus)
- Weißer Steinklee (Melilotus albus)
- Meadow chervil (Anthriscus sylvestris)
- Wild carrot (Daucus carota subsp. carrot)
Learn more about the benefits of a wildflower meadowin this post.