The best plants for stabilizing slopes would be those groundcovers and shrubs that are strong, beautiful to look at and have a root system strong enough to hold the soil on the slope and minimize soil erosion. They should have widely spread foliage to mitigate the speed of heavy rain hitting the ground. You should also be as unappetizing as possible to animals that could eat you. We have put together some plants for you that meet these criteria and are therefore very suitable for the purpose. If possible, choose your plants based on both appearance and practicality. Even the most beautiful plant will end up disappointing you if it doesn't grow in the right environment. Of course, you should also consider whether you want low-maintenance plants in your garden or whether you are willing to spend a little more time and effort for the sake of beauty.
Plants for securing slopes: 10 plants that secure the ground on slopes
If your property is hilly or you have steep slopes in the garden, it is important to stabilize the soil and minimize soil erosion. Certain plants are very suitable for this because they strengthen the soil on slopes due to the nature, structure and growth style of their roots. Also consider the properties of the property and compare with the needs of the plant. For example, whether it needs more sun or can cope with a shady or partially shady spot.
Plants for securing slopes: creeping juniper, ground cover that loves the sun
The creeping juniper, Juniperus horizontales, is a ground cover that requires a sunny spot. It is hardy and is recommended for zones 3 – 9. It remains rather small in size at up to approx. 50 cm, but reaches a width of up to 1.5 meters. It grows very densely and flatly. This evergreen plant adds color to your garden all year round. TheRoot system formssubterranean interconnections, which help to bind and strengthen the stability of the soil on slopes. It is attractive and offers a romantic garden look in summer as well as in winter. What also makes the plant likeable is the fact that it is non-toxic and therefore poses no danger to pets or even children.
Ground cover against soil erosion: Small evergreen, Vinca Minor
In contrast to the juniper, the small evergreen is a ground cover plant that can also tolerate shade. It remains quite small at 7 to 15 cm and, as the name suggests, is also evergreen. The plant thrives in zones 4 to 8 and forms a very dense carpet. Another advantage of the beautifully flowering ground cover is that it is very insensitive to drought, which makes it very resistant. The flowering period is mainly in May and June, with re-blooming possible until late September. However, you must note that this plant, which comes from the dogpoison family, is poisonous to pets.
Forsythia, the golden lilac bush
Although the golden lilac is not a ground cover but a bush, it grows very well on sloping slopes. It is perennial, grows in zones 4 – 8 and is quite large at 1.2 to 1.8 meters. But don't let this put you off, because the plants can develop deep root systems and thus consolidate the soil on the slope. Even if it has to grow sideways, it will still feel comfortable on slopes because they can't harm the plant. Where the hanging branches touch the ground, they form roots that are very strong and penetrate deep into the ground, holding it back. This is how you behave as a ground cover and stabilize the slope. The golden lilac blooms beautifully in yellow in spring.
Plants for securing slopes: Japanese Ysander, the fat man
The Japanese Ysander, Pachisandra terminalis, like the creeping juniper, is an evergreen, rather small, leafy plant measuring up to 30 cm. It is a small shrub that grows very densely and forms a carpet. If you have little patience and want to see quick results in the garden, you could choose this ground cover. The plant creeps and grows quickly into a carpet. Its roots also form a coherent tissue, which strengthens the soil structure andsoil erosion on steep slopesminimized. Although the plant produces dainty small white flowers from April to May, it is more noticeable for its lush green foliage. The leaves are leathery, rich green, grow profusely and will undoubtedly decorate your garden. The Japanese Ysander grows in partial shade to shade. The Ysander requires little time and care and is quite undemanding. Be careful, it is poisonous! So if you often have pets and small children visiting your garden, you should keep this in mind.
Spotted dove nettle, Lamium maculatum
The spotted deadnettle has beautiful serrated leaves and small flowers. Its leaves are silvery in color and it produces white, pink or purple flowers in May, June and July. The plant forms a clump and grows in width rather than height. It reaches a height of around 15 cm and is twice as wide. It is fragrant, particularly liked by bumblebees and attracts them andother beneficial insectsto. A semi-shady to shady place is well suited for the plant. In winter you don't need to worry about the plant because it is hardy and can withstand temperatures of minus 30 degrees. Zones 4 to 8 are suitable for planting.
Lilientraube, Liriope spicata
The lily grape, which appears to be an ornamental grass or also known as the eared bell grape, actually comes from the asparagus family. The perennial, growing to around 30 cm tall, is suitable for zones 4 – 10 and feels comfortable there. They grow well in partial shade and beautify the slope in your garden with their beautifully bright violet to purple flowering spikes. The flowering period is late summer to early autumn in August, September and October. The perennial forms a carpet cushion and a clump of plants. Thanks to this structure, the soil on slopes is held together well.
Black snakebeard, Ophiopogen planiscapus Nigrescens
The black snake's beard is an ornamental grass that grows well in partial shade to shade. It is easy to care for and requires little time. Pruning is not absolutely necessary for the plant. Over time, the grass-like leaves form tufts that do not require mowing. Small flowers in white and pink appear in summer. They are reminiscent of small grape hyacinths. Small berries form as fruits, but they are very inconspicuous and have a pure appearancehave decorative value, therefore not suitable for eating. They are very good at controlling soil erosion and are not fond of being attacked by wildlife. The color of the foliage can vary between blue, green, purple and burgundy-red. The zones in which it grows well and perennially are 6 – 10.
Plants for securing slopes: Carpet phlox, Phlox subulata
The carpet phlox or also known as upholstery phlox is a carpet-forming, dense ground cover. This rug steals every show when it blooms with the brilliant colors of its flowers. Flower colors can be purple, blue, white, pink and multicolored, heralding spring in April and blooming until around June. The cushion phlox grows up to 15 cm high and loves sunny to partially shaded places in zones 3 to 9. The carpet phlox is a bee-friendly plant and there is a lively, buzzing atmosphere in the field. Other good properties of the plant are that it is hardy and also wintergreen, so it always provides fresh color in the garden. The dense growth and the equally dense root system bind the soil to slopes, stabilize it and counteract soil erosion.
Teufelsfarn, Osmunda claytoniana
If you prefer a wild plant with rich color to fortify a steep, shady slope in the garden, the devil fern, also known as crown fern, from the royal fern family, could be the right choice. It grows up to 90 cm tall in zones 3 to 8. It is excellent for strengthening soil and minimizing erosion. The plant tolerates wet soil and is therefore suitable for a moist slope. The plant is very long-lived and requires little care. The sprawling foliage has a juicy green color. The crown fern forms clumps and spreads widely, so only around 2 plants are needed per square meter. Cutting back the stems in autumn is beneficial for the plant. It is hardy down to around minus 35 degrees Celsius.
Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster horizontalis
The cotoneaster is a small bush that is among the most suitable bushes for the purpose of stabilizing slopes. It comes from the rose family and is suitable for zones 5 to 7. If you're looking for something that doesn't grow too tall, this minibush could be the right choice for you. It is only 90 cm high, but spreads widely in width. The roots also grow wider and thus stabilize the soil structure on slopes. Another property of the plant is its ability to form roots where the branches come into contact with the ground. The autumnal color and the red berries ensure a colorful and attractive look. Small pink or white flowers can be seen in June and in autumn until well into December, the fiery red berries decorate the branches of the fan-shaped small bush. A sunny to partially shaded spot is best suited where the ground cover can develop its roots and strengthen the slope.