Clover in the lawn: Is it good or bad as a lawn replacement?

The backyard lawn – that controversial piece of greenery adored by some andis avoided by others. On the one hand, lawns require large amounts of water to survive. On the other hand, these are monocultures that bring only minimal benefit to nature. Don't forget the annoying mowing of the lawn. However, you can make your lawn more sustainable by considering clover. Clover stays green longer and requires less water than conventional grasses. It also has many benefits as small animal and insect food. Before chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers existed, the humble clover plant was a common resident of backyard lawns across the country. But why do people want to fight clover in the lawn today and permanently remove it? Whether you want to create a new lawn or maintain an old lawn, there are good reasons to grow clover.

Clover as a useful plant and alternative to traditional lawns

The many plants we consider weeds are hated by gardeners simply because they grow where they are not wanted, and they do so with considerable vigor and tenacity. TheClover is usually considered a weedconsidered and combated by homeowners with herbicides and other means in search of a perfect lawn containing only lawn grasses. However, a little thought and botanical knowledge can show you that white clover can have many positive effects on the soil.

The clover as a victim of bad branding

In fact, prior to World War II, clover was an intentional component of lawn seed mixes, along with fescue (fescue), ryegrass, and meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Because of its ability to thrive in poor soils, fix its own nitrogen, and survive during periods of drought, clover was intentionally added to grass mixtures to promote the growth of surrounding grasses.

It was only shortly after World War II, with the advent of suburbia and naivety about the new world of chemicals, that clover became stigmatized. Although he is away fromother weed speciesLike plantains and dandelions, it wasn't long before chemical manufacturers were able to convince everyone that clover was also harmful - just another weed to eliminate in the search for the perfect lawn.

The clover in the profile

The most common clover for lawns is white clover (Trifolium repens), which can be found in fields, along roadsides and wherever else it has established itself. Typical of clover are its three-part leaves and white or pink flowers. White clover is low-growing and only about 10-15 cm high. It spreads via above-ground stolons, which form a dense, robust plant cover even when cut low.

Red clover (Trifolium pratense), named for its dark pink flowers, is also abundant in the wild, but is less desirable as a lawn replacement because of its growth height (up to 35 cm).

Another variety that has recently become increasingly popular is microclover (Trifolium repens var. Pipolina). This variety has leaves half the size and grows half the height of standard white clover. This creates the ideal look that homeowners expect from a well-maintained green space.

Here's what you need to know about the two most commonly used varieties:
White clover (Trifolium repens):
– Normally needs to be re-sown after 2-3 years.
– Stays green all year round (in warm climates).
– Blooms between May and October and can feed bees.
– Requires 4-6 hours of sun daily.
– Seeding rate: 5 g / m²

Micro clover (Trifolium repens var. Pipolina):
– Is fairly shade tolerant, but does best in sunny locations.
– Can be mown shorter than white clover.
– Can handle more foot traffic.
– Produces approximately 90% fewer flowers than white clover.
– Turns brown in winter due to dormancy.
– Ansaat je nach Method: 2 g je qm

Agricultural Uses for Clover

Several species of clover are widely used as fodder plants for domestic animals and as soil-improving crops in agriculture. Clover is easy to grow in a variety of conditions and is rich in nutrients. It is an ideal forage plant for livestock and other grazing livestock. With its network of roots, it collects significant amounts of nitrogen from the air, enriches the soil and improves it for the subsequent harvest.

White clover is ideal for organic and natural gardens because it provides an ideal source of food for bees and other pollinators. A lawn teeming with bees may not be for everyone. Many homeowners arecareful to create a clover lawn, because they are afraid of bee stings. If you are allergic to bees or have small children, you can discourage bees by mowing and removing flowers regularly during summer blooms. However, if you are not allergic and have older children (or no children at all), it is best to let the clover bloom. Honey bees are the main pollinator species for a third of all crops that we as humans depend on.

Bees around the world are threatened by a mysterious condition calledColony Collapse Disorder (CCD)is referred to. When a colony of bees is hit by CCD, the worker bees spontaneously leave the hive and disappear, leaving the queen, some larvae, and immature workers to starve. The cause of CCD is still unknown, but it is believed that bee colonies stressed by habitat loss, parasites and pesticide use are most drastically affected. However, homeowners can help by stopping the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides and simply letting their clover lawn bloom.

Reasons FOR using clover in your lawn

In recent years, clover has come under renewed scrutiny and many plant scientists and some homeowners are recognizing its benefits as an ingredient in lawn grass mixes - or even as a lawn replacement.

