Pinterest garden ideas according to spring trends 2022

Many people are currently looking for Pinterest garden ideas to get inspired by the latest garden trends for 2022. If you are also an amateur gardener, you are probably already planning what youplant in springbecome. The pandemic has made emphasizing green spaces more important than ever for mental health. Whether it was a walk in the woods or a sunny spot in the backyard where you could catch some rays, the power of nature was essential.

Pinterest garden ideas for a balcony garden

Many avid gardeners plan for the spring equinox on the 20th.March her new garden design. So here's a look at the top spring gardening trends as predicted by Pinterest data. Whether you have a luxurious balcony or a rickety fire escape with a single container on it, patio gardens are one of the most popular gardening trends on Pinterest. With 964 boards dedicated to the high-flying trend, there are 265,259 pins specifically for this data.

This does theDesigning a balcony garden in springa popular trend. In addition, balcony gardens are ideal for city dwellers who do not have their own home with a garden. A terraced garden allows you to maximize small spaces. Such a small garden is also fairly easy to maintain, which is perfect if you are new to gardening.

Upcycling or recycling in the garden

The second most popular trend after Pinterest garden ideas is garden recycling, with 909 dedicated pinboards on the platform. The great thing about garden recycling is the universality of the trend. Maybe you let the eggshells from your daily breakfast dry and crush them in the soil for a tomato plant, or throw the coffee grounds into the flower pot of your leafy plant after breakfast.

However, it also goes beyond that. Some home gardeners use old furniture, such as dressers, to create unique planters and rustic flower benches for their garden. Such Pinterest garden ideas achieved a total of 233,247 pins on the internet platform's pin boards.

Create a wild garden

The top 3 is rounded off by the so-called “Wild Gardens” with 1000 pin boards on Pinterest. With 212,502 pins, wild gardens are moving away from obviously landscaped garden spaces towards relaxed, naturalistic garden designs without a strictly defined structure. Water features took fourth place with 177,929 pins, while “Wildlife Gardening,” which provides food and shelter for wildlife, rounded out the top five.

More Pinterest garden ideas and spring trends

The allotment garden in sixth place, followed by minimalist gardens in seventh and jewel tones in eighth, completed the list of spring gardens. With the world's leading trend researchers also reporting the magenta of flowering orchids as the color of the year for 2022, it's easy to see that most people are ready for a little splash of color after the winter break.

Furthermore, it looks like search engines are also following this trend. Google Trends, for example, shows a 190 percent increase in search volume for such shades last spring.

How this data was determined, experts scoured reputable publications to create a master list of popular spring gardening trends in February 2022. They identified the eight most important gardening trends and compared them with Pinterest using a web application. This allowed them to examine the number of boards for each trend while also extracting the exact number of pins from it.