Clematis thrive wonderfullyin pots on terraces and balconies, climb pergolas, obelisks and trellises and give the garden height and structure. Garden catalog descriptions of clematis blooming all summer often seem too good to be true. Some gardeners have difficulty getting their clematis to bloom at all because they don't knowdifferent groups of clematisrequire different cutting measures. However, horticultural experts confirm that some clematis varieties can actually bloom all summer long. Be careful when choosing clematis for your garden, care for them properly and you will enjoy the flowering of these beautiful climbing plants until early autumn.
Many of the summer-flowering clematis belong to cutting group 3, which bloom on new wood, i.e. on the shoots that are formed after radical pruning in spring. Read on, because in the article we will explain when and how to cut clematis. Most summer-blooming clematis are hardy to zone 6.
Clematis Viticella are easy-care, permanent bloomers
The varieties of the Clematis viticella group are characterized by a particularly long flowering period, from June to September, and are known for making little demands on the location. 'Madame Julia Correvon'produces red flowers all summer long. The long-flowering varieties include the purple-pink to reddish blooming 'Ernest Markham’'the blue one'Lady Betty Balfour’and the red 'City of Lyon'.