Walkable ground cover as a lawn replacement: 10 suitable plants

Yellow sorrel as a suitable lawn replacement

Horn-fruited wood sorrel is a very attractive weed that is suitable as a walkable ground cover. It comes from Asian countries and was brought to continental Europe and is therefore often found in our gardens and meadows. As the name suggests, wood sorrel likes slightly acidic soil and is often found between joints. Despite its attractive appearance, this weed should only be used with caution in your own garden.

The leaves are heart-shaped and red, while the small flowers are yellow. The flowering period covers the period between May and September, but the plant is in peak season in June. Wood sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) is a seed and root weed. For this reason, combating it is complicated. The plant forms runners that spread and multiply rapidly. Fighting them usually requires a lot of effort and is sometimes only possible with chemical agents.