Nitrophoska is the trade name of the mineral fertilizer commonly known as blue grain fertilizer in the garden. BASF was the first to develop this mineral complex fertilizer and call it a complete fertilizer. The brand name was created from the first parts of the three main nutrients nitrate, phosphate and potassium. This artificial fertilizer is mainly suitable for agriculture, but hobby gardeners also use it in horticulture. However, the substance's controversial impact on the environment has sparked much debate. Here are some tips and information about its properties that might help you use it on lawns and plants.
How the chemical blue grain becomes fertilizer in the garden
Blue grain is a synthetic fertilizer that is very controversial among hobby gardeners. Therefore, if you want to use it in the garden, you should pay particular attention to its composition. Almost every gardener has probably come into contact with it at some point. While some people don't want to do without the complex fertilizer, others argue about its effectiveness, especially when it comes to particularly dependent exotics. The fact is that mostPlants need fertilizationto thrive. You can only do without additional fertilizer if the soil is nutrient-rich. Otherwise, the hobby gardener has to decide for himself whether it needs to be blue-grain fertilizer, which is often used in commercial horticulture. In addition, it is recommended to find out in advance what this composition consists of.
What is blue grain fertilizer and how is it used?
Blaukorn is a chemically produced complete fertilizer that is commercially available as granules or in liquid form. The small beads are colored blue, hence the product name. Since blue grain fertilizer (blue fertilizer for short) is a universal fertilizer, it can be used by everyoneGarden and potted plants are usedcome. Theoretically, you can also use it for lawn care, but extreme care is required here. If too much fertilizer spreads, it can affect your lawn. If you want to fertilize your plants with it, make sure that no piles of manure form. If you overdose, the plant can be damaged right down to the roots. Therefore, you should use it sparingly, with less meaning more. You can also dilute the liquid blue grain fertilizer with water. You can find the mixing ratio on the bottle label. Fertilization between March and October would be best in granular or liquid form. However, the ideal time is spring (March to May) as the temperatures are not so high and it rains more often.
What composition does Blaukorn fertilizer offer in the garden?
Blue grain is a complex fertilizer because it consists of several main nutrients. The exact composition varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. In expert circles, Blaukorn is also referred to as NPK fertilizer (N for nitrogen, P for phosphorus, K for potassium) due to its ingredients. Depending on the manufacturer, the blue grain also contains growth-promoting trace elements. The combination 12.12.17 + 2 is practically the standard composition of Blaukorn for such a complete fertilizer. This means as follows: nitrogen 12% (nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen), phosphate 12% (water soluble), potassium 17%, magnesium 2%. There are now many different compositions on the market, with combinations such as 14 + 7 + 17 + 2 or 21 + 5 + 10 (+ 3 + 6) being possible. In addition to magnesium, the latter also contains sulfur. By the way, non-name products are available for around one euro per kilogram, but for branded products you have to dig deeper into your pockets.
Is blue corn poisonous?
The fact is that blue grain is an artificial fertilizer and is therefore not comparable to compost. If you want to use your garden exclusively ecologically, blue grain has no place there. You should also not fertilize with blue grain if children are playing in the garden or pets are free to roam there. When it comes to berries, blueberries ensure a high yield due to their composition. So if you want to get a rich harvest, you can use this fertilizer. The blue fertilizer is therefore beneficial for the growth of plants and puts a strain on themSoil valuesrelatively little. If you fertilize too much and too often with blue grain, it can even happen that the soil becomes completely oversaturated with potassium and phosphate.
➤ Attention: Do not confuse blue grain with the similar-looking snail grain! In addition, you should never apply blue grain fertilizer to an organic garden.
How you can apply blue grain fertilizer to the garden
The blue grain granules are applied or ejected by hand. You should definitely wear gloves when doing this. When fertilizing plants, you should make sure that the soil is as dry as possible. After fertilizing, you must then water the relevant areas well. The same applies to lawns. If you want to fertilize potted plants with blue grain, it is best to use the liquid version or dissolve the granules in water. In addition, Blaukorn should be kept out of the reach of children. Also make sure that your pets do not drink from the saucers of fertilized plants. The intensity of the dosage naturally depends on the individual needs of the plant (e.g. the growth phases in spring, fruit formation in early summer, etc.). As a rule, however, a thin scattering of beads on the floor of the system is sufficient.
➤ Tip: If you want to plant fresh plants in the bed in spring or autumn, you can fertilize the soil with blue grain for at least two, or better yet, four weeks. Then you can use the plants after the rest period in the very nutrient-rich soil. However, instead of blue grain, it would be recommended to work with horn shavings rather than nutrients in the planting hole.
Which plants should be fertilized with blue grain?
The blue grain fertilizer is particularly suitable for evergreen plants. However, if your garden always appears pale and flowerless, blue grain can counteract this process. The fertilizer contains minerals and trace elements that are absorbed by the plants through their roots. Due to the high nutrient concentration, blue grain should only be used in open areas. Use for houseplants is only necessary and sensible in exceptional cases, as the high dosage would destroy the sensitive roots of the potted plants. The industrial fertilizer works wonders in the garden in terms of growth and robustness. Evergreen plants in particular benefit from the nutrients, which is particularly true for lawns. Evergreens include plant varieties such as rhododendron, boxwood, laurel tree and taxus.
Treat lawns with blue grain fertilizer in the garden
Appropriate fertilization can only take place if the lawn is completely free of thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead grass blades and other clippings. This layer can be several centimeters thick and prevents the fertilizer from seeping into the soil. Unlike fertilizer, air and water cannot penetrate the straw layer. Therefore, it is important to remove the straw layer. This is done by scarifying. You should carry out gardening work like this once a year between March and April. Agood scarifiercuts the thatch neatly out of the ground. You should be careful not to attack the turf. You can also easily rent or buy a lawn scarifier from any hardware store.