Beer as a fertilizer for plants and lawns

If you're looking for inexpensive and sustainable plant nutrients, stale beer could prove to be a fertilizer for plants. After a summer party in the garden, there is often a pile of half-empty beer bottles, the contents of which you can use as nutrient-rich fertilizer. Two ingredients in beer, yeast and carbohydrates, seem to promote the idea that watering crops with beer plant fertilizer has some benefit to plant growth. The popular drink also consists of around 90 percent water. Since plants need water, it logically seems like a clever idea to nourish them with it. Here is some useful information that can help you with your gardening.

Why beer is suitable as a fertilizer for plants

The idea of ​​using beer on plants has been around for a while, possibly as long as the drink itself. The question is, can it plant andMake lawns grow betteror is this method just an old wives' tale? This works best for home brews because you end up with a thin layer of yeast at the bottom of each bottle. However, you can also use commercial beer brands for this. Additionally, the acid in beer can still act against pests, while sugar and yeast add beneficial soil microbes that support plant growth.

However, watering plants with beer can sometimes be a somewhat expensive option, even if you don't use an import or microbrewery. Plain old water is still the best and cheapest watering option, although a splash of soda water is also said to speed up plant growth.

The whole thing sounds like a possible project for a group of frat boys looking for something to do with the leftover beer keg in the courtyard or garden. However, the method is also suitable for hobby gardeners who have no prior knowledge.

Add beer leftovers to the compost

Beer is packed with beneficial bacteria, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These nutrients work well together to help garden plants thrive. It's a great, zero-waste solution for gardening and can save you money on plant care byRemove expensive fertilizers from your shopping list. Additionally, the drink can be a great addition to your compost.

If you've ever wondered what food scraps might end up in your compost pile, some unexpected foods like beer could really help your garden thrive. Beer and wine are great for composting. The yeast, nitrogen and ammonia in these drinks are a great starter to speed up the process. Using old beer is much cheaper than using a store-bought product.

Beer as a fertilizer for plants that are more demanding

If you've ever tried growing tomato plants, you know that you need to add a lot of nutrients to the varieties sold to make them thrive. ManyGardeners recommend Epsom saltfor the magnesium that plants like tomatoes need to grow. Thanks to the magnesium and other nutrients, you can use beer as fertilizer for tomatoes, potatoes, and other hungry plants in your garden. You can dump the beer directly at the base of these plants to make them produce more fruit.

Use beer as lawn fertilizer

If you need an all-purpose garden fertilizer for your lawn as well, beer is a great gardening option. You can use a garden sprayer, such as those often used for pest control, or grab an attachment for your garden hose to spray as you water your lawn and garden. Beer also helpsImprove garden soil. Simply collect the sediment in a container. If you have enough, you can pour some into a spray bottle and spray the solution on areas of your lawn that have turned brown or are not growing well. The beer fertilizer helps the affected grass to grow back more completely.

Make a snail trap with beer

Slugs can impact your garden by feeding on your leafy plants. This can be devastating to a group of vegetables or herbs. Therefore, let them crawl directly into a container filled with beer. The aroma attracts them and they drown in the liquid. In addition, beer can be an effective pest repellent. Simply bury a container level with the soil and fill it with beer. Snails love it and the fermenting yeast. The trap attracts and “holds” them, which can benefit your plants. However, you will need to check the snail traps frequently, possibly daily.

Attract butterflies and bees with beer

While you can use beer as a fertilizer for plants and control pests with it, it can alsoattract valuable pollinators and insects. For example, by attracting butterflies, you can use beer for garden growth and more fruit. Try placing a pan of this attractive meal for insects in your garden and watch them come from far away. It's not just butterflies that like beer. If you've ever sat outside with a cold beer on a hot day, you know that bees are prone to this too. To sustain yourself, create a feeding station for the bees. To do this, create a shallow bowl with pebbles and stones so that the valuable insects cannot drown. Pour beer into the bowl and leave the top of the pebbles dry so the bees have a safe place to land.