  • Clover stays green all summer long, with little or no watering.It is one of the first plants to turn green in spring and retains its lush green mass even under drought conditions.
  • It needs little or no mowing. The white clover only grows to a height of 10 centimeters and requires little or no mowing. Some homeowners still prefer to mow in mid-summer to prevent blooming or to remove old blooms.
  • Attracts beneficial insects (such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies) to your garden, which in turn help pollinate your vegetable garden. The carpet of plants rich in flowers also attracts parasitoid wasps, which feed on aphids and whiteflies. These wasps are tiny, harmless to humans and will be your enthusiastic allies in combating pests in your kitchen garden.
  • The green matter also provides plenty of nutritious food for small animals,such as forest hares. They also like deer and roe deer very much.
  • Never needs fertilizer. Clover is a nitrogen-binding plant from the legume family and can also be used as a valuable green fertilizer. Grass mixed with clover is healthier and greener and requires less maintenance than traditional lawn.
  • Overgrows other weeds. Ifdense ground cover plantWhite clover crowds out other weeds such as dandelions that populate the lawn. This saves weeding and the need for expensive herbicides.
  • Clover also grows in poor soil. Since clover can get its nitrogen from the air, as explained above, it survives much better than grass on nitrogen-poor soils.
  • It feels good on bare feet.Soft and cool – walking barefoot on a clover lawn is a pleasure. The leaves and flowers also have a mild, pleasant scent.
  • No more dog pee stains. Yellow stains from dog urine can make a lawn quite unsightly, but the clover remains as green and lush as ever.

Clover lawns also have some disadvantages:

  • It dyes clothes more easily than grass.
  • It is not robust enough for playing fields or high traffic areas unless mixed with grass.
  • White clover is hardy and perennial, but rather short-lived. Ideally, clover reproduces through self-sowing; it is usually necessary to reseed the clover lawn from time to time.
  • It is very moist under the small clovers and snails like this very much. Here we have10 home remedies for pests in the gardenlisted.

Creating a clover lawn – this is how it works:

Clover does best in clay soils or sandy loam soils with a pH between 6 and 7. Use a soil test kit or pH meter to determine the pH of your soil. If your soil is not in this desired range, you can adjust the soil pH with lime (to make your soil more alkaline) or peat moss (to make your soil more acidic).

The best time to plant clover is after the last frost in spring, from mid-March to mid-April. Then spring rain will also help the new plants establish themselves. At this time the competition, ie the grasses, does not yet have the nutrients it needs. Fall planting may also be possible if you live in an area with mild fall weather. Temperatures should remain above 4°C for the clover to establish before winter.

As mentioned above, lawn specialists recommend using both clover and grass seed to maintain the healthiest lawn possible. However, do not spread these different types of seeds together because clover seeds are so small and usually clump together easily. Instead, determine the desired ratio of clover to grass and distribute the seeds separately.

Use clover as reseeding

To add clover to existing greenery, first mow the lawn as short as possible and rake off the clippings. At the same time, remove old, dried-out lawn. If your lawn needs aeration, now is the time. Aeration revitalizes the lawn, counteracts waterlogging and helps loosen compacted soil.

Mix your chosen clover seed with fine sand, sawdust or soil and spread it over the desired area. Clover seeds should not be planted deep. During the germination period you should always keep the seeds well moist and not walk on the soil.

In order for clover to grow stronger than competing grasses, you should avoid nitrogen-based fertilizers. Because clover fixes its own nitrogen, it thrives even when this nutrient is lacking (while grasses typically do not). However, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are important. Therefore, choose a fertilizer with a low nitrogen content (N) in favor of (P) and (K).

Creating a new clover lawn:

If you are planting a new lawn, prepare your soil a few weeks in advance by removing weeds, stones and root debris. Rake the top layer of soil to loosen the substrate, then water the area to encourage any remaining weeds to sprout. A day or two before planting your lawn, remove any newly sprouted weeds and level the ground.

Mix your clover seed with sand, sawdust or fine-crumb seeding soil to make spreading easier. For a shady location, double the amount of seeds. Rake the planted area to lightly cover the seeds with soil. They won't sprout if they're buried too deeply. Now you can also add grass seeds. The floor may not be walked on afterwards. Water regularly until the seeds germinate.

Before mowing your lawn for the first time, wait for the clover to drop its seeds (after the flowers fade), then cut the stalks fairly short, about 2 inches above the ground. This will help the clover plants establish their roots. Leave the clippings lying on the lawn (it is a valuable mulch). Once the clover begins to thrive, you can reduce mowing by allowing your clover lawn to grow to 8cm. You can always reseed the clover lawn.