Nowadays, ground cover plants are becoming more and more important and are more often used in the garden as a lawn replacement. Ground cover refers to low-growing perennial plants that cover the ground widely and densely like a carpet. Unfortunately, not all plants tolerate heavy foot traffic. In today's article you will find out which of them are considered walkable ground cover plants. Examples of this are carpet verbena, the evergreen hazelwort, some species of nettle, horn-fruited wood sorrel, star moss, thyme, Roman chamomile, pinnate, pennywort and cotoneaster.
Durable carpet verbena from Japan
A Japanese garden wonder is the carpet verbena Summer Pearls (Phyla nodiflora). The plant does not require any mowing, so it can be used in a variety of ways in the garden. Phyla nodiflora is particularly suitable as a lawn replacement. It blooms between May and October and copes equally well with dryness and wetness. The plant has small, round, white-pink inflorescences that bloom until the first frost. They don't grow more than five centimeters high, so the lawn mower is unnecessary. The perennial grows extremely quickly and can cover an area of approximately one square meter in just a few months. With its slightly sweet scent, the carpet verbena is perfect for the lawn in the garden.