Planting and caring for an apple tree: step-by-step instructions and tips for proper cultivation

Harvesting apples from your own tree in the garden is a blessing! And apple trees are easy to grow, even for small gardens. You will learn how to plant and care for an apple tree from this article!

Apples are healthy and delicious and everyone loves the delicious fruits. We explain step-by-step how you can grow your own tree and how to properly care for it. You can opt for small varieties if you don't have enough space in the garden. In any case, an apple tree is a beautiful addition to any outdoor area! Read on!

When can you plant an apple tree

Apple trees can be planted from spring to autumn. However, the best time for planting is autumn. This is when the trees grow best because the weather is not too hot and the trees have enough time to root well until spring. Be aware that if you plant an apple tree, you will need a second tree nearby as a pollinator.

Follow these steps to properly plant your apple tree:

  • Choose a suitable location. Apple trees need full sun to develop well.
  • A well-drained soil is also recommended. Poorly drained soil leads to root rot.
  • Make sure there is sufficient air circulation to avoid creating conditions for fungal diseases.
  • Before planting, remove all weeds and grass in a circle with a diameter of 1 m.
  • Prepare the soil by loosening it. Add organic material such as: B. compost.
  • If the roots have dried out, soak them in water about 24 hours before planting.
  • Dig a hole no deeper than the roots but three times as wide as the root system.
  • Don't forget to insert a stake to support the tree as it grows.
  • Return some of the loose soil to the hole and loosen the soil on the walls of the planting hole so that the roots can easily penetrate the soil. Spread the roots carefully so that they are not twisted or compressed.
  • Begin covering the roots with soil by compacting the soil.

Important note: Do not add fertilizer at the time of planting or you may burn the roots.

  • Make sure that the grafting point should be at least 10 cm above the surface of the soil so that the roots cannot emerge from the scion.
  • Attach the apple tree to the stake.
  • Water well.

How to care for your apple tree

Young trees needregular watering. If necessary, cut out the fruit in mid-summer so that the apples ripen well and the branches do not break. For proper development you shouldthin out to 1-2 fruits every 15 cm. Remove dead, diseased, crossing, chafing, weak or damaged branches with a sharp saw.

When do you harvest?When the fruits come off the tree very easily, they are ready to harvest. You can store your fruits for a certain period of time. Late season fruits last up to 6 months.Cutnormal apple trees in winter and cordon, espalier and fan apples in summer.

Pay attention to important growing conditions

Apple trees need at least 8 hours of sun per day during the growing season. Therefore, make sure to plant your tree in a sunny location. Two varieties are required for successful pollination; one of which may be a crabapple. Dwarf apple trees begin to bear fruit 2 to 3 years after planting, so you need to be patient. And standard size trees can take up to 8 years to bear fruit. Prune the trees annually,so that the apple trees remain healthy and productive. The trees love well-drained soil so that the roots develop well and there is no waterlogging. Some varieties are more susceptible to pests and diseases than others, so research which varieties are suitable for where you live.

Specific care after months

Apple trees require different care in different seasons. Here we give you the most important work that you should do so that the trees grow well.

  • March – Prune existing trees before growth begins, after the coldest weather has passed. This is how you stimulate new growth.
  • April, May – Plant bare root trees as soon as the soil can be worked. Wait until there is no longer any danger of frost.
  • April, May – If last year's growth was less than 6 inches, apply compost around the base of the tree.
  • May, June – As soon as the flower buds turn pink, you shouldPay attention to symptoms of insects and diseases.
  • May to October – Water trees regularly.
  • June, July – Remove the smallest apples to encourage larger fruit.
  • August to October – harvest
  • October, November – Collect, compost or dispose of fallen leaves and fruit.
  • Wrap November tree to prevent winter damage.
  • November to March – Watch out for damage from deer and voles; if necessary, put a fence around the tree.

Which varieties are suitable for garden cultivation

Here are some of the most well-known varieties in Germany that are well suited for garden cultivation:

  • Topaz: This is one of the most popular varieties: the fruits are sweet and juicy.
  • Berlepsch: The fruits are particularly suitable for storage.
  • Pinova: This is a very easy-care variety that hardly requires any pruning. This variety is particularly productive.
  • Joachim Gauck: This variety has large fruits and is resistant to apple scab and mildew.
  • Red Cloud: It is a pretty autumn variety with reddish leaves, yellow fruits and red flesh.
  • Boskop: The fruits have a sour taste and can be stored for a long time.

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