15 Clematis varieties that bloom all summer long

Clematis Texensis

Die Texas-Waldrebe (Clematis texenis) is another compact clematis variety that impresses with an extraordinarily long flowering period from June to October. It has scarlet, bell-shaped flowers and dense foliage. Its shoots are more herbaceous than woody and reach a height of 2 to 4 meters. It blooms on new wood from summer until frost. Like other summer bloomers, C. texensis needs a sunny location. One of the most beautiful Texenis varietiesSir Trevor Lawrence’and‘Princess Diana’.

ClematisWarsaw Nike

This clematis enchants with its large, purple-red flowers from early summer to late autumn. The center of the flower, made up of white stamens, is also fascinating and particularly pleasing to bees, bumblebees and butterflies.

Clematis florida 'Alba Plena'

The Clematis 'Alba Plena' blooms continuously from June to October with greenish-white flowers. The variety is characterized by its attractive flower shape, which is reminiscent of dahlias.

Clematis ‘Rouge Cardinal’

The Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' presents its large crimson flowers from the end of May. Their main flowering period is from June to September. It is robust and easy to care for and feels most comfortable in a sunny to partially shaded spot.