Garden with shade plants – which types are suitable?

Shade areas are an important thing in a garden. And if you have or design a shady area in the garden, you will of course still want to be surrounded by green or even flowering plants. The problem here is that not everyonePlants feel comfortable in the shade. Even grass, for example, cannot thrive under a large tree and will die sooner or later. So the question arises as to which types of plants are suitable for youGarden with shade plantsshould choose. First of all, you should be aware that there is no plant that truly loves shade. Every single plant needs light to live. The difference is actually that some plants simply tolerate shade or partial shade better.

Garden with shade plants and blooming flowers

A garden with shade plants is not only possible, but also very easy to achieve. All you need are the right onesPlant. These include, among others, the so-called mesophytes. These are the plants that usually grow under trees in nature and therefore love a moderately humid environment. They are not too difficult to care for, but they need fertile soil with a higher acidity. However, this is an exceptionEvergreenand the fairy flowers.
In this article we would like to introduce you to a few plant species that are very suitable for a naturalGarden with shade plantssuitable.

Garden with shade plants from low plants

Garden with shade plants – hostas (Hosta)

This is a very popular plant among gardeners that is perfect for shade gardening. Not only does it look good with its large leaves, it also does well in the darkest shade. And the plants also delight every gardener with their pretty flowers. You have the choice between yellow and white. You can combine this plant with other species such as ferns, Astilbe or heart flowers (Dicentra/Lamprocapnos). But the hostas also look very impressive standing alone.

The hostas for shade in the garden are also available in yellow

Ferns – Using ferns for a garden with shade plants is so popular that it's hard to imagine a shade garden without them. They are characterized by their strong green colors and delicate leaf structure. The best way to highlight ferns is to plant them under a tree and in larger groups. The forest lady fern and the true worm fern (man fern) are particularly popular. But the bracken is also doing wellin the shady gardenvery good.

Blooming Shadow Hosta

Hostas with attractive leaves

For the shade garden, the thick-leaf bergenia (Bergenia crassifolia)

This plant is another variant for the garden with shade plants, but is also suitable for sunny places. A big advantage of this plant is that it is extremely undemanding and also retains its pretty leaves all year round, although they turn a reddish color in autumn. The bergenias look particularly good in combination with stone decorations, as well as with cranesbills (geranium), columbines (aquilegia) or ferns.

The bergenia for shade with interesting leaves

Plant bergenia under a tree in the garden

Garden with shade plants – evergreen (Vinca)

As the name suggests, this plant does not lose its leaves in autumn and winter (with some exceptions such as herbaceous periwinkle). It is mainly used to cover larger areas. In this way, you can, for example, add greenery to the bare ground beneath large trees and is therefore ideal for a garden with shade plants. The evergreen also impresses with its pretty flowers. These bloom in April and May and have a delicate color of purple with white accents.

Ground-creeping plant for the garden of purple flowers

Create the shade in the garden with evergreens

Garden with shade plants – magnificent spars (Astilbe)

You can also use the Prachspieren for the garden with shade plants. The species here are diverse, but they have one thing in common. They have colorful flowers. The difference is in the shapes, as well as their size and density. In the wild, the plant can be found under deciduous trees. For this reason they are suitable for such a location, as well as around bushes and shrubs. But the magnificent spars will also feel at home under conifers. It is best to combine them with ferns, hostas, irises, bergenias or cranesbills.

The plant for shade is a dark pink

Garden with shade plants – Columbines (Aquilegia)

This is a plant that needs partial shade in your garden with shade plants. If you have a pond, stream or other small body of water in your shade garden, columbines are the perfect choice for planting on the bank. The pretty flowers have a bell shape. If these are removed immediately after they have faded, you can even enjoy a second bloom each year. You can highlight their pretty leaves in the garden with shade plants by planting the plant near the bergenias, hostas or the large-leaved Caucasus forget-me-not (Вrunnera macrophyllа).

Garden with shade plants – St. John's wort (Hypericum calycinum)

St. John's wort is a dense, low-growing plant. It grows between 30 and 40 centimeters high. The leaves are light green and the flowers are yellow. An advantageous feature is that it grows quickly, so you can quickly enjoy lots of greenery in your garden with shade plants, as it is also perfect for covering larger areas. In addition, St. John's wort does not place any special demands on the soil. However, it should be moderately moist, which is why the plant feels comfortable even under low trees.

Garden with shade plants – large star umbel (Astrantia major)

The star umbel is another plant that is suitable for both yourGarden with shade plants asalso suitable for a sunny place. The plant produces abundant flowers between June and August, the shape of which is reminiscent of stars. It is a very pretty and delicate flower.

Garden with shade plants – fat man (Pachysandra terminalis)

If you are looking for an evergreen plant for your garden with shade plants, then the fat man is exactly the right choice. It is an uncomplicated and winter-hardy plant that is extremely rarely attacked by pests. The plant only gets its typical dark green leaves when it is in the shade. In addition, the plant does not need to be fertilized and it covers the ground. In this way, it is the perfect replacement for lawns, which, as already mentioned, cannot thrive in the shade.

Bushes and shrubs for the garden with shade plants

In order to maintain harmony and a natural atmosphere in your garden with shade plants, you also need bushes and shrubs in addition to flowering plants and grasses. Of course, not all types are suitable here either. For this reason, we have put together a few examples for you in this category that are perfect for your garden with shade plants.

Garden with shade plants – Red dogwood (Cornus sanguine)

This shrub impresses in several ways. On the one hand, its branches are red in color and form a beautifully branching crown. In autumn, the shrub also produces pretty red fruits that are the size of a pea. Another special feature is that the light green, elongated leaves also turn an attractive red color in autumn, adding color to your garden with shade plants.

Garden with shade plants – Tatar honeysuckle (Lonicerа tatarica)

This shrub as a variant for the garden with shade plants produces flowers in a light pink between May and June that last up to a month. The honeysuckle grows between two and three meters high and is suitable for planting in groups as well as as a single accent.

Garden with shade plants – Common Mahonia (Маhonia aguifolium)

The mahonia is a bush that grows to around 1.5 meters high and blooms in a beautiful yellow. These appear at the beginning of the season and give off a wonderful scent. Black-blue fruits then appear again. With this bush you can decorate the garden with shade plants under the trees, as it feels comfortable in the shade.

Garden with shade plants – cinnamon raspberry (Rubus odoratus)

This impressive shrub for the garden with shade plants grows up to 3 meters tall. In June it produces flowers up to 5 cm in size, which are purple in color and also have a pleasant scent. The fruits, in turn, have an almost round shape and red color with a diameter of one centimeter. However, these are rather small in number. However, the leaves turn yellow in autumn.

Lianas for the garden with shade plants

Garden with shade plants – pipe flowers (Aristolochia)

This liana is a good option if you are looking for something that grows quickly for your garden with shade plants. Their flowers are particularly impressive. These have a cup shape and an interesting dark purple color. The leaves are also extremely interesting. In addition to their heart shape, they not only consist of a green color (in the upper part). Towards the bottom you get a blue-green color. The plant can grow between 8 and 10 meters high. However, it should only be chosen by experienced gardeners as it is very demanding.

Garden with shade plants – round-leaved tree shrike (Celastrus orbiculata)

This liana can also grow up to 10 meters tall and grows extremely quickly. The special thing about their dark green leaves is that they turn a pretty yellow-orange color in autumn. The tree shrike is therefore ideal as a decorative plant in your garden with shade plants to decorate walls, a pergola or wall.