Identify and destroy creeping weeds in the lawn: Use these tips to combat dandelions, thistles and millet

Creeping weeds in the lawn are an absolute nightmare for every amateur gardener. However, if you can correctly identify the type of weed, you can also fight it. To save yourself a lot of effort and worry, you should check the lawn in spring.

If you see yellow weeds in your lawn, they are most likely dandelions. The herbaceous plant has ovate, strongly lobed leaves and brightyellow flowers, which are edible by the way. As with all other weeds, you should act as quickly as possible. Best in spring.

Destroy dandelions:Unlike other grasses, you cannot stop the spread of dandelions by scarifying them in spring. The plant recovers quickly from pruning and produces flowers again. It's better to cut them out. If you find individual plants, you can pour boiling water over them. You should repeat this process twice a day until the plant wilts.

Alternatively, you can make your own solution of vinegar and water. It is best to first find out from the local authorities whether the use of this home remedy is even permitted. Otherwise you risk a fine. If its use is approved, then you can (but really in very rare exceptional cases) use apple cider vinegar with 15% acidity and mix it with water in a 1 to 1 ratio. Then spray directly on the leaves and above-ground parts of the plant. But under no circumstances should you pour the vinegar solution directly into the soil. If thePlant leaves yellow-brownthen this is a sure sign that the plant has died. It is definitely better to use approved commercial weed control products.

Weeds with small yellow flowers: fight horn sorrel

The horn sorrel is recognizable by its small yellow flowers. These are already formed in mid to late April. It spreads quickly and only becomes noticeable when it is already too late. If you recognize individual plants in the lawn, you can scarify the lawn, depending on its conditionthe Boden chaliceand reseed. Fertilize the lawn generously so that it can grow thickly. Water the grass thoroughly to speed up growth. Wood sorrel cannot tolerate a lot of moisture. If these measures do not help, you will have to completely remove the old lawn and sow again.

Identify creeping weeds in the lawn: Field thistle has purple flowers

The field thistle is a perennial plant that spreads very quickly. Therefore, you should fight them in time. The thistle has an upright habit, spiny, elliptical leaf edges andpink flowers, which then turn purple. The plants have long root shoots and therefore cannot be easily plucked out.

Destroy thistle:Aerate the lawn. The weeds spread much more slowly in loose and airy soil. The second step is to cut the plants close to the ground. You should dispose of the plant remains immediately to prevent them from spreading in the garden. Repeat the process and cut the above-ground plant parts close to the ground another 3-4 times to weaken the weeds. Then you can carefully dig out the roots.

Identify creeping weeds in the lawn: This is how you can destroy ragweed

Ragweed is a plant with hairy stems and pinnate leaves. The weed produces its flowers in summer. They contain pollen that can cause allergies. In this country that iscreeping weedsprimarily known as a field weed, but it is now spreading in small gardens, especially in the southern parts of the country.

Pulling out the plants proves to be an effective and environmentally friendly measure. To protect yourself from pollen and prevent allergies, you should wear the appropriate protective clothing. These include, among other things, old gloves (which should then be disposed of) and a dust mask.

Millet in the lawn: the blood millet

Blood millet is an annual grass that reproduces by seeds. These can remain in the soil for up to three years before germinating. So even if you haven't had weeds in your lawn in recent years, you should check the lawn in spring to be on the safe side. You can recognize it by its bright green blades of grass and its typical growth (which resembles a crab). The weed prefers soil with a high sand content.

Destroy blood millet:Be sure to scarify the lawn. Purple millet can recover well after pruning, so if you find large plants in the lawn, be sure to remove them.

Reseed the lawn as necessary to prevent weeds from growing. Then fertilize the grass regularly and water during long dry periods. Liming could possibly have a positive effect. Typically, if the lawn is dense enough then it will also inhibit weed growth.

In the worst case scenario, you can use chemical products from specialist retailers for pre-emergence and post-emergence control. However, get thorough advice on this from the garden center.