20 cool Pinterest garden ideas that showcase the latest trends

Nowadays we want to have beautiful gardens that require as little maintenance as possible. Ideally, plants serve several purposes - they should look beautiful, exude a pleasant scent and why not also be used in the kitchen. The upcycling trend also continues and is finding more and more enthusiastic supporters. Find out what other inspiration you can find from these great Pinterest garden trends below.

The focus is on low-maintenance garden ideas

Few of us have enough time for gardening these days. For this reason it hasthe easy-care garden designdeveloped into a real trend. Instead of labor-intensive lawns and patio areas, low-maintenance sidewalks and floor coverings such as gravel, gravel and chippings are increasingly being used.

Potted plants on the terrace are in demand. If they are also robust and hardy, they offer a beautiful sight all year round. Houseleeks and succulents, which can survive without water for a very long time, are also very popular. Also ornamental grasses, shrubs, ground cover andclimbing plantsneed very little care.

ColorBlockingin the garden

Color Blockingis a well-known fashion trend that is also finding its way into the garden. It's about eye-catching splashes of color that set strong accents and also highlight individual elements. A colorfully painted wall can become an artistic backdrop for an outdoor sofa or emphasize the beauty of potted plants. The effect can also be easily created with a monochrome outdoor carpet or pergola curtains.

Modern garden ideas without lawn

The lawn in the garden looks beautiful when it is well maintained. Since lawns are maintenance-intensive and require a lot of water and fertilizer to stay green and healthy, they are losing popularity as a design element in landscaping every year. But there arenumerous possibilitiesavailable if you want to create a garden without a lawn.

Why not fill a piece with gravel instead of grass? An alternative to the classic lawn is the meadowsturdy ground cover plantssuch as lawn chamomile, star moss or creeping savory. Many thyme varieties make excellent ground cover and develop dense, flowering cushions.Green jointsbetween stone slabs give the garden a distinctive character.

Gravel in the garden

Clean lines and gravel create a wonderfully modern, clean look in the garden. You can choose between individual elements made of pebbles or an entire gravel garden. Gravel areas are particularly suitable in sunny areas and make the garden appear orderly. Plants such as grasses and evergreen plants thrive in the gravel bed.

Feng ShuiGarden area

If you want to design a particularly harmonious garden, follow the principles of Feng Shui teachings. TheFeng Shui Gartenbecomes a retreat of peace and relaxation. So that the positive energies can flow more easily, the areas should be designed openly. An Asian stone landscape can be in the center. A stone river made of raked gravel or a curved path made of pebble mosaic prevents the chi from flowing too quickly.


The paradisiacal element of water in the garden used to be a sign of luxury. Fountains, fountains and water features were only found in the houses of the nobility. Today, water features and small ponds are relatively easy to implement in German gardens. Space-saving potted ponds in particular are among the most popular trends.

Kleinerwaterfallmade of concrete

However, if you want a small waterfall in your own garden, you have several options to choose from. There are now ready-made sets and accessories such as a pump and pond basins on the market. The babbling of rivers is a pleasant background noise and can have a particularly relaxing effect.

Shabby chic andCottageGarten

There is a nostalgic touch that characterizes the latest trends. Shabby chic, country house and cottage garden are among the most popular styles that can also be used outdoors. Foxgloves, star umbels, peonies, café au lait dahlias are wonderful for the pretty cottage garden. Edible flowers such as violets, tulips and nasturtiums complete the overall picture perfectly and can decorate your salad.

Mix outAltand new

Choosing just one garden style and sticking to it tightly is passé, say designers. The successful mix of old and new can be seen more and more often indoors and is also well received in gardens. It's no longer about what is modern and what is classic, but rather how you combine the elements into a whole. Today you can also harmoniously integrate vintage furniture into a modern garden or vice versa.

Ornamental grassesin the garden

Ornamental grasses add vibrancy and texture to the garden. Their use was neglected for a long time, but today ornamental grasses play an indispensable role in garden design. Their advantages are obvious: they are decorative, easy to care for, hardy and impress with their beautiful growth and flower forms. When it comes to growth form, a distinction is made between:

  • clumpy growing ornamental grasses
  • overhanging ornamental grasses
  • and tightly upright growing ornamental grasses

It is important to note whether the grasses form runners or not. For stoloniferous grasses, it is recommended to use so-called rhizome barriers, which limit the underground growth of the plants.

DieMini gardensof the fairies

Homemade garden decorations remain trendy and allow garden owners to express their creativity. Mini gardens are also gaining popularity among hobby gardeners and are turning into exciting craft projects when the weather doesn't cooperate with traditional gardening. Mini gardens can be created in any shape and size imaginable.

Recyclingas a garden trend

Plants and flowers that can serve multiple purposes are gaining popularity these days. Eating herbs, fruits and vegetables from your own production is a pleasure that more and more people are appreciating. They thrive well in homemade raised beds on the balcony as well as in pots and jars. The most popular useful plants include:

  • Homemade remedies, teas and ointments can be made from herbs such as lavender, peppermint, lemon balm and marigold.
  • Natural dyes are made from eucalyptus, beetroot, onions and carrots, berries, spinach and hibiscus.
  • Plants that can be used as natural insect repellents include spearmint, chives, bay laurel, fennel, lavender and lemon balm.

Vertical herb gardens remain trendy