If you are planning a garden design and have not yet chosen the ground cover plants, familiarize yourself with 10 of the most commonly used plant varieties. Some of the plant species in our collection have beautiful flowers, others are useful herbs or commonly used spices. They are all relatively easy to care for and are particularly recommended for inexperienced plant lovers. In our collection you will find important information about the right time and place to plant so that the best result is achieved for your garden.
Evergreen ground cover plants are preferred
One of the popular plant species is the early-flowering thyme (Thymus praecox), which colors your garden with its beautiful flowers in delicate purple from May to July. It prefers full sun locations and is not demanding on the hardness of the soil. Even without flowers it looks beautiful with its pretty leaves with a silvery-green color.
Flowers and herbs in your garden
The creeping gypsum herb 'Pink star' (Gypsophila repens 'Rosea') grows in dry to fresh soil in a sunny location. There it requires little care to form its beautiful flower clouds. This perennial rock garden plant is well used for designing the borders of flower beds.
thekriechende Günsel
You can choose the smelling Günsel 'Black Scallop' (Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop') as a ground cover in your garden because of its long flowering period - from April to August - and its growth height, which reaches 30 cm. Its inflorescence grows upright like a candle on a square stem. It tastes fantastic in salads or with sweet fruits such as bananas, mangoes or sugar melons.
Creeping Speedwell 'Sunshine'
Creeping speedwell 'Sunshine' (Veronica repens) forms dense mats that are very sturdy. It is therefore well suited for planting between treads. The nutrient-rich and permeable soil is ideal for this plant.
Achamomile tea,please!
The real chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is an absolute classic medicinal plant that no garden should be without. Can also be used as a companion plant in the garden bed or as an ornamental flower in borders.
Sternmoos (Sagina subulata)
The star moss is a flat, very fast-growing and particularly sturdy ground cover that forms dense miniature lawns. It is barely 2 cm high and is covered with countless white flowers in early summer.
A flower that comes from southern Africa is the red ice plant (Delosperma cooperi). At the same time, it is one of the most winter-hardy species in its family and only requires light frost protection in our latitudes. It blooms between June and September, depending on the local climatic conditions.
Grape Lily – amore decorativeGarden friend
The grape lily (Liriope spicata) is a ground cover that reproduces quickly through runners and requires little care. The height of their grass-like leaves can reach up to 20 cm.
A ground coveritwild meadows
As its Latin name suggests, the...White clover (Trifolium repens)creeping, rooting shoots on the ground. It grows in wet and nutrient-rich soil without any special care.
The felty hornwort (Cerastium tomentosum) actually belongs to the carnation family and is recognized as a flower-rich rock garden perennial. This evergreen, herbaceous plant is characterized by its airy cloud of flowers and gray felt-like foliage